Where is SymbioBug???I still can see it in weapon chart but not in unit profiles.Is it a mistake like REM on Avatar that will be fixed in 2042 year?
So THE key change to Tohaa from N3 to N4 is Pheroware; there are now a significant number of troops in Tohaa that come with Pheroware baked-in. They do not require a Symbiobomb to use and can be used every order with impunity.
A!O!A! What THE key change in Pheroware tactics has to do with SymbioBUG???How the f*ck it connected?
@chromedog got Symbiobombs and Symbiobugs confused. Symbiobugs were removed from the game entirely. They still technically exist but no profile has them (Taquels used to). The big change involved the number of Pheroware abilities cut down drastically to just 3, Mirrorball being buffed from White Noise to Eclipse, and a number of profiles being given this Pheroware inherently meaning they can use these abilities over and over at no cost. A notable beneficiary of these changes is the Taquel, who went from good but weird in N3 to absolute list staple in N4.
Symbiobugs (Now SymbioBOMBs) are still in the game with Kaeltar Specialist. They are also on page 163 of v2 of the rulebook. The main difference is that they no longer in the EQUIPMENT dropdown menu in Army 7.
Bugs were perimeter weapons like a Crazykoala, previously unique to the Taquel they've effectively been replaced by Endgame. Bombs were always a separate piece of equipment.
I liked the old Taqeul and its Symbiobugs, and people didn't complain when I used it. Current Taqeul is way too powerful.
To further add to the confusion, I want to remind everyone that the dossiers for the symbiobeasts were accidentally mislabeled.
Why would you want to add to the confusion? Sybmiobugs, much like the only unit which had them, never received a model. In N3 used to act like Crazy Koalas, only it was a damage 13 BTS hit which even if they made the save would case them to become targeted, and this targeting counted towards accomplishing the Telemetry classified. In N4 they still do a damage 13 BTS hit, but as it is written the targeting only triggers on a failed save, and there is no note indicating they count towards Telemetry. On paper this makes them less effective, but the real hindrance to their effective use is no unit in the game can take them. They are a vestigial rule.
Here's to hoping they get added to something currently shit, like cube jagers, to make them viable again