By what determination made them think to toss out a nerf to PanO? They keep making claims that they use evidence based decisions in balance but I'll be damned if I can figure out what evidence they use. By all accounts PanO is a midtier faction. The nerf is just bafflingly stupid.
I will join the question as it's also affected druze and is a pretty rough hit given how much points are a premium in that army.
Druze was taking the world by storm! They had to be stopped at all costs. Even if it means sacrificing PanO. Honestly, its not even that awful of a nerf overall, but I'm probably not going to be looking to take bulleteers going forward. Its just random, nonsensical and feels spiteful when 0 pano armies are top 10 anything. It doesn't fix any issues. It doesn't really hurt /that/ much overall. If they're worried about internal balance, thats not the bulleteers fault. Thats other units not pulling their weight. The shotgun profile going up 4 points is laughable as it was niche to begin with. The whole thing is just aggravating issues i have with PanO and CB in general.
Thats it? Most people weren't being taxed on that to begin with. Many factions didn't have that tax and had BETTER tinbots. That just means that we've caught up to everyone else, kinda.
Don't worry, CB uses facts and stats and stuff to figure out what needs fixing, and definitely proactively adjusts based on those, and definitely not a drunk with a dartboard.
I don't think getting personal with CB staff is fair or reasonable. Its a stupid nerf but it's still just a game.
These changes are the obvious dimostration that the staff of CB doesn't have the slightest proficiency in balancing his game. This fact is more and more evident and serious, and it is very sad considering that many players had moved away from other games and approached in infinity also due to the much emphasized balance between the factions. Games much more famous and with many more players/customers than corvus belli (whose names need not be mentioned) have lost most of their players for this very reason. I hope that CB realizes its mistakes (which lately it commits too often)