I'm watching Robert Shepard's battle reports of his games at CanCon, and at one point he super-jumps off a platform, forward to see around a corner, and back. Basically levitating in the air. Is this how people play Super-Jump?
Well the "why not" is a bit provocative, it's not hard to imagine people, especially casual ones getting a bit irked by stuff that's technically possible in the ruleset, but breaking the immersion. You might interpret superjump as having small jetpacks aut simile and it makes a bit more sense, than a werewolf changing directions in the air (legolas can do it as well tho ^^)
I understand both parties. It feels... "weird", when a unit jumps towards and edge, makes a break midair to aim and shoot, and then miraculously hovers back from where it came. And I am not a big fan of the common saying "I can do it because the rules say so / don´t say i can´t" Ofcourse, everyone playing it that way is in the right, because... well... there is no rule in Infinity that says "You are not allowed what is not possible on a physical scale or with commen sense". But, as said by a fellow forum member: Imho, playing it that way is, ruleswise, allowed and perfectly fine. But I understand everyone who feels like that beeing an exploit of the rules beeing not precise enough (and lets be honest: there is a lot in infinity´s rules that is not precise, starting with everyone trying to mesure MOV) It is allowed and can be played that way. That´s fact. There is no rule saying otherwise. yes.... i unfortunatly remember that one.... Again, peter jackson seems to do that, because no phrase in the book said "Legolas is not part of the story!" so he added him. And we all know how great that turned out :-D
There is no rule to prevent it and creating an exception to how the game works just to facilitate a mechanism that works like every other mechanism in the rule system because it might feel weird is not a good solution. Infinity used to be more "realistic" in the first and second edition with many such exceptions, the conscious decision in N3 was made to work on a game system that is more coherent and focus on rules and playing consistency instead of realism. And in my opinion this is a great improvement in the gameplay overall.
+1 the game has become way more fluent and in addition faster. I rember "fall damage" from failed jumps, walking ODD-fields and getting cover with 33% of the imaginary cylinders beeing obscured. To sacrifice some things (like realism is special situations) for the purpose to make the game less .... wonky seems to be the smarter choice overall
Super jump is often a representation of mobility in zero g as well. There are ways to explain the movement if you just try a little harder. In terms of rules, it meets the requirements yes.
I feel that it would be silly for a "Super Jump" in an anime universe to have to obey the laws of physics and gravity. To me, it fits the universe that somethings just are cool.
Superjump has always been something akin to limited flight. I’ve seen people make similar sorts of jumps plenty of times over the years.
Is there something in the super jump rules that makes this specific to super jump, or can you do floating regular jumps too? Edit: I need to think before I type, can't see a way to delete this reply. There'd be no reason to do this with regular jump since you couldn't do anything with the LoS you'd be getting