Bakunin revamp: what's going, what's staying

Discussion in 'News' started by burlesford, Feb 3, 2023.

  1. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    I get where the 40k takes are coming from. When doing the glance test they don't register as Infinity figures. Especially the HI with the iron halos. Old Morias were sexy nuns with guns and this is just nuns with guns.

    The last two reworks in the visuals department have missed the mark by a mile for me. Don't care for the new Morats or whatever is happening with Bakunin.
    Golem2God, Abrilete, Modock and 2 others like this.
  2. Papa Bey

    Papa Bey Clueless Wonder. Still.

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Nuance has no place in the developing narrative.
    toadchild, Camo Token and burlesford like this.
  3. Daireann

    Daireann Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2020
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    If we would get a mirror of MO with new Bakunin, there could get some units in a proper amount and make a chess set with them. Literally.
    Golem2God likes this.
  4. burlesford

    burlesford Sheet guy

    Apr 14, 2020
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    I see a lot of allegations and little concrete evidence here.

    Yes, these are Sci-fi nuns. Sci-fi nuns also exist in another franchise. That's where the comparison ends from my perspective. And to bring it up now is ridiculous, since Bakunin had sci-fi nuns for years.

    The minis look nothing alike. Just because there is a woman in an exoskeleton doesn't make it "grimdark". Just because there's a halo (which, by the way, is an ancient Christian symbol that no mini company has a copyright on) doesn't make it "grimdark" either.

    I'd love to see some concrete evidence for the cries of "rip-off" and "grimdark", please, otherwise I can't really take them seriously.

    And as for the MO comparison: I don't like the swords either, mostly because they look bad and don't fit the previous Nomad sword aesthetic. But again: that's where the comparison with MO ends imo. These minis have a clear Nomad design, from the armor to the head gear. And again: just because they are religious warriors doesn't make them MO. The Observance have been religious warriors since their inception. Why is it suddenly a problem?

    Seriously, this forum sometimes seems to consist mostly of people who love to hate on everything their favorite mini company does more than anything else.

    I for one think that 8 out of 10 of these miniatures absolutely rock, and I'm curious to see what the updates to the profiles will look like.
  5. Fed4ykin

    Fed4ykin Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2019
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    I Guess it might be a bit early to be so negative about this leak and say the box is a copycat of the MO box (which was really solid except the doc with the Standard) as we Do not know any rules for the obvious new troopers. I really like that they kept the original designs of the moiras, the custodier and the sineater. The HMG sineater from the bakunin starter is for me an Ace Design.
    I hope the observance will get easier to field and be less of a drawback.
    The rules Updates for MO and especially morats in the last years were great so i am optimistic for Bakunin.
    Ugin, DaRedOne, RolandTHTG and 4 others like this.
  6. anubis

    anubis sarcastic exaggerator

    Oct 25, 2020
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    Damn, this time shift. You go to bed and after you wake up the subforum did explode overnight.

    @burlesford I could not get my thought into words any better. Especially that:

    Is it just the old, nostalgic me or does anyone else miss it, that a leaked picture (which is not the very best, tbh) sparks exited speculation, especially with 2 completly new units on display, instead of posts like
    but maybe im just getting old and want my hobby to be fun, instead of raging against it. Nothing against solid criticism and emotianal discussion full of doomsday prophecies, thats part of it, an important one. But some phrases here sound like the people are forced with a gun to their head to buy this stuff and play it with the rules they despise.

    Not gonna lie, the last time I played a game and got that mindset, I finally quit it. Why spend time in a hobby (meaning; my free time and money) when every news that is announced forces me to look at it like aunt petunia at a dirty spot in the neighbors kid´s face.

    Not to forget: Skulls. It has not at least 12 skulls, it´s not trademarketly correct grimdark.
    The infinity style is imho not even near anything grimdark. Starting with the heroic scale. The Sci-fi tabletops are flooded with religiouse fanatacs in powerarmor. W40k has them. Warmashine has some characters like that. TGOTG has a full range of it. If we cancel everything that could draw a line to enything the big company from nottingham does, oh boy, this world would be truely grimdark.

    Not an historical architect here, but we seem to have very different opinions of what "baroque" looks like. I cannot recall the exact design of praxis or the ordanance, but i think i would remember it if it would´ve been a giant Palace of Versailles in space. It´s not even slightly gothic, and neither are the modells we see on the picture. A halo with some spikes on is not something new, even for christianity. In fact, the boy man himself wore a halo with spikes.
    And thank god are the ladies a bit more "bulky". No one wants more of the Mobile-Brigada-Lady-armor, that fits completly in the male one. Armor (especially power armor) should not differ SO MUCH from male to female.
    I think i red smth about the "sexyness" of the new nuns and that the old ones had more of it. I realy like the old modells in terms of how sexy they are. I am a little sad, that seems to be less with the new design. But i can understand, that novadays a company better walks the "safe path" in the design choice of "how to display women", instead of beeing accused to be sexist (and lets be honest: a modell like the first gen Daktari wouldn´t be a great idea today).

    Realy? I see so much of infinity in that. Starting with the ridicules swords. The sin-eater and Custodier are easily to identify as Bakunin, and so are the Moiras (imho. But thats just me). The Armor-design is a new one, but it looks fine to me. The upper armor of the lady on the right is defenetly clockmaker.
    The only think i am sad about: I realy liked the reverends to have hoods. I am not a fan of the klobuks they are wearing. I think i will convert that (pun intended)

    I have to admit, that the overall design of the leaked picture looks very "un-infinity"....ish... At first glance I would say thats a TGOTG-release, but the minis speak a more clear language from whom the design comes. But yes, the red-lighted design with the strong shadows (which is maybe a nice atmospheric design but horrible in terms of showing how the miniatures exactly look) is something i cannot recall to be seen in previouse releases.

    I very much liked the idea they brought in with this modell of the curator. To just create a "new" profile with slightly other stats replacing something unfitting. A nice idea to make sectorials consistent in itself without bloating the vanilla.;dr.
    #126 anubis, Feb 16, 2023
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2023
    Cthulhu363, Jumara, Croepoek and 7 others like this.
  7. Lucian

    Lucian Catgirl Nation

    Nov 27, 2017
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    You are just a grumpy old man, I feel the same. It would be just another generic HI with kinda samey stats and equipment. Nothing mindblowing, just another SKU and Unit list bloat.
    And CB community management doesn't help it either - pic got leaked and they just ignore it. Imagine if they started posting random details about them? Or other sneak pics? That would keep your interest for some time. With CB's way when they finally announce it you'd probably think "Oh, yeah. That thing existed, right." and go on.

    These "safe" designs are just too bland. You can easily make a list what a model that doesn't offend anyone has and find out that there's already tons of them. Why do I need *Infinity* when I can get the same generic sci-fi-ish minis anywhere else?
    archon and Bignoob like this.
  8. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Miniatures are another form of art. It's highly subjective and not everyone is going to like the things you like. If someone thinks this rework looks like the Sisters of Battle or the hottest thing then sliced bread then whatever. I don't know why it bothers some that people don't like the change for whatever reason. It's not a slight at CB or that someone is racing to burn down the business (even though some do act that way when they voice an opinion that isn't "CB good"). They just don't like it.
    Golem2God likes this.
  9. burlesford

    burlesford Sheet guy

    Apr 14, 2020
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    That's fair. It just seems to me that when I look outside the forums, the opinions on most of what CB does I see are mostly: excitement, happiness, joy about the hobby you love. But when I go into the forums, the majority seems to be: constant disappointment, negativity, doomsaying, and jadedness. And like Colin Robinson the energy vampire, you have to be careful that it doesn't suck the excitement out of everyone else.

    As for the sexiness of the Moira: You all do realize that their inner thighs still are exposed. The only difference is that the painter decided to paint them as pantyhoses, not as bare skin. Paint it like skin, and they look pretty much exactly like the original Moira.


    I agree with that.
  10. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    I do not see the "bluntness" you speak of, neither in the design, nor in the poses.
    chromedog likes this.
  11. Lucian

    Lucian Catgirl Nation

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Bignoob likes this.
  12. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Many people have fled this forum for perceived toxicity so you get left with some of the hardscrabble types. They don't have an issue saying they don't like something and be damned if someone takes offense.
    Golem2God likes this.
  13. Knauf

    Knauf Transhumanist

    Mar 3, 2018
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    The same criticisms have been voiced on the international discord and on the German discord. New design choices will always result in mixed feedback, it's not surprising at all.
    #133 Knauf, Feb 16, 2023
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2023
  14. anubis

    anubis sarcastic exaggerator

    Oct 25, 2020
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    Funny thing is, i am not grumpy ´bout the new minis, but the grumpy reaction of some in here. Grumpseption. I myself feel quit excited. I love the new HI not dislike the Moiras. AND I´m curiouse for more pictures.
    What i cannot understand is: It´s always the same:
    A Picture of a new modell comes out. Some people are excited, and a lot cry about "looks dumb, ugly does not fit the sectorial, looks to different, looks not different at all, no profile in army already, load-out in army is crap". And no one can say that this is not true, cause the subforum right here is flooded by that mentality.
    Take Agamemnom for example. First render was... unlucky pictured, to say it carefully. First render aswell. Looks dumb, hammer too big, no one holds a hammer like that, walks strange. And then came in more renders and most of the people are fine with it. There are still some who dont like it, but thats ok with art (meaning: design of smth never there before).
    People start to hate things that arent even here right now. I have no idea how anyone can assume, that this new HI´s look like a Riot girrls replacement and act like it´s already given fact. Or that this miniatures dont look like orcanance/Bakunin or infinity AT ALL. Based on a LEAKED picture. That shouldn´t even be here.
    But well, everything seems better than accusing CB of blackmailing their costumers with false profils to buy the little dollies they sell.
    And i dunno, why. Is everyone so short fused that they cannot wait for... well... proper information? Or just MORE information? Or is it popular to complain about something they spent their time with by free will?
    Dont get me wrong: discussing some things i dont like is part of the hobby, but in my perception we left that state a long time ago. But i guess thats just me.

    But is it better to release modells that offend people? Economically speaking? I can truely understand that they want to avoid that as safe as possible. Bigger companies than CB got backlashed by stuff like that. on the other hand: companies got also backlashed for beeing "too woke".....seems there is no good way anymore)

    I guess thats everyone´s own feeling. For me it´s the style, the minis, the fluff, the rules, the app, yearly changing ITS, the size of the community and the community over all.
    When someone just dislikes what CB does, well why should he stay? Somethings just dont fit. Or it started great and time has showen that the interests went different ways... as said: there are a lot of fishes in the pond, and the big british whale is always happy to swallow another faceless costumer.

    edit. cause i am too dumb to use brackets properly.
  15. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    While I understand the discussion about design, aesthetics and peoples perception of it, it (inevitably) veers to political discussion and I would rather not have political discussions in the forum.
    anubis likes this.
  16. Shyvax

    Shyvax Active Member

    Dec 30, 2017
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    I'm loving that the Leak created so much discussions on the forum. I care not about who is right or not, I just really enjoy seeing people engaging with passion with what is their opinion.
    No one is right here, nor wrong. Some will be strongly disappointed, and this is their right, their feelings. It should be respected.
    At the end of the day, people will buy it or not. But I do not think it is a bad things to generate so much talk.
    I also find the forum very polite so far. It is very much a healthy debate this far.
    I am loving it ;-)
    Savnock, Graves, SpectralOwl and 3 others like this.
  17. Daireann

    Daireann Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2020
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    Oh, the swords. The swords were problematic sometime.

    I remember Cassandra on some arts with katana.
    I am ok with swords, but I really hope, that they have scabbards for them. That is an only moment, that makes me worry. But it could be fixed. I just removed sword on my MO miniature.

    Or may be they have some other way to keep swords out of hands...
    Golem2God and burlesford like this.
  18. Bignoob

    Bignoob Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2022
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    That's an interesting take. I don't think we should "see" more. There are tons of Pinups STL or Printed minis available outside of official mini manufacturers like GW or CB and I don't think CB should make (or keep on doing according to some) pinups.

    And sexiness is also a very subjective take. As demonstrated, old Moiras don't show more of their legs than what they do now. But overall I think it's undeniable that CB is leaving the CyberPunk style.

    Loved the hoods on the old Moiras. Just changing the new Moiras from those 100% Catholic headscarfs to simple hoods would have done the job.

    I just don't see myself playing with these Mother Theresas.

    Anyway, I'm really looking forward to the rest of Bakunin units. If I'm blown away by the new Uberfall, Morlocks, Zeroes and Moderators, I might jump in. I'll only buy the old pack of Moiras since I already have the Spitfire Riot Grrl (Blister), Healer (ColdFront), Custodier (Blister), Taskmaster (and the two Koalas) and Kusanagi (Defiance).

    I might then buy this box, ditch the two Moiras and Healer (specially the healer... Oh god, she's so uggly...) and replace them with the old ones.

    But I don't know why, I'm worried that:
    - the new Chimera won't be as cool as the old one
    - the Morlocks won't be funky
    - the Moderators won't be as "modified"

    The Zeroes, I don't really care what they do with them since the old ones are pretty similar to other units (nothing to be really missed for me).

    I hope I'm wrong
    #138 Bignoob, Feb 16, 2023
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2023
    Golem2God likes this.
  19. fari


    Feb 21, 2017
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    There's none so blind as who dont want to see
    Golem2God likes this.
  20. Solar

    Solar Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    And it has made the forums largely terrible
    Cthulhu363, chaos11 and Ugin like this.
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