The movie studios torture us with the same story of a movie again and again. Without new (intelligent) storys or figures. So i asked myself, how would a movie(or some more) or a series in the Infinity universe work. Cyberpunk in general is rare, SciFi movies also(if it's not a franchise). Would be cool if we got something like that What is your opinion about this?
If Altered Carbon is anything to go by, then yes. Of course it could work but it would need a good writer/directors to do it. They wouldn't be able to do as much action in a series. But it would be best for more story. It would be able to introduce all factions as well. A movie would need to be more focused and would have more action but less story.
The world of the Human sphere is ripe for all short of movies and series, but needs directors and writers that know the universe and restrain.
Different series could have a different focus on every faction. Nomads: Cyberpunk Ariadna: Survival Horror PanO: Hunt for rogue AIs Haqqislam: Raiders on the silk route or Pirates in space Yu Jing: Begin of the japanese revolt O12: Covert ops in submondo terrain The entire setting would be fresh and new, but we know, it needs a huge amount of money for special effects and some good actors.
A good start would be the real version of the Myrmidon Wars animated series :-D Please not. There are myrads of themes you can do with YJ but not this boring and unpleasant stuff. A bad written book with plenty of repeating storys was enough. InsĀ“t that more a thing for Aleph? Pan Os MO vs Morats is good and bloody and heroic stuff. A bit worn out, but action nonetheless.
You make is look easy, but there is big discipline, skill and creativity behind it. I quite like them all, especially the short with the bolts is a highlight on itself, but I deeply appreciate the skill and craft behind them.
Some variations on this list that i feel would work better Nomads: Cyberpunk, they can do several seasons without leaving their ships, plenty to play with there even without including other factions Ariadna: Just plain Survival, not just them against antipodes, but against the world and all it threw at them PanO AND YuJing: Corporate politics, early Game of Thrones IN SPAAAACE! Haqq: Raiders on the silk route or Pirates in space, also Hassassins O12: Covert Ops OSS: Hunt for rogue AIs ASS: The actual propaganda show that airs in Maya And let's not forget the aliens, also plenty there, Tohaa alone should give us the Human Sphere equivalent of Earth: the Final Conflict, plus the Libertos. Dunno about a show inside Combined Space but maybe that could work. And yeah, agreed, this needs to be executed with the only creative influence being from the creators and CB, no Hollywoodizing BS.
For an Infinity series or movie, for me to be great, it would be best if it was CGI animated. Skip the BS of getting actors when you can have fantastic voice actors.