As I don't play Druze yet, and was eyeing them as well as a few other NA2s, I'm okay with the NA2 universal reinforcement. They might not be the best for Druze specifically (or any specific NA2; outside of JSA who gets a new character) but they are generic enough that I can see those troops, those "Contracted Back Up" come as reinf for any NA2 (or any faction that has money to contract a contracted back up; but I know they'll never work as reinf for main factions ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Imagine if Spiral Corps didn't exist, maybe NA2 reinforcement would have been Spiral Back Up with a bunch of tohaa units (like how CA reinf is a bunch of exrah) . nah, i'm much happier with the generic units. I would have preferred more tag raid; specifically a triphammer rather than an anaconda; but as I say, I find the reinf just okay. Or bland, as you said. I do have an idea for a 250+100 for Druze, but I'm waiting for the Army release to see if the Points and Comm Link works.
There's loads of new minis. Take this box, two ABHs, two CSUs, and two Brawlers Or this one with two Diggers, a Wardriver, two Brawlers, and a Karakuri for Ikari.
Um we are in a Druze NA2 thread. Proxies are ok but new is better. Edit: I will say I get it. In fact I made the same suggestion for a JSA player.
They are mercenaries are they not? Virtually any of the NA2 could be "hired" to be reinforcements. They could be subcontractors. I also like aliens.
Nope, they're agents of the ancient Tohaa Illuminati masquerading as alien hunting Mercenaries to further their own nefarious agenda. They're probably the least likely to respond to an urgent request for aid in an active Combat Zone.
How do you hide as Mercenaries and not do any actual mercenary work? The humans would catch on pretty quick.
Spiral Corps take a lot of rear echelon contracts securing sensitive areas and people from alien infiltration, they've proven themselves to be very good at it by foiling a number of high profile, well publicised incursions that definitely weren't false flag operations set up by Greif Operators. They focus on security and rescue/recovery contracts that just so happen to give them access to confidential areas and people. They're not a rapid response force, and do not wish to be as it wouldn't be useful to their actual mission.
Well, doesn't matter now. Looks like instead of selling figures for Reinforcements, they are letting them die along with Tohaa.
They are mercenaries, and they have their own space craft that is even capable of having a shuttle in its cargo bay, that makes them more mobile than most mercenary companies (the most mobile been StarCo who has three "decommissioned" Nomad frigates, unironically the same amount of craft JSA has iirc.) that hardly makes them capable of been an active fast response taskforce available for all other mercenary Companies (setting aside that their specialization and market is not rapid response). What Contracted Back Up offers is an aggregation of services and means for such response forces to be delivered on the spot. How generic it is feels about right, but it could theoretically be improved in the future.
Of course outside of tournaments, if your opponent agrees nothing stops you from fielding a reserve force with units you would like. Alternatively as Bostria said the community can shape the future and ideas may well be adopted.
with what I know from the Fluff and story in the reinforcement books it seems to be very unlikely anyone is gonna team up with tooha any time soon. It´ll be more likely to see joan and Avatar on the same side.
Thanks everyone for the perspective... Model wise and fluff wise I have no complaints, I'm mostly worried about the rules and what reinforcements being to druze, knowinf that I have to sacrifice 50 points from the main list, which already Is usually less than optimal at 300 Fluff wise i would've liked some profiles that could expand on th concept of contracted sonsobitches picked up from anywhere
I wouldn't worry about that. It is either meant to be played 250+100 vs 250+100, or CB has tested it enough to settle on 250+100 vs 300. We'll see. Now, I wonder how it scales down. Is it 200+75 and 150+50? Also, Reinforcements format doesn't seem to take beginers into account - folks who are still trying to get their initial army together. Playing Reinforcements would force them to get a secondary set of models for that purpose. I don't feel it's fair. Honestly, scaling up is not a concern, as in my local community 400pts format never took off, somehow.
While not being anything new and exciting, ABH and CSUs are pretty damn good in the context of reinforcements. Most factions will struggle to reach even 5 orders for their reinforcements, and I expect the big fancy drop units will see little play because of that (hell, anything over 30pts will be a hard sell), but NA2 can do so effortlessly thanks to those units other factions lack that sit in the perfect 15ish point range.
Having a good look CSU are a great addition to Druze being something that doesn't overpay for its kit that isn't a character. Forza is interesting just for the fact he brings viral which is a valuable ammo type if your meta loves bears. Diggers remain far too good for their price, and other than being uninspiring unit types, I guess I'm converting up some more HI proxies for them. I'd feel better if Samsa is confirmed to be available. That would add a decent BS13 weapon to the toolbox thats lacking. The one thing will actually being forced to spend 100 points on this group of misfits. I think that hurts alongside the lack of optimisation in most of the core Druze roster. I'd happy put in 60-70 points of reinforcements if it meant getting 30 points for the main group. But there still isn't enough info and I hold onto the faintest of candles that Druze gets a balance pass that isn't just increasing the points more (sigh, bulleteer).