Tohaa Maya News

Discussion in 'IC [In-Character]' started by Wizzy, Aug 31, 2023.

  1. Wizzy

    Wizzy Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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    **Greetings. This is Wizzy, comman- ummn... excuse me my translator is interfering, reporter, reporter tohaa in the Human Sphere.

    I have some important news to share with you. The tohaa newspaper has just broadcast a special report on the imminent danger of destroying Concilium once again. The report reveals crucial information about the enemy's approach. It also gives us advice on how to prepare for battle, strengthen our alliance with humans and protect our future.

    I invite you to watch this report without delay. It could change the course of war. It could change the course of history. It could change the course of our destiny.

    To access the report, click on the link below. It will lead you to the tohaa newspaper website, where you can stream the video. But hurry, because every minute we fail to prepare for the Combined Army will mean thousands of lives lost.

    Here's the link:

    Don't miss this unique opportunity to learn about the current situation. Don't miss this unique opportunity to get involved in the resistance. Don't miss this unique opportunity to fight for freedom.

    Wizzy, reporter, over.**
  2. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    As a matter of fact and truth, I would like to state that these words were taken out of their context, and I do not endorse the way this holo program uses records made in the intimacy of my room too, this is a clear violation of privacy of an High Executive of the Concilium Command!
    Danger Rose, Wizzy and MorriganCorax like this.
  3. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Okay we understand Lady Numiria....but also you are not wrong.
  4. Drunkergnom

    Drunkergnom Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2019
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    O, found you. I have an idea about total mobilization of locals based of Rokot units. It will be cheaper than feed them for free.
  5. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    Wizzy, Danger Rose and theGricks like this.
  6. Drunkergnom

    Drunkergnom Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2019
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    O, old tradition of hiding head in sand. Still friendly reminder - only total mobilization will win war of survival. And yep - this war is example of that type of war. And if Humanity will lose it - it will be O-12 guilty.
  7. Wizzy

    Wizzy Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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    Newsflash: The Trident is launching a pheromonal appeal to all Tohaa players to join the Warconsole, Phase 1 has begun and there’s no more than a single month left for you to write the history of the Human Sphere! Aye, fight and you may die in this campaign. Run and you’ll live, at least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here on Concilium and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take our freedom!

    #7 Wizzy, Oct 3, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2023
    theGricks likes this.
  8. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    By "Trident" wouldn't you mean "Spiral Treacherous Corp" instead? In no way you can make us believe said poor Tohaa soldiers you abandonned on our soil will agree into following such blatant lies. You should be ashamed as a Warcor to not uphold the truth and play with the lives of your fellows!
    Wizzy likes this.
  9. Wizzy

    Wizzy Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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    Breaking News: Terrifying images have appeared on our tohaa media of serious human rights abuses against Omns reportedly being perpetrated on Okolnir. Our reporters are currently investigating to identify the instigators of these abuses.


  10. Wizzy

    Wizzy Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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    Announcing the end of Phase 1, here's the conclusion we can draw for the moment (note the error of time zone to use to announce the times ;D ).

    Breaking News

    We learn that a new phase in the conflict known as Shattergrounds is starting earlier than expected.

    From what we know of the information collected to date :

    - The Bhai site, owned by Haqqislam, has been maintained thanks to a special humanitarian operation set up in collaboration with a number of countries, enabling the site's assets to be secured and valuable humanitarian aid to be provided to the refugees pouring in from all directions. Operations are still being carried out by the Waqf al-Badawi, which was mobilized for this operation.

    - We have also learned that finally, the labor dispute raging on the Okolnir fishing site has turned against PanOceania, which has had to allow Ariadnean security forces to establish a permanent beachhead on almost 45% of the site's surface in order to regroup their expatriates who were serving there as forced labor for PanOceanian corporations. We do not yet know whether PanOceania will have the strength to assert its claims for compensation against Ariadna in the courts of Concilium.

    - We are also stunned to learn that Yu Jing has had to relinquish the presidency of the conglomerate governing the Huaqiao site after a merciless duel with Independent Japan. Nevertheless, this victory for Japan remains very fragile, as the two parties each own almost a third of the site's surface area, and the situation could change very quickly over the next few months, giving way to a very tense local cold war.

    - On the Lorena side, ALEPH has been able to maintain almost 50% of the area under its priority directive, but we can only deplore the fact that the Nomads have lost influence and that the Combined Army has established a strong presence in almost a third of the Bois Bleu Gate locality, which could have a negative impact on luxury tourism and property values. Our economic analysts are particularly anxious about the effects this could have on Concilium's economy, as a real estate crisis could arise if the bubble in this golden region were to collapse.

    - Concerning the case of the nomads' dolphin pilots on the Montalban site, we are greatly relieved to learn that they have been liberated after vigorous action by the nomads' army, who were able to take possession of the site to enable them to be located and freed. PanOceania still holds 40% of the site, which is essentially composed of storage and administrative areas that were of no interest to the nomads in their search, and now that the negotiations of their liberation are closed we can assume that a de-escalation could take place between the two powers with the nomads' withdrawal.

    - The most critical subject now is that, despite the considerable efforts of the QCC, the Quantum Containment Coalition, the Combined Army, in alliance with the O-12, has managed to take possession of part of the Rhodan spaceport in the capital of Edda, Although this presence has been maintained at a marginal level on almost a third of its surface, the fact that the O-12 seems to be collaborating with the UR Hegemony means that its 14% share of assets on this site must be added to them, which means that the Combined Army has a direct or indirect presence on almost 43% of the site, which could pose serious air safety problems.
    On a positive note, thanks to the contribution of the small Tohaa force, an area equivalent to that of the O-12 or the Haqqislam was preserved from the influence of Emissary Chadwick's forces, to the benefit of the QCC. Had time been given to the Coalition, who knows if the situation might not have been changed for the safety of the Human Sphere.

    As far as we know, this part of the conflict is currently frozen, and negotiations are due to start shortly with more information and definitive details on the finality of the events that may have taken place and what they presuppose.
  11. Quiet Professional

    Quiet Professional HI enthusiast

    Jul 16, 2023
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    Thanks for the news update.
    Wizzy likes this.
  12. Dujiaoshu

    Dujiaoshu unsporting Druze

    Mar 22, 2023
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    The Universal Warcors Union (UWU) thanks you for your continued effort, especially in this difficult times where out esteemed colleagues are always in such a danger, much like the esteemed MacMahogany, with an illegal bounty on his head, and the misteryous disappearance of Naa-Cee-El, the part time gossip reporter Who infamously disappeared a few days ago after scooping the Nourkias and Numiria story

  13. Wizzy

    Wizzy Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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    Warlore was spotted!
    #13 Wizzy, Oct 13, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2023
  14. Wizzy

    Wizzy Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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    Breaking News: Sounds of dissent among O-12 commanders




  15. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    *Closes TV broadcast*

    Someone, find me that Lt.Cuddles Peacemaker Corps representative agent! It seems Tohaa went bad, we need new fresh supplies from the grocery store...
  16. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    *stares at screen*

    *gasps in Arabic*
  17. Wizzy

    Wizzy Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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  18. Danger Rose

    Danger Rose The Wrecking Belles

    Nov 23, 2017
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    *dies laughing in Arabic*
    Wizzy, StephanDahl and theGricks like this.
  19. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    *O-12 Overlord, watching the news:*

  20. Wizzy

    Wizzy Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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    reportage tohaa fin shattergrounds eng.jpg
    In general, the majority of nations have maintained their original positions in order to consolidate their gains from Phase 1.


    We can note that the union conflict opposing the panoceania corporations to Ariadnan workers and detached security forces, was resolved totally in favor of Ariadna, which took control of local maritime traffic.
    This was not without its problems, as there were later reports of numerous exactions by alleged ariadnan smugglers, including the looting of a yujingyu yacht belonging to a high-ranking dignitary. However, the ariadna command collaborated with Aleph and Haqqislam to help bring humanitarian supplies to refugees in Bhai.
    Given the relationship between O12 and Ariadna, it is therefore unlikely that Panoceania will obtain compensation for its commercial losses in the Concilium courts.

    We've also seen Panoceania withdraw from this site, leaving half of it to the Nomads forces who had originally come to this city to retrieve their dolphin pilots.
    With the loss of this second site originally licensed to Panoceania, we can see that that nation's flag no longer flies much on Concilium.
    We hope that Montalban's nightlife and hotel resorts can benefit from Bakunin's know-how.

    Replacing the QCC operating there and in a strange maneuver of abandoning its sites, appearing like a headlong rush, Panoceania tried until the last moment to take up a position on Edda and its famous Beltway 594 leading to the spaceport currently largely in Exrah's jaws. Unfortunately for the Sphere's forces, the misalliance between the O-12 and the Combined Army was largely victorious, with security forces now visible over 38% of the area, compared with 31% for Panoceania.
    But we hope that the QCC's majority presence on the spaceport can help to balance the power balance with the Combined Army, which is now located in the capital and heart of the Sphere.

    Haqqislam's humanitarian operation was very largely a humanist success, in fact Haqqislam managed to very largely secure the area from the attempted JSA offensive supported according to some rumors by O12 and Combined Army forces, which made it possible for many refugees to be rescued and sheltered, as well as securing the shimmering sky project station as part of their special operation. As a result, the entire site is now in the hands of the Haqqislam.

    We're pleased to see that, as in Phase 1, almost half of Blériot airport's facilities have remained within the sphere of control of ALEPH, which will be able to correctly maintain its air-tracking algorithms and continue to avoid any air incidents.

    To conclude this situation of the sites, we could observe a frenetic and tense fight until the last moment of phase 2, with armies of Yu Jing and mercenaries under the banner of the JSA who will have fought without counting the blood shed. The streets are covered with the bodies of both factions.
    Unfortunately for Yu Jing, it seems that the JSA has finally gained a foothold in the local experimental research center. However, as in Phase 1, the balance of power is very close (Yu Jing holds 33.2% of the site and the JSA 34.4%), creating a veritable cold war in which any alliances forged behind the scenes could tip the balance one way or the other.

    General point of view:
    Although Panoceania lost all its sites, this nation nonetheless managed to collect the highest percentage of assets with 358 points, followed by the Combined Army, which did its dirty work by managing to get its claws on 353 points in addition to Edda and Lady Numiria, and finally the Nomads, who, through the immense price of their blood, managed to get their black hands on 295 Concilium asset points. Let's hope that the Nomads can live up to their rate of defeat.

    Panoceania 358
    Combined Army 353
    Nomads 295
    Haqqislam 261
    Yu Jing 237
    JSA 214
    Ariadna 202
    Aleph 201
    O12 108
    Tohaa 91

    We note the very high score of the JSA in relation to its number of players, which has managed to confront the power of the Yu Jing nation. How did the NA2 factions manage to achieve this result? Who funded them, anyway? Rumors have it that they benefited from Submondo's financial flows, while others speak of Panoceania or the Combined Army - a mystery that will be the subject of this campaign.

    Finally, we note that the O12 was the campaign's big loser, remaining in the background in terms of presence, even though it was their planet, barely managing to do better than the Tohaa microforce. It's not entirely clear whether the alliance with the Combined Army will ultimately benefit them due to this diproportionate acquisition of assets, which could even be called an asset transfer due to the loss of Edda's facilities to its new ally.

    Screenshot 2023-10-23 at 20-16-50 Shattergrounds – Infinity.jpg
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