[April], come she will...

Discussion in 'News' started by Solar, Feb 14, 2018.

  1. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Except the Umbra are not "cartoonishly villains", are Gratuitously Cruel Villains that can get away with it, because they are the favored agents of the controlling authority (the Aspects are directly parts of it). Heck, they even failed, because the EI had to bring them back from extinction, and THAT was a good part of fluff, because along several Aspects "model backstory" it implied that the dark parts of space were frighteningly filled with dangerous menaces waiting to be back... Also something that can be thought as a reference to Mr. Khan Noonien Singh (from Star Trek).
    Stiopa likes this.

    SKOZZOKONZ Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2018
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    A real human exemplar of the new invincible army Guan Yu badass please.

    Hearts and minds isnt just a meme from war movies, it should have been fluffed so the regular Japanese on the street kinda had a bit of a tough choice for which way to jump.

    I hereby sign the death warrant of an entire world, and consign a million so(Japanese)uls to oblivion.

    This is probably the point that annoys me the most, ya boi Sun Tze couldnt take time out of his smoko to email his co-workers in the ISS who he works with on the reg not to commit any atrocities on human targets.
  3. Barrogh

    Barrogh Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    The one recreated based on someone who wrote a book with one of the first instructions on infowar, among other things, if memory serves me. Or, sine it was different period, at least principles that are applied to infowar.

    Not disagreeing here. I just feel sometimes things change, sometimes it's not for better. Sometimes they bounce back, but not immediately.
    xagroth likes this.
  4. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Sun Tze's take on politics and war was interesting. Manoeuvre so you don't have to fight, fight when the Emperor has failed, punish inexcusable behaviour and reward good behaviour.
    The story is held in the hands of one person. If this guy isn't up to the task of moving above and beyond the scope of a single narrative, you'll get some occasional daft stuff. We've been getting some daft stuff recently.
    Belgrim, emperor26, Stiopa and 2 others like this.
  5. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I love how this can be read both "inside the game world" and "in CB's office".
    Belgrim, Pierzasty, Stiopa and 2 others like this.
  6. Darkvortex87

    Darkvortex87 Combat jump kamikaze

    Nov 24, 2017
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    this. totally this. please CB read this.

    in fact i would find much more realistic a total blockade of goods/service from YJ to the rebel provinces.

    take for example tibet.
    Is the PRC killing every tibetan? no.
    Because the other nations, while uninterested in the fate of the tibetans, will oppose such a solution with harsh answers (embargoe, taxing chinese goods, etc)
    What is PRC doing?
    They are currently favoring chinese immigration in the area, blocking as much as possible every information on revolting and tibetan situation.
    In 5-10 year you'll find that in tibet there are no more tibetan people, only chinese people.

    this is how you stop an uprising.
    #1926 Darkvortex87, Mar 16, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2018
  7. Yasashii Fuyu

    Yasashii Fuyu Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    I'm beginning to fully expect CB to develop Yu Jing story into getting blockaded by the other nations for this, and eventually allying with the Combined army, to finally finish their switch into full blown second hand villain lackies...
  8. kepkeilen

    kepkeilen Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2018
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    Guys you are reading too much into the fluff and mixing it with real world events in your head canons. It's a simple approach to the fluff with the JSA being brave rebels and YJ being the evil empire. It's a very typical, but perhaps cartoonish and over dramatic, settings for a fantasy settings. No more no less. YJ has been losing those shades of grey since the two BoW campaigns and things have unsurprisingly reached this point. If people consciously or sub consciously denied that then that's their choice.

    Not to mention this is more or less the headcanon of even most YJ players since they played or focused comparatively more on JSA before the split. The unsatisfied players are the vocal minority at best even in their own faction. So the overall community reaction to this change is almost certainly going to be positive. We know this, CB knows this.

    Also is that image meant to be the article by any chance? I don't seem to see anything else.

    Also, also my personal opinion is we shouldn't think the panzer corps I mean IA will suddenly make YJ appear more moral overall after their appearance. They would be morally neutral at best.

    And IA vs Varuna won't happen because YJ and PanO will almost certainly get a two player box over Svalarheima. Two back to back two player boxes for the same two faction sounds unlikely.
    Belgrim and sarf like this.
  9. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Which would be the end of humanity since YJ has enough black hole connections that the options would be reduced to either take thos planets and expel YJ, or fight on too many fronts and be defeated.

    There are several problems, most of those unrelated to "YJ is doing evil things", but more related to "stop being a lazy, uninspired jackass that portraits the 2nd most powerful faction of the Human Sphere as stupid, empty villains".
    Kinda irksome coming from the faction with the supreme strategist, you know. And one of the more related to Aleph.

    Because that is an insult to ALL the players that value the fluff, downing this to some cartoon for 5 years old children level. Which we can't be because no 5 year old could make heads or tails of the rulebooks, the way those are written.

    In short, this is bullsh*t. Making an analogy with food, it's like have first rate ingredients, then dropping them with no preparation at all into a deep frier, then serving in a plastic plate, and charging as much as top restaurant in an exclusive place.

    As for the world campaigns? YJ players are claiming that CB turned around totally what they did. That CB interfered in the "free", "player directed" campaign, painting YJ and giving no data about any other faction.
    #1929 xagroth, Mar 16, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2018
  10. kepkeilen

    kepkeilen Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2018
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    There is a chance yes. CA already lacks allies in the campaign and could use a hand. For example, trying to push them as the big bad in Wotan sort of failed because of their low numbers.

    Also sepsitorization would go pretty well with YJ, specially considering how gestapo and SS ISS is becoming. Alongside their emphasis on controlling free will.
  11. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    YJ is not about controlling free will, but order at all costs. Also, CA CANNOT have allies, because the Human Sphere is, in fluff, unable to resist it if one faction were to defect and collaborate.
    As for the reason you provide, lack of numbers, it has been claimed by CB that results are normalized by population, so there is no reason for that.
    Aldo likes this.
  12. Barrogh

    Barrogh Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Let's be real, too few people know that for a general playerbase to care. Even fewer were around for long enough to understand whether it was important for universe-building at all.
    And when that issue gets out, it's easily shut by some new space magick.

    Tbh making a "faction of doom" out of one of the playable factions roughly as popular as anyone else, and roughly as powerful on the tabletop (I'm talking about CA here) then making a campaign in which they were supposed to fight (for real, on the table in competitive matches) everyone else was a bit of a mistake. But it was done, was weird and it was decided that shift of premise is due.

    It would be easier on fluff developments right now if CB upheld the initial premise of "several major powers biting each other in the ass while they aren't looking" in the first place, but oh well, gotta get out of it somehow. And indeed, what could possibly distract people from a looming threat to entire humanity eating one planet after another? Something equally big was needed to be crafted. And here we are...

    Or maybe not and like me and some others have said, it's just a typical excuse for a conflict in a game that markets its rules better than its fluff.
    Darkvortex87, Aldo and xagroth like this.
  13. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Ruining the backstory just after the RPG Corebook gets delivered? That would be like shooting themselves in the feet XD

    Another gold line there, considering how the rules are... XD
  14. Barrogh

    Barrogh Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Well, I genuinely think that kind of gameplay rules are trying to describe (honestly, mostly successfully) is actually worthy of being an attraction. I'm just saying that they are more accessible than fluff, which must be affecting statistics on what Infinity playerbase looks like in terms of preferences.
    xagroth likes this.
  15. sarf

    sarf Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Guys, you`ve just became boring. Like good old Kan multiplied several times and blaming CB for everything.

    Of course it`s so important to drag dirty underwear of modern day post-truth to anime cyberpunk game.
    Of course it`s so important to bring Chenese global solution to Chinese - Tibetian conflict into covert operations game.
    It is so important, let`s discuss fast food recipes and mascots and is it insulting to some people. Why not?
    Smiler likes this.
  16. Barrogh

    Barrogh Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    To me it's not that important. But I do appreciate believable narrative.
    Belgrim, Aldo, Pierzasty and 4 others like this.
  17. Pierzasty

    Pierzasty Null-Space Entity

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Alphz, Belgrim, Red Harvest and 13 others like this.
  18. eciu

    eciu Easter worshiper

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Well CB seems to have brilliant ideas and terrible execution. This problem is a bit subtle and it seems many people cannot grasp it.

    It bit hilarious that what CB teased "CB how dare you!?" will in the end not be related to WHAT CB actually did (separetedJSA from YuJing) but HOW CB had did that.
    Usashi, emperor26, Aldo and 3 others like this.
  19. eciu

    eciu Easter worshiper

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Funny enough in this world in "makes sense" from strategic point of view.
    Aldo likes this.
  20. Pierzasty

    Pierzasty Null-Space Entity

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Yeah, it's sad in that the whole thing is THIS CLOSE to getting it right each time and still fails.

    This, however, is hilarious.
    Darkvortex87 and Aldo like this.
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