No new models (I did not expect them), so whatever. No new profiles is sad though. Extremely low effort reinforcements with seemingly no thoughts into it, very disappointing. Side note (not only for Tohaa), massive wasted opportunity to make Minelayer profiles for the reinforcements. Especially with how Minelayer was nerfed to not allow you to include enemy in their trigger area.
What are you talking about? This is awesome! We already own all the units for the Reinforcements! We don't have to wait for models, we can hit the ground running as soon as the rules come out! We don't have to spend any money at all! This is about what I was expecting.
Have to oppose: they have thought to try to give us Ectros and Chaksa Longarms as an option, so that they see perhaps the table once in a while
Very disappointed by the video and how CB is treating this faction that to me remain one of the best both lore-wise and for gameplay of Infinity. I was hoping in a resculpt at least or a Sukeul re-release. But nothing
i wasn't expecting any resculpt, but a fun or cool new profile on an existing model would have made me happy. We got nothing.
Careful guys. If you keep going with this kind of attitude, Bostria might personally call you out for being super toxic. Just a warning.
Has any thought been put into having the Gorgos be part of the Tohaa reinforcement? I'm asking because it seems like the proposition of Reinforcement were that it was going to be evolving. I think pushing the interesting, but less used profile to reinforcement would at least be more interesting than some generic mid-priced troopers. And most factions are getting a TAG as a reinforcement option. Perhaps with a altered loadout?
Reinforcements has not yet even been released, that would be in 3rd of August, I think CB will wait for the first real data and reports about the mod before they try to modify the initial proposition.
Yes, the Gorgos and the Ectros would benefit from having more reasons to be used. It would also be a good oportunity to change the Gorgos profile and replace its W value with STR and make it repairable for the Kosuil.
You got your initial proposition, you can experiment with it on August 3 Yes, and they never got touched up again after going gold, dark times indeed.
Seems like insulting and mocking Tohaa players is policy for company employees. You have no idea what you're talking about.
Gorgos would have been great for reinforcements if only because that way it could see turn 2. As it is, the only relationship the Gorgos will have with the Reinforcements is to become the unit that dies to call them due to point loss... It was also a chance to change the Gorgos from Wounds to Structure. Because the Cascuda is STR despite being an oversized bug, you know... As it is, the only new thing for Tohaa is the Samsa... which I think will be the next ITS model, since it's already sculpted and will be available to all vanilla. So, considering people already received the Endsong book, are you implying that said book has no reinforcements rules, and the rules will show up in the ITS document? If so, I'm ecstatic I no longer preorder from CB. Specially after reading the style of writing for each Aleph unit.
I started Infinity 3 years ago so my experience is not deep as other people here. I have no intention to start flame, judge or insult anyone, but I really don't get the reason why Tohaa army get neglected. Moreover, I must say that the attitude showed during the video, even if maybe not intentional, was perceived as mocking by players that were really excited to see even a single change or new profile for their favourite army. I would really like to have an answer to this
Considering CB's attitude about reinforcements, it is heavy enough to call it a new era rule. Except for Tohaa. It's a mockery or deception. The things CB did to the faction and its fanbase is cruel thing at least, I feel this is the worst thing they could to the faction in their own game. Being almost totally neglected from proper production and support? Curse me, as for me it would be the show-stopper for the game. Not even a single Taqueul was released, no renders, no dossiers. It's a shameful thing to say, but CB screwed up in this.