Cancon 2023 was Australia's national games convention held this past weekend. The infinity tournament was a satellite event, and I dropped by to catch up with friends and check out the tables.
These look like great fun, and there’s some excellent painting in there. I really like the amount of height on these tables. Climb plus/superjump would really have something to do here. Was that noticeable in play? The density on many of them approaches American tables, which are chainrifle paradises compared to European tables which are shooting galleries. Interesting to see what terrain various metas select, and that this particular Aussie tourney tended towards dense. Thanks for sharing these, @chromedog !
Realy love the tables. Seems to have a nnice balance between dense corners and some open spaces. Also some realy nice Lines of fire across the whole table, especially from a slighty higher position. And what i realy like: very few obvious Sniper turret building in a DZ. I find, like @Savnock mentioned, that there is a solid height in the design of the tables. I think infinity needs at least 1 more level to move and play on, an thats where bridges come in play. Nothing is more frustrating to me than a table filled with Buildings no no wants to climb, because: when you are on top, the only way further is downwards the same way you came. bridges are important to open a second floor and give the game more depht and the players more options to execute a plan
I really couldn't say about how they played (I didn't play - I had other commitments that prevented me from doing so for the last few years.). I did try to help out at least for a few of them, by lending tables of terrain (2018-2020. 2021 it did not run due to Covid, and 2022 the numbers were severely limited due to quarantine restrictions). When I turned up on the Saturday, they were between rounds (that's when I took the photos). That said, some of the players ARE on this forum (I know Inane.Imp played in this event, for example).
@anubis good reminder: that was something missing from my last game’s terrain that I just couldn’t name, but that’s exactly it. I’m going to lay bridges between at least 1/3rd of the buildings on table whenever I remember now. @chromedog man it is torture to be working at cons and not be able to play Infinity! Had that for a couple years: next time I’m at Gen Con I’m frigging playing, work can hang the F on for at least one day.
I played at the event and most of the tables are fine (a few were mine). I much prefer elements of mixed height and bridges/access ladders to ensure that it is playable. One table that was a bit more challenging was the brutal cities one (see pic with central raised objective room). This had a *lot* of variable height which made checking LoF from both sides a bit more challenging.
Lucky for me, I wasn't working at the con. I just had other things that I had to do that weekend. If things work out for me next year, I should be able to bring a table and play. Until then, I'll try and get one or two more local events in.