Yet you do not seem to provide a definition. You just state "you're wrong, I know better". So what is homage and plagiarism in your opinion? Let's have a valid discussion. I also work with intellectual property and transformative works, but I'm not really interested in such posturing. IMO at least some of the CB "homages" are not transformative enough to be called anything else but visual plagiarism.
Are you saying that re: the morlocks/moderators you linked earlier? Because I don't think those are anywhere near plagiarism. Massacre is the closest to my mind by far, where the main difference is that they added a bunch of bulk to his armor that's not really present in the original character. I never would have made the connection on the moderator squad until you pointed it out; the suicide morlocks are more clear to me. In both cases, however, they're wearing the preexisting uniforms of their Infinity equivalents; the likenesses are mostly in their heads and/or weapon loadouts. As a case study - the "Harley" morlock is... a woman with pigtails and a hammer. There's not actually a lot that's directly drawn from the Harley design of any DC comics, tv shows, or movies. The hammer doesn't even look like any hammer I've ever seen Harley with. Nor does the paint job even really resemble her; she has green hair, rather than her current design with pink/blue halves.
Very true and I honestly don’t think most advocates mind. I think for the most part it’s akin to the Kirby/Starling argument vis a vis Darkseid/Thanos. Neither artist really minds and basically compliments the others work even though one is clearly using the other to create their character. I rather enjoy seeing all the different characters from anime and other shows rendered for Infinity. I’m only surprised that none of the 80’s cartoons have turned up yet…
I provided industry accepted definitions earlier in this thread. You responded to them. That's all I have to say on this topic. After seeing your behavior in the Thermoplastics thread I have no desire to engage with you in any way. Since you inexplicably haven't been banned from this forum I'm going to just block you so I don't have to see your comments in the future.
Thread moved to off topic I think we can all agree that the value of the opinion in the subject of a professional in the field is far greater than the opinion of everybody else.
Indexation here of the humorous demonstrations that had been made. Is Blizzard copying Corvus Belli? Does Corvus Belli copy Blizzard? Does Blizzard copy all the games and wargames that pass by? Do wargames copy Blizzard? Are Blizzard's art directors nerds? ... Personally I think they are lizardmen. Spoiler: Evidences
Senor Massacre is not deadpool, as Massacre very clearly has FEET - and Rob Liefeld was roundly and rightly lampooned for his inability to draw feet (so much so that even the 2nd deadpool film made a joke about it). Deadpool & Wolverine also milks this one.