Apologies if these have been answered but I couldn't for the life of me find out. Just read through the Corebook and instantly wanted to know how quickly my theoretical PC could purchase a TAG Which raised a few of questions: Asset Management. Can this only be done once per Acquisition? And is it still limited to +3d20? Group Acquisition Test. Can other PCs help with the Acquisition Test for a potential of up to +6 effective Earnings (assuming a party of 4)? Group Asset Management. As above. Could this allow for up to 32 restored Cashflow? (I'm assuming each PC would need to contribute an asset). Can you "restore" Cashflow during an Acquisition beyond your Cashflow maximum as needed to complete an Acquisition so long as your Cashflow never finishes above the maximum? (e.g. if my Cashflow max. is 12 and I'm trying to purchase something with a Total Cost of 30, could I restore 18 from Asset Management?) Maximum Purchasing Power. Assuming a limit to how many Assets can be liquidated during Asset Management (4 for 2d20+3d20), does this mean there's an effective Maximum Purchasing Power, regardless of number of Assets accrued? This feels a bit arbitrary if so and means there's no benefit in earning a larger number of assets if you can't spend them on big single purchases. Unless I roll a Maya Personality with max Earnings (9) and 4 Promotions over 4 careers(!) (+4) with 3 ranks in Investments (+3) for Earnings 16, is it possible for me to purchase my Guijia?
The question is, why should your GM allow you to purchase a TAG? In a lotof RPGs there is expensive stuff to have an idea how hard it is to aquire. But anything is still in the Gams discretion and how it fits his campaign. So if you need one your GM may decide that there is another way to aquire auch stuff. First thing you should do is talking with your potential GM if a PC with a TAG will fit into the narrative.
While, as a GM, I fully agree with what you're saying about the importance of balance and session 0s to align people to the narrative, your answer is incredibly unhelpful. There are costs for TAGs. There are rules for TAGs. There are rules for Acquisitions. Therefore, the game explicitly allows you to purchase and play TAGs. I'm just trying to understand those mechanical rules that my players might want to use. It might not be for a TAG, it might be something else expensive they're hoarding assets to purchase. So the fundamental question remains: Does the system for Acquisitions included in the Core rules limit maximum purchasing power, regardless of assets acquired (without GM hand-waving or houseruling)? Clarifications on the other rules questions about Asset Management would be handy as well as those are much more likely to come up in normal Acquisitions.
You spending Power is your Cashflow + Assets. Cashflow is 5 + Earnings + Lifestyle Expertise Assets can be used to ad more Cashflow. Butyou need to do a Lifestyle D0 test for that where every Momentum generated adds 2 points of Cashflow, so the Maximum would be 8 (If you dont get Double Momentum for Focus). A Gujija TAG has a cost of 16 +4N with a Tarif of T4. So you roll 4 D6 for the total cost of the TAG. 1s and 2s are added directly and a 6 adds the Tarif of 4. The Tag could cost between 16 and 32 Points depending on the Rolls forthe cost of the TAG. So your Earnings and Lifestyle Expertise have to cover between 3 and 17 Points. Cost of the TAG -5 Points Standard Cashflow and the max 8 Points for the Assets. So yes with high Earnings / Lifestyle its possible to aquire a TAG with some lucky rolls without beending the rules even for a first session Charakter with lucky rolls. You as a GM can always allow a second Lifestyle Test to Turn Assets into Cashflow or give your players other options.
Aye that was my understanding of the rules (+ using Momentum from the Acquisition Test to temporarily increase your Earnings). I'm assuming that the normal rules apply to both the Acquisition Test and Asset Management Lifestyle Tests (maximum +3d20 from Assets spent, can add additional d20 as part of group check). So it sounds like RAW there is a hard cap on Acquisition cost and Assets used during Asset Management (4), and it requires GM houserule to allow the use of more Assets to purchase more expensive Acquisitions. I'd still like clarification as to the wording of Asset Management and whether you can "restore" more than your maximum Cashflow during an expensive Acquisition, but I think I'm resigned to there not being a clear answer and having to houserule on that one. (To clarify, I don't mind houseruling and making GM judgements, I'm just trying to fully understand the system before I make judgements that might have knock on effects). I would probably roll it into a houserule that you can use as many Assets during Asset Management as you wish. Tbf I'm struggling to see the value of Asset Management requiring a Lifestyle Test except to potentially introduce Complications. Would be simpler to just let players convert Assets to restore Cashflow or remove a Shortfall without rolling.
Actually i amde a failure in the procedure how something is purchased. I do it again with some dice rolls from orropkos and the my Charakter stats from the Samira Char i play in Solodice pbp game running right now. Cost for the Gujia is 16 + 4N Lifestyle is 15 (Personalirty 13 + 2 Exp) Earnings is 3 Cashflow is 10 (5+ 3 Earnings + 2 Lifestyle Exp) Roll for the Cost : 4d6 15 [4d6=5, 2, 5, 3] For the Total Cost would be 16 + 2 for the roll above - 3 for the Earnings = 15 (i missed that you substract your earnings here) Now i roll to turn Assets into Cashflow Lets turn 4 Assets into Cashflow Lifestyle test with 5 D20 : 5d20 47 [5d20=2, 14, 7, 5, 19] That are 4 successes and i got 3 Momentum = 6 points of Cashflow So the total Cashflow would be 16 so i could purchase the Gujia Tag without any problems as a Charakter without any expewrience points for the start. As you can see its not to hard to get the expensive stuff. With the rules as they are you could have even added bulk buying for up to 3 Tags without any more difficulty. So if your players want to buy the expensive stuff they should increase theri Earnings and Lifestyle Expertise, first one is something you can influence as a GM as reward for campaigns the second one is players choice. But as seid you could do other stuff if players want to purchase a TAG or something liek that. You could let the player buy the TAG in parts, like scrapping an old car together, which opens another option for roleplaying for example.