@Koni Need a little sanity check after reading the new rules PDF: is the army points column referring to the sum total at which the game is played (main section+reinforcements) or only the main section of the army? I.e. in a standard 350 pts game can you request reinforcements only after you have lost 100 victory points, or is it enough to lose 50 points worth of models from the main section?
You count your living points still in the list. If you equal or are below the request reinforcements number you can trigger them.
Thanks! I was just in doubt if the intent was that reinforcements count to this VP total, but the example on the 3rd page is clear that they do which I just found out, so the questions is more or less solved
hold up - I'm probably remembering something wrong. I thought points off the board didn't count towards victory points - like HD and AD troops in effect reduce your victory points? Am I making things up?
yep, AD and hidden deployment are counting to the VPs you have alive, so if you for example had a cutter in hidden deployment you wouldn't go in retreat even if all other models were dead