Hi, our local store's event organizer has gone silent for almost a year an no one has raised their hand to take over the monthly(ish) games. since its the only way i seem to find games i was wondering whats required to host them?
Space to deploy tables Enough scenery elements to fill them A Tournament Code or (better)Tournament Kit from the store as basic prize (plus any additional prize you can put your hands on) Nothing more, even if some extra are always appreciated, like lunch organization.
adding one more think to the "requirements" that @tox told you, is to be willing to organize a tournament. Anyone can organize a tournament. You don't need to be a warcor. And is the same to the tournamenmt pack, everybody can buy it. You don't need to be a store or a warcor.
ok. however if i'm organizing them ever 1-2 months like the last organizer (who was our area's warcor), wouldn't it be more beneficial to be accumulating warcor points?
Accumulating warcor points really only helps you with getting product DIRECT from CB (I think it's 50 warcor pts gets you free postage). You don't NEED to order an ITS pack direct from CB. The distributors and stores can get them for you.