Tunguska or Corregidor?

Discussion in 'Nomads' started by smokingmonkee, Feb 27, 2023.

  1. smokingmonkee

    smokingmonkee Active Member

    Oct 21, 2018
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    Hello, I'm thinking of getting a second army and dipping my toe into Nomads with one of these Sectorials as vanilla just seems daunting at the moment. My first army is Hassassin Bahram and the occasional vanilla Haqqislam game as well.

    I like the aesthetics of both but I'm not sure on the play styles and which may offer the biggest difference from my first faction. Any input would be appreciated.
  2. natetehaggresar

    natetehaggresar Senior Backlogged Painter Manager

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Tunguska is kinda Pano light + good hacking. Kriza borac is kinda like a swiss guard light. Sally has a big gun. Tunguska doesn't have much camo and hecklers camo is limited use and does not fully infiltrate. Spektrs are basic TO camo so expensive but good. It's smoke is on a character or a bike. It's fairly direct in the application of force, with some hacking and a few nomad tricks mixed in (super jump HI?).

    Corrogidor kinda has everything, or nearly so these days. Good hacking and white noise (Jazz). Flexible links, and a huge variety of models, easy access to smoke, jaguars. Good infiltrators, massai and bandits. Lots of AD options.

    Corrogidor is IMO kinda silly at its flexibility these days, I can't really think of a weakness. Arguably they don't reach quite the guns apex that Tunguska does, like technically a HRMC > MHMG but it's close enough you don't miss the difference that much.
  3. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Protector of the Search for Knowledge

    Mar 8, 2019
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    Tunguska would be the biggest change from Haqqislam playstyles. Corregidor would be the most similar. Also, Tunguska is generally less common so you would get more hipster cred.

    And Transforming Bikes!
  4. Ugin

    Ugin Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2018
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    I would like to reccommend playing Tunguska, due to the reason similar to Brokenwolf mentioned. Here's why.

    - Tunguska runs low with Camo skirmishers, yet Hecklers has quite unique roles which differentiates from others like E/Marat, FastPanda and Jammer. We also have Spektrs, but it feels kinda costly to have them in the list, considering they are just mediocre.

    - They can field 3 Motorized Bounty Hunters + 3 ABH, and form their own Haris, which is neat.

    - Nayemnik or Hollow Men Fireteam can have Stemplar FTOs with them, is a core strength of this sectorial. Combined with the fact that Tunguska is the only sectorial which has Counterintelligence Trooper(Puppets), this means that it can maximize the order efficiency of the group you choose.

    - Overall, Direct firepower & High end hackers would be one of the reason you should play it. B6 HMG(Kriza Borac), MSR with Marksmanship and MSV L1(Grenzer), WIP15 BTS9 HD+ in a Core team(Interventor), a solo hacker with upgraded HD and KHD(Mary)... It's going to be a totally unique experience apart from Haqqislam.
    LeGweg, Brokenwolf, aglaraina and 2 others like this.
  5. smokingmonkee

    smokingmonkee Active Member

    Oct 21, 2018
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    I think you guys have sold me on Tunguska, and I have to admit I like the idea of bounty hunters, motorized and otherwise. What are people using for alternate models since I'm not a fan of using the same model over again in my armies. i do have the N3 rulebook bounty hunter so that's a start at least. Also is Miranda worth running with them?

    And now I go read 10 pages on the Tao of Tunguska to start my journey.
    burlesford likes this.
  6. csjarrat

    csjarrat Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Use the govads from haqq as my bounty hunters. I love the hooded jackets and modern tech rifles
  7. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Protector of the Search for Knowledge

    Mar 8, 2019
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    Kum also make good MBH proxies. Thankfully, there are a lot of motorcycle models in Infinity.
    cypher and burlesford like this.
  8. RolandTHTG

    RolandTHTG Still wandering through the Night

    Aug 10, 2019
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  9. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    I use Special edition Penthesilea as MBH too.

    On topic, as I play both, I can say both are good, as the others have said Tunguska will be the biggest departure from what you play, Corregidor is the most conventional from the two.

    But Tunguska has the style.
    BingBong and burlesford like this.
  10. burlesford

    burlesford Sheet guy

    Apr 14, 2020
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    For the MBH, you can also just run the Zondnautica if you don't put both in the same list.

    I've been playing Tunguska for three years and still have to put her in a list. If she were under 20 points I'd consider her. But I'm open to disagreement.
  11. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Corregidor's weakness is kinda the same as with other Nomads, though I have a feeling (as I don't play other Nomad armies) Corregidor is the one most affected here: command ability.
    • only 3 Lt options (Algulacile, costing 1 SWC, Wildcat, kinda neither here nor there, and Mobile Brigada. Who's a bit on the expensive side).
    • no extra Lt. Order options
    • no extra Command Token options
    • no Chain of Command
    Tunguska doesn't have CoC either, but I'd rate a bunch of Grenzers (Veteran!) above a couple of Lobos (also Veteran) in terms of fieldability. And then you have options for an actual active Lt. in Tunguzka - Kriza Borac or an Interventor Lt.

    In Corregidor, you'd likely have to be fielding a Gator NCO or Wildcat NCO to make actual use of thet Lt. Order. Not a bad idea with the Gator, but I don't really love that approach.

    Take it with a grain of salt, though, as it might be a case of "grass being greener on the other side" for me ;)
    LeGweg, Time Bandit and burlesford like this.
  12. HarlequinOfDeath

    HarlequinOfDeath Tha Taskmastaaa

    Dec 14, 2017
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    Tunguska. Professional, good looking and stylish mafia killers. What do you want more?
  13. burlesford

    burlesford Sheet guy

    Apr 14, 2020
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    Also, as someone else has pointed out already, in Tunguska you get at least Counterintelligence and linkable Stemplers, which gives you a few extra orders (this ITS season at least).
    LeGweg and Errhile like this.
  14. smokingmonkee

    smokingmonkee Active Member

    Oct 21, 2018
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    Any ideas on a good shopping list to get started? I'm leaning towards the Tunguska Starter and the Alpha Expansion Pack for sure. I'm not sure where to go next, there are so many toys to choose from. I assume I need to get a box or two of Zonds and probably the expansion pack as well.
    burlesford likes this.
  15. burlesford

    burlesford Sheet guy

    Apr 14, 2020
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    Here is my personal Tunguska starter list recommendation:

    Tunguska Starter List Recommendation

    GROUP 1[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]10
    KRIZA BORAC (360º Visor) Mk12, Submachine Gun ( ) / Heavy Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 57)
    HOLLOW MEN Combi Rifle, Chain-colt ( | TinBot: Firewall [-3]) / Breaker Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 29)
    STEMPLER ZOND FTO (Super-Jump) Combi Rifle, Flash Pulse / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 17)
    INTERVENTOR (Lieutenant, Hacker, Hacking Device Plus) Combi Rifle ( ) / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0.5 | 24)
    INTERVENTOR (Hacker, Killer Hacking Device [UPGRADE: Trinity (-3)]) Boarding Shotgun ( | FastPanda) / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 22)
    SECURITATE (Paramedic) Combi Rifle ( | MediKit) / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 15)
    SECURITATE Combi Rifle / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 13)
    SECURITATE Combi Rifle / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 13)
    PUPPET MASTERS Submachine Gun / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 12)
    PUPPETBOT (BS Attack [Shock]) AP Marksman Rifle / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 14)
    PUPPETBOT (Forward Observer) Boarding Shotgun, Flash Pulse / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 12)
    TRANSDUCTOR ZOND Flash Pulse / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 7)

    GROUP 2[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]3 [​IMG]2 [​IMG]2
    HECKLER Combi Rifle, Jammer ( | FastPanda) / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 23)
    VERTIGO ZOND Missile Launcher / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (1.5 | 16)
    MOTORIZED BOUNTY HUNTER Submachine Gun, Chain-colt(+1B) / Pistol, PARA CC Weapon(-6). (0 | 9)
    MOTORIZED BOUNTY HUNTER Submachine Gun, Chain-colt(+1B) / Pistol, PARA CC Weapon(-6). (0 | 9)
    TRANSDUCTOR ZOND Flash Pulse / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 7)

    2 SWC | 299 Points

    Open in Infinity Army

    This list tries to maximize the models you can use from the least amount of boxes, while still giving you a very viable list for your first few games.

    The shopping list for this one looks like this:
    • Tunguska Starter Pack (models you will use: all of them)
    • Interventor box (models you will use: all of them)
    • Puppetactica box (models you will use: all but one Puppetbot)
    • 2x Zond Remotes
    • 2x Motorized Bounty Hunter, or 1 MBH + one Zondnautica
    Apart from the fact that you get to use pretty much every model from your first purchase, you also get most of the models you will use in most other lists as well.

    If you want to expand on this later on, these are my recommendations:
    • The Booster Pack Alpha (for the Grenzer MSR and Mary Problems)
    • Raoul Spector
    • The Booster Pack Beta (for Perseus, better if you can get him as a split)
    • A box of S4 remotes of your choice to proxy the Vostok, Salyut, and Tsyklon
    • Fiddler (if you can find her) or an appropriate proxy (Mary Problems is one). You will most often play her linked, so you don't have to worry about the Jackbots too much.
    Things you can save until the very end, from most to least important (my take):
    • The Hollowmen box – a Hollowmen core is a viable play style, but tough to execute.
    • The Jammer Heckler – you can play a 2-Heckler list, but you won't very often.
    • Spektrs – they're decent, but expensive. You might want to take one in a few missions.
    • The Cheerkillers – they're cool, but hard to fit into a list, and the few times you play a Grenzer, it will be the MSR, not the ML.
    • Wolfgang Amadeus Wolff – he's there, but you don't play Tunguska to play him.
    • The Securitate box – you'll rarely need the SWC Securitate or the Combi+LFT Grenzer.
    • The Support Pack – neither the Dak nor the Clockmaker are linkable in Tunguska, and their roles will pretty much always be taken over by Fiddler and the Securitate Paramedic.
    • Miranda Ashcroft – I've never played her so far.
  16. Noir Kara

    Noir Kara Active Member

    Jan 11, 2023
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    I am starting a ttrpg that will explore the ins and outs of how to cheat at Aristeia! for your corporation, how to be sent to the front lines of Paradiso when caught, and general mayhem. I have a small list here that will not survive much, but any commentary is appreciated, as my rpg players might play anything from mechanics to TAG pilots! 780FC490-C901-4111-BDAF-6D1B0BE3204B.png
  17. TacCom

    TacCom Active Member

    Jan 19, 2018
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    As noted, both Corregidor and Tunguska do suffer from some issues with LTs and lack of LT redundancy. But one key selling point of Tunguska for me is simply Securitate. While the basic line troop for Tunguska comes at a premium compared to the other sectorials, Securitate serve a very key role in resiliency. And simply that is Veteran. I will gladly pay 13pts for what is basically a Fusilier with bonus WIP due to that one skill.

    What this allows is to play with your LT in somewhat more precarious positions because if you go into LoL you arn't completely stalled out. Having a pool of 2-4 regular orders plus converting 1 or 2 more often can give you enough resources to still get something done on that turn and really help stabilize. And for myself I tend to field the Interventor as my LT a lot so it's often pretty well hidden and not exactly a free kill under most circumstances. And it's rather convenient that the same Interventor can link with Securitate so you can also benefit from having a hacker with Sixth Sense if you are running a Securitate core. The biggest thing I really enjoy about Tunguska is their flexible and toolbox fireteams that allow you to really bring some wild solutions to problems. And especially in this ITS season (so don't count on it staying) having the Stempler Zonds with Hollowmen give what should be a pretty elite and order-strapped sectorial some surprising order efficiency.

    I'm personally not a fan of the Kriza Borac, Grenzers, and Puppet-bots in Tunguska (I still take the Puppet-Master though) but I often find I'm in the minority there. So it goes to show there is also plenty of room for finding your way in the faction as honestly there are quite a few good profiles afforded to it.
    LeGweg, anubis and burlesford like this.
  18. burlesford

    burlesford Sheet guy

    Apr 14, 2020
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    Good write-up and thoughts! I admit I haven't valued the Securitate's Veteran skill as highly as you so far, but maybe I should simply play them more.

    I'm curious to know why you don't like Puppetbots. I don't see myself leave the house without them. They're the closest to a warband Tunguska gets (apart from the MBH), and they're one of the few over-optimized profiles in the sectorials. Paying 12pts for a 6-4 2W B3 BSG that can clear objectives on a WIP14 is invaluable to me.
    anubis and Modock like this.
  19. anubis

    anubis sarcastic exaggerator

    Oct 25, 2020
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    dont forget that they can take a punch with Transmutation. (edit: overlooked the "2W" you already mentioned.) This little beasts are a bigger pain in the ass than auxbots.
    Tbh i dislike playing them because the are so over-optimized. They are one of the best units in this game overall, but i mostly run the puppetmaster alone, because 12 points for a counterintelligence chearleader and 17 / 0,5 for an decent hacker is amazingly good on its own already.
    LeGweg and burlesford like this.
  20. burlesford

    burlesford Sheet guy

    Apr 14, 2020
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    In vanilla, I agree with you, because you can take all three Puppets and still fit all the other over-optimized profiles in the same list.

    But in Tunguska their over-optimization is balanced by the fact that you are paying for units that don't give you orders in a sectorial where it's pretty hard to fit everything you need and still get 15 orders. I regularly have to give up other things during listbuilding if I want to take all three bots, and most of the time end up being able to afford only two. Which imo makes it fair again.
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