Here is a topic to index where to find heads in true scale that can be compatible with Infinity, for conversions. Over the years I have seen several photos and miniatures in the same scale from which we could collect elements : Statuesque Miniatures Statuesque Miniatures in England, which has started to produce alternative heads in fine scale, compatible with Infinity. For the moment, there are female heads and this is the result: Price: 4.5 pounds or ~5€. Link here: Malifaux While looking for other manufacturers, on one of the forum topics, it was said that the Malifaux range is compatible, but it's a 19th century/steampunk era and I haven't seen any pictures though. Kingdom Death The Kingdom Death range looks compatible Warlord Same for Warlord's Project Z game : Mad Robot As well as the very large range of heads from Mad Robot : Wargames Factory Wargames Factory, Apocalypse Survivors set Album photos: Crooked dice Crooked dice, Heads accessories, heads compatible with the Infinity range (old figs ok, to see if current ok) : Album photos: Starfinder I don't have a camera, but the plastic miniature (which is a warrior) is the size of a female pano fusilier (thickness is also good), it's exactly the same scale as Corvus Belli, so we can list the Starfinder range of Archon Studio in compatible bits. The only thing is that there are details that are sometimes at the same scale of CB, sometimes in ultra fine mode, without being marked enough, which one wonders how they will still be visible after the basecoat. And the plastic print (although ultra high quality, it's not the soft plastic of the Megalodron but a model type) doesn't have the depth of the metal print of CB.
Print 3D Library Here, compatibility is easier to find, you just have to do it yourself. Infinity Montesa Helmet : Conversions with manga heads in print 3d (an gift a friend) by hey_bert_8d: No specific links but there are billions of them for free in libraries, example :èle-3d/jeu/sister-of-battle-anime-heads-64-heads-3d-print-model-minigames_miniatures"stl"+"anime+heads"&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjpqOjXwav7AhWKU6QEHblxBOgQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=file+"stl"+"anime+heads"&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQA1DoC1iKLGDoMGgAcAB4AIABSYgBgwKSAQE0mAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=qBJxY-m0OIqnkdUPueORwA4&bih=1251&biw=1535&client=firefox-b-ab#imgrc=wNoIrhdLTJuSpM&imgdii=K4xNkxfuedgJKM Heads for infinity by Vult ji: Cyberpunk Ronin Kasa Hats for Infinity JSA by PandaProwler
Monstrous Makings sells 2 different sets of full Cyborg heads. Both are within Infinity Scale range and MM is able to scale up or down against a small fee.
Cool. Hop! A little sheet with links and images. STL FIles Monstrousmakings Cyborg Heads Enhanced Cyborg Heads
No link, hey_bert_8d answered this to the same question : But I've updated the posts with new links if you want to explore other ways.
@Wizzy, thanks for this thread! Very helpful indeed. I will try to find out which Infinity heads I have from the above list and where they came from if they haven’t got links here. I’ll also try to let you all know whether they were free or not.
Prints Shapeways I saw this on the discord, there are 3 sizes of tanko jsa hats (not .stl). Version: 2.62 x 0.73 x 2.62 cm Super Fancy Guija Hat II Turbo
Hi, I happened upon this thread from the conversion thread and thought I should mention Raging Heroes. I used leftover heads from their Iron Empire line for a female Magister Knight (old sculpt). They are slightly larger than Stauesque Minis heads and should fit perfectly with newer Infinity sculpts.
For your information, I have added to the post: Print 3D Library, this address of free stl files for JSA: - Cyberpunk Ronin Kasa Hats for Infinity JSA by PandaProwler
Just a quick note: As the first Statuesque pic shows, Andrew has 3 sizes of the heads available, the "Fine" was the true and tested size for pre-CAD models, and i faintly recall people confirming that the next size, "Pulp", fit well with post-CAD sculpts, would be worth it to confirm it for sure. Also just noticed that he's selling the heads now as STLs too.