Bioimmunity Effects bullet 1 says 'the Player may choose to make their Saving Rolls using either their ARM or BTS Attribute, regardless of what is indicated by the Weapon or piece of Equipment used to attack them'. According to the N4 Errata, the PH-6 roll for PARA ammunition is a Saving Roll. Does this mean I can apply Bioimmunity against the PARA weapons like Riotstoppers, since they are not Comms Attacks? If so, what should be the damage to ARM/BTS rolls? Still PH-6? All PARA weapons have no damage attribute afaik.
In short: no, Bioimmunity just doesn't work against Para. Since Para weapons never have a damage value (this is not the same as value of 0), it also means it's impossible to roll a result that is higher than the damage value since there is no value to compare against. Simply put, it's impossible to succeed such a saving roll. Yes, the reverse is also true, which is why you shouldn't go there with this optional skill.
Well... You are welcome to use your ARM or BTS value instead of your PH.... You have to roll BELOW that value, so...
Mmm... I can see some fringe cases of a ARM/BTS 5 model preferring to roll under 5 rather than under PH 10-6=4... But I can't remember any Bioinmunity model that has such high ARM/BTS