[April], come she will...

Discussion in 'News' started by Solar, Feb 14, 2018.

  1. eciu

    eciu Easter worshiper

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Ok to give people bit of a background:

    War is bad. But wars as classics have said are just extension of politics and thus have their goal. This goal is usually easily defined and wars happen to end when it is achieved or when it's obvious that it won't be achieved.

    Total war is really bad as your goal is total extermination of your enemy, not subdue, not territorial gains, total extermination of enemy (their people) is your goal.

    Civil wars are bad, civil ethnic wars are really bad as they almost always turn immediately into total wars. You kill "enemy people" your goal is to actually "remove" the enemy people. In region I come from we have enough examples of actually minor differences between familiar ethinces (which lived "together" for few centuries) turns into civilian massacre with supersonic speed (yes, entering defenceless villages and killing every single man, woman and child). Yes the more brutal their death was the better as it could make other to leave the area (before they share the fate of their kin). Problem being that victimised people tend to also go mental if faced with sure death, thus answering with same brutality and ruthless (spiral of violence is only getting worse).

    It's bit amazing in human nature that we can be more civilised to "alien/outsider" people, than we can be to ones of our own neighbourhood.
    DukeofEarl, Belgrim, Abrilete and 4 others like this.
  2. krossaks

    krossaks Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2017
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    Yu Jing need a bit more positive lore out of japanese. The JSA aplit was neccesary to do this change. Lets see how the second part of the change ( the positive one) goes before blaming. And expect a bit soft treatment on the new campaing...
  3. eciu

    eciu Easter worshiper

    Nov 23, 2017
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    ? Care to expand ? I have trouble with understanding (my poor brain is off the sugar atm. ;/ )
  4. Teslarod

    Teslarod when in doubt, Yeet

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The concept of evil and good people like to talk about here amuses me to no end.
    Good and evil is 3rd party perception. Humans, corporations, gouvernemnts etc are not evil or good to begin with. They're driven by selfishness.

    Good people tend to mostly care about their image or straight up get off on helping other people. Random acts of kindness once in a while make you feel better about yourself.
    Evil people often do things that aren't acceptable to approve of in modern society. Raising the price of a life saving medicine tenfold? Can't really call that a ingenious buisness strategy and expect wide approval.

    Both are easily blown out of proportion by small groups or individuals. It's funny enough to watch the same concept as in news and social media develop here over the YJ vs JSA situation. A vocal minority whipping up their supporters into a frenzy, escalating things to a degree where a curious bystander would have no choice but to get the impression there is actually a serious issue in there somewhere.

    There isn't. The friggin book that is supposed to cover the issue isn't even released yet.
    So maybe, just maybe calm down a bit and continue the ranting and raving in full force once it has solid groud to stand on.

    Oh and shittalking the article that was promised on the issue before it gets released just to keep the circlejerk going is also something that might invoke disapproval of what you are doing. Not to say a classic dick move.
    Where are the memes I ask of you? This sort of thing is usually fun to watch around this joint.
    Barrogh, Melchior and sarf like this.
  5. Pierzasty

    Pierzasty Null-Space Entity

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I was just agreeing with you that it's hilarious. And thanks for reminding me I need my second coffee.
  6. sarf

    sarf Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    BTW good move guys, such negative reaction on product that isn`t yet released will of course inspire CB on next book where NOTHING WILL HAPPEN, just to be sure that fragile hearts of players with money won`t be touched at all. Welcome to stall 40000 date.
    Hiereth and ArTrodes like this.
  7. eciu

    eciu Easter worshiper

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Like.... I've just wrote about it....

    Aldo, xagroth and sarf like this.
  8. the huanglong

    the huanglong Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    What is so good about advancing the story anyway? I want more detail about the current setting, not a Red Wedding every season to keep the kids guessing.
  9. Shiwen

    Shiwen Commissar, Yu Jing Political Work Department

    Dec 31, 2017
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    Ok, I'm going to caveat this with the fact I don't think it is revelatory proof CB isn't going in a direction people like myself are concerned with in terms of plot and writing, but an interesting note about our mass-graves-as-threat Crane Agent Chung-Yao. The name seemed familiar, I had to go back and find it, he's the dude who we can credit the campy Sylvester Stallone-y line from the Imperial Service background:

    "Well, in case you didn't notice, here in this backwater, uncivilized place I am the law. And I have massive, powerful automatic weaponry at my disposal..."
    -Imperial Agent, Crane Rank, Chung-Yao, during a sting on a Yakuza casino.

    An agent used to dealing with violent Japanese criminals outside the major centers (and the public eye they bring), with a tendency to go for the 'threat of force' side of things, suddenly redeployed not to take out gangers but to suppress an unexpected and massive popular uprising. He's under stress, he says something stupid that got caught on tape and can be conveniently snatched by the Secessionists and PanO for anti-StateEmpire propaganda, and also conveniently snatched by a miniatures wargaming company to sell pre-orders to people who want their new box to be full of righteous heroes in battle against a cartoonish evil oppressor.

    The same material has other Agents who are more reasonable or honourable, rather than bad cops doing hyperbolic action-movie bravado. I'm hoping the Uprising book gives us material from different perspectives as well.
    DukeofEarl, Smiler, Belgrim and 7 others like this.
  10. sarf

    sarf Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Well I guess you won`t complain if your faction won`t receive any new units ever? Because faction is already oversaturated and no way of retire any units without hurt anyone feelings exists.

    *any faction of course.

    I found JSA split way is brilliant as an instrument of saturation prevention. In terms of fluff it is good enough, better then space smurfs soap opera or so interesting Iron Kingdoms fluff that my RP group struggled to play RPG at all.
    Smiler likes this.
  11. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Good an evil is defined by the time and society, with evil usually portraying individualistic, egoistic and damaging to the group (that the "evildoer" belongs to, thus "not considering evil" what is done to outsiders to the group).
    Problem is, simply put, genocide over a human population is not acceptable now, nor it's on Infinity's time. So YJ is portrayed doing actions that will only achieve to damage their interestellar position inside the Human Sphere.

    So. Self Interest? Explain to me how alienating yourself from the rest of humanity when an alien threat is at the door, by burning a whole continent on one of your planets, advances Yu Jing objectives? I mean, this kind of stuff generate sanctions from other countries, NATO movilizations, and the like.

    They release enough to get an asnwer, though. Maybe they will thinks better the next time. Oh, wait... that happened last week, and they turned the heat up to eleven, thus showing little to no care for the player's community. Well, about a tenth of it.

    thank you for the data, it certainly helps to take things into some sort of context. However, I still believe this method of presenting the Uprising event, and promoting the NA2 books, is not the way to do it. Eastern Eggs are great, but using obscure ones can blow up in your face if they are as inflammatory as this is.
    Aldo likes this.
  12. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    So, I hope you will sing here for the splitting of PanOceanía, since it's even more bloated than any other faction, even the Combined Army.
    Dragonstriker and Aldo like this.
  13. sarf

    sarf Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I see about 10 people viciously complaining here on forum with:
    Online Statistics
    Members Online:152
    It`s not 10% of current online, what to said about whole player`s community. Are we still counting number of players, not number of forum posts/ego size/whatever?
    I`ll be quite sad but pretty satisfied for new stuff even when Nomads will be split. Anyway I was really surprised to see two distinct shelves of miniatures for two sectorials and vanilla using just few from these shelves. Well plus REMs but it doesn`t count cause REMs are duplicated.
    Smiler, Abrilete and Teslarod like this.
  14. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    I had not noticed you got an early copy of uprising and had in depth knowledge of how the events have unfolded!

    How about you comment on the story once you actually read it?

    Also I hope you realise the agent refers to the civilians caught in the urban fighting because it is a civil armed insurrection and the Japanese choose to fight in their territories that automatically involves civilians, its not that the imperial agents just walk and casually shoot civilians in the walls its the state empire army doing its job and the civilians caught in the middle and yes Yu Jing are a big powerful state and as modern china does they too can limit what comes in and out of their network.

    I think you try to project a western civilisation on Yu Jing, they do not vaue the things the same way for example PanO does.

    Edit, by the way I have to point out that Yu Jing do not seem to want the Japanese out, even the quote that offended you is an attempt to stop the revolt and bring the civilians back in the state empire, not a call for ethnic genocide.
    #1954 psychoticstorm, Mar 16, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2018
    reaper1714, saint, Mask and 5 others like this.
  15. Teslarod

    Teslarod when in doubt, Yeet

    Nov 23, 2017
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    This is never how that works, there is always someone paying the price for alleged good (probably some 3rd world country if that good happened to a first world citizen) and alleged evil always has some upsides (yes always). Some are fast to yell for murder to punish what they perceive as evil disregarding the fact that it is not permitted by law to do so.

    All of us around here happily kill troops in this fictional world and then proceed to bitch about "our faction turning evil evil evil" as if someone caused us physical harm IRL by doing so. That's the definition of bigot.

    Time fixes things, we always talk about a few selected wars being atrocities against humanity, while others are heroic tales of democratic victory.
    Humanity always picks itself up from the shambles, no matter how gruesome or earth shattering the previous incident.

    Infinity is a game in a fictional setting and we gamers tend lo like war torn or postapocalytic settings because they are more interesting. There isn't much difference for myself in between the razing of Carthage and the Japanese Seccessional Army uprising. I don't have personal investment in either of them and know about them through the stories of others.
    One is real and one is not but this is ultimately of no concern to me and I'd frown if anyone wants to make me feel bad about them happening or blame them on me.

    And the YJ High Command's screwups in the last global campaign are a part of YJ now.
    Despite opposite claims, this did get engraved into their narrative by us the players. As a result this is deeply engraved into our own narrative and they'll never hear the end of it till they day they redeem themselves by doing better in a future campaign.
    saint, Abrilete and sarf like this.
  16. Pen-dragon

    Pen-dragon Deva

    Mar 6, 2018
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    I could be way off base, but this is my theory. CB decided to separate JSA from Yu Jing, ultimately because they thought that would be the best thing for the game and the product. Some players that self-identify (perhaps a little too strongly) with their chosen faction of Yu Jing became upset, partially because the JSA just seemed to be walking all over them. I feel like CB quickly put out this little blurb in an attempt to placate some of those that are upset, by showing that the Yu Jing are not taking this rebellion lying down, and are in fact fighting hard to stop it.

    Was the piece poorly executed? Sent a very negative image? Judging by the responses it seems so. Clearly it could have been delivered a little better.

    I think we should wait for the full story before we write of the whole thing. In my humble opinion CB does some of the best game story in the business. (Not that there is a lot of quality competition . . .) I am willing to give them the benefit of doubt, and wait to see how this thing unfolds. I see a lot possibilities that could be good for the game.

    Cautiously Optimistic.
    Belgrim, Aldo and sarf like this.
  17. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    Oh yes, about this, guys I have said it several times, the fluff is what is written in the books not how the participants on the global campaigns write.
    A Mão Esquerda and Aldo like this.
  18. sarf

    sarf Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Thank you. At least some players treat game as game, I`ve started to feel some forum members lost their puppies in Uprising.
    reaper1714 likes this.
  19. Aldo

    Aldo Spare 15

    Nov 23, 2017
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  20. Pierzasty

    Pierzasty Null-Space Entity

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The puppies were Japanese.
    Belgrim, Barrogh and Aldo like this.
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