After reading about commlink and seeing all the profiles it's on, I don't quite get it. The options don't really make sense, it's all basic line troopers that some factions and sectorials might never bring. It's a 1 slot and 20-25 point line trooper tax for playing this game mode. Something with more utility would be nice when this mode is basically limited insertion. Wouldn't it be more fitting to stick the skill on the deactivator/baggage bots? Like a communication link through a squad support remote. It's a unit with utility tools like reloading ammo and deactivating repeaters and not some random rifle guy. EVO bots using controlled jump are doing a similar thing narratively by setting a landing zone for combat jumpers, wouldn't it be fitting to have the same base model have the Commlink skill for this? So instead of a Kappa CommLink or Ghulam CommLink, you would have a Fuzzbot CommLink or Kameel CommLink unit.
I have to think that I thought that Commlinks would be present in diverse forms and formats, and that indeed it would be an opportunity for those baggage bots included. The thing is that I am really disappointed on the lack of variety in list making when you approach to commlinks. As your commlink can only come from a single source, chances are list making are going to get 'old' fast as there are no other way to start a reinforcement list other than "Open army, select the mandatory unique commlink trooper, pay the mandatory tax in SWC, unless you're Nomad"... .. And a game mode that seems to be repetitive in its approach, can get boring fast. Which leads to approach those reinforcement boxes with caution. Specially since those troopers can only be used for reinforcements mode.
surprised as well by lack of variety of commlink loadouts between unit profiles, not to mention the game mode tax that is associated with that profile
Luckily the Haqq ones are in Qapu Khalqi normally, so their reinforcements will still be golden. For O-12... maybe this is a hint for a sectorial down the line. Surprised PanO and CA reinforcements aren't in Neoterra and Onyx.
I can't imagine playing a match is going to make anyone go "OH! So THAT's why I'm being forced to include an extra line troop"
It's fine for Haq and OSS, because Ghulams and Dakinis are already really good and you were probably already filling links out with them anyway. And Nomads are doing alright because they get to pay less than everyone else because... reasons? But for a lot of other factions... wow, that tax stings hard.
Most probably because they want to see how the reinforcement rules work in the outside world before adding more complexity to it.
Not the EVO bot, but the basic baggage bot. 8 points, plus the 10 for CommsLink. Would be a bit cheaper and more standardized across factions, so factions like Ikari aren't punished more than factions who could tuck the CommsLink in a fireteam as filler like RTF or Morats.
I don't agree with that either. It's the same reason I don't like the EVO bot, but dialled up further. For one, the alien baggage bots are significantly better point for point than the human ones. More than that, they are large, dead, weights. They take up a lot of deployment zone real estate and they have no defence what so ever. The basic baggage bot has even less utility. I would prefer it if CB were to: 1. Revisit the points cost. 9 points is steep and a major hurdle to get people to even try the system. 2. Even NA2 should have native commlinks; Keisotsu and Brawlers! 3. With a slightly more delicate touch, make the choice of profile that has the link more interesting. a. Some sectorials should have larger commlinks than their "home" faction, not necessarily due to how their reinforcement looks like (think "Dahshat's lucky commlink lottery" here, or how CA's sectorials have bigger links than vanilla!) b. Some slightly more spicy profiles, not necessarily common, could have even larger commlinks to incentivize them and encourage more diverse lists. 4. The commlink should be Reinforcement Wildcard. The lizard brain responses that I see so much of aside, I think some relatively minor Quality of Life adjustments are needed. Right now all people are focusing on is essentially "commlink is such a bad tax that makes no sense". It should be more of an opportunity than a tax!
Just having a free +0 commlink on a viable lieutenant would be fine. You could then have +(X) commlinks on other profiles for a sliding swc/points cost. Then, if people want to invest in it, they can and if people don't want to pay a tax, they don't have to
I feel like the current comlink units are placeholders for a concept they've yet to fully developp. It's still kind of a secondary concern though, we simply have to adjust ourselves to the idea that we are not building our main section with 250pts/5SWC, but with 230pts/4.5swc instead. But yeah it's just a "feel bad" tax that could've been avoided ridiculously easily with a little forethough
As an option it would be good to homerule this moment. Commlink could be added to lieutenant or specialist unit who knows how to push the button. Commlink +1, +2, etc... this could be chosen with additional points. I am not sure, how much should it be. This is just a raw idea. But of course usually I don’t like to homerule, because it makes me feel, that the game is unfinished in some moments.
Hah! We are beta-testers then... I hope, CB would not reset our progress, when things would be done x)
Well, that could be an interesting tactical choice: I've checked the PDF with the Reinforcements Rules, but I couldn't find if having the CommLink Skill is Public or Private Information. Let's say that we make it Private Information and also an Optional Skill that reveals the user when declaring Request Reinforcements... maybe you are in a position where you haven't lost many points and think that you can fare better without calling Reinforcements because that would reveal your Lt. Or, on a different situation, you have lost enought points to call Reinforcements on he second turn, but you have to be careful because that exposes your Lt.