So what about those reinforcements huh? I can't wait to see the full rules and profiles on August, but in the meantimw I am a bit dejected at the apparent blandness of NA2 reinforcements, and by the difficulty I have imagining them being of any use to Druze I wanted to ask y'all about your thoughts, maybe there are many perspectives I did not think about that could radically improve my view of reinforcements for Druze Bayram
I don´t know exactly how affect DBS. I'm one how wanted play DBS with lot of druzes, which isn't the mot efficient way. I think for reinforcements will try: ────────────────────────────────────────────────── 3 3 ANACONDA Spitfire AP, Lanzallamas Ligero, Panzerfaust / Arma CC AP. (1.5 | 56) OPERADOR Spitfire / Pistola, Arma CC. (0 | 0) MONSTRUCKER Subfusil, Chain Rifle, Drop Bears / Pistola, Arma CC. (0 | 12) CAZARRECOMPENSAS Subfusil, Akrylat-Kanone / Pistola Breaker, Arma CC PARA(-6). (0 | 12) CAZARRECOMPENSAS Red Fury / Pistola, Arma CC PARA(-6). (0.5 | 20) Agente CSU SECDET Fusil, Escopeta Ligera / Pistola, Arma CC PARA(-6). (0 | 7) 2 CAP | 100 Puntos Abrir en Infinity Army Duo anaconda monstrucker and haris with ABH and CSU. Cheers.
I disagree. Brawlers are useful only if you need to plug a glaring hole in your list. A Doctor, an inexpensive hacker, an engineer who doesn't cost arm and leg while being Regular, a MSV L2. And for these, they are still kinda expensive. And not impressively efficient, at WIP12. IMO Brawlers starting at 15pts per basic Rifle guy are way too expensive for what they do. I'm seriously hoping for a rewrite of the Anaconda, it is IMO the weakest TAG in the game (and Iguana right after it!) with how the Escape System is written: functionally a TAG with 1 STR and NWI. Ceterum censeo Carthaginam esse delendam, and give the entire DBS a redesign ;)
I guess they might be handy for Reinforcement objective grab, but that's very mission-dependant. For strike power / opening an advance for main force's specialisits, I'd rather rely on Anaconda and Bounty Hunters Haris (inc. Sforza & Ashcroft). Still, unless there's any unreleased updates to the profiles available, I must say the Reinforcements bring hardly any update for the Druze.
It is an update on the game itself, you play with what is essentially a sideboard that comes in later in the game and the choices you make before the game dictates what it can do when it arrives. Indeed you could go with full aggression, no objectives, Druze, and set the reinforcements to do that, or vice versa or some mix of the two. As I said I do believe reinforcements gameplay is really good and will change the way people play and think Infinity.
I definately agree on your last sentiment. At 250 i am discovering myself listing druze with a lot of druze, which, in and on itself Is a plus What i was looking for by opening this thread was a bit of perspective and underused ideas in DBS that could help me adapt to this change Otherwise I'll not be able to enjoy playing DBS
Until August 3rd this is going to be pure speculation because there is little to no information for reinforcements and how they play.
After playing a lot, i landed on lista that had a couple Druze and made heavy use of characters, brawlers, and yuan yuan I think that with the change, in order to list 250 pts, i Will use a lot of druze instead, and that sounds very fun, even thought i have to make at least two big sacrifices (midfield control and hackering) I don't seen to be able to make a good Scarface list at 250, It misses too many things Your reinforcements team Is close to what I imagined myself, anaconda plus cheap stuff. I wonder what I could accomplish with sforza though
And that's quite essential observation. Yes, we're speculating - but that's what we can do, using the information presented to us.
This is getting a little old mate. Thats exactly the point of early reveal teasers is to get the speculation going. If CB wanted this to be more positive, maybe the tease should have included a little more on this really exciting stuff you keep alluding to. As of right now, Druze needed more brawlers and diggers like they needed a broken leg.
I am just pointing out there is more nuance that will happen later. What do Druze need? reinforcements is a force that comes only after casualties have happened it is a separate department that might as well be considered an additional force. And I have to remind, Druze do not even own their own ships to have their own assigned on demand force on back up call.
So, to sum it up: There's more under the wraps than the general player population knows of. Some, like @psychoticstorm are in the know, and speak based on that. Most of the NA2 players I read on the forum seem to be unimpressed with the job CB did with NA2 Reinforcements. Fluff and IRL practical / logistical considerations nonwisthstanding. We'll know more once the full rules & Army update drops on August 3rd. We'll be playing the new way anyway, at least for a time.
and 5. If i dislike the way CB make reinforcement for NATO2 armies, I can/will play with other armies/sectorials that are more for my taste. Cheers
And 6. You can always take advantage of the amazing proxy rules of CB and use whatever models you like most for your aesthetic/theme/flavour. You're playing JSA and want to have 'korean' reinforcements? Use the current NA2 reinforcement rules profiles but use the Daebak models for Aesthetics and theme. Or in the case you're in a futuristic yakuza mood, you can use the vipera pursuit force models instead. Or you're Druze and want to have more 'middle east' look reinforcements? Use the Melek Reaction Group models for your daily war crimes Druze reinforcements. Your imagination is your limit.
As far as the rules go, I think CB didn't do a good job for the preview. At first I was excited because of new stuff. Now I kind of dread August 3rd. It would have almost been better not to have given us any information. So far I'm not happy with NA2. They could have given them something that was for everyone. Almost all factions get Diggers and ABH for example. But they have succeed in making me feel they just don't care about any NA2.
Not all factions get to drop linked Diggers, CSUs, and ABHs as reinforcements though. Extremely points efficient close range units being dropped in the enemy's face. NA2 are also one of the few factions that can easily field a full Core Fireteam in their Reinforcement group with points to spare! From a thematic standpoint most of the NA2 reinforcements are generic unit profles designed to cover a range of fluff backgrounds rather than a specific regiment or unit. ABHs and CSUs are very individualistic, with booty and metachem representing their individual gear or augmentations. Brawlers are generic mercenary grunts as can be found in bars and space stations across the sphere. Diggers are armed miners and down on their luck Mercs or militia pressing industrial gear into military service. Wardrivers are everything from script-kiddies to outlaw hackers to infosec professionals moonlighting as Mercs. There's a huge amount of scope for customised, kitbashed, out of faction, and proxy units. Which is one of the main selling points of NA2 armies. It feels like the NA2 reinforcements are the contents of the nearest mercenary bar pushed into drop pods with their half drunk beers and part eaten noodle boxes still in hand. Which is pretty awesome if you ask me.
Sorry but to me it was "Here, have more of what you already have." However, I'm mostly disappointed in no new figures.