Trialling new things and Finding Synergy within a List.

Discussion in 'PanOceania' started by AntipodeanBolt, Sep 8, 2022.

  1. AntipodeanBolt

    AntipodeanBolt Bureau of Colonial Affairs Spokesperson

    May 4, 2020
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    Morning Team,

    With N4's second birthday either very close or just been, the new fireteam rules settling in to become the new norm.

    What new things have you been taking? What synergies have you found that has performed quite successfully? How have your lists evolved over the two year period?

    Gwynbleidd and burlesford like this.
  2. csjarrat

    csjarrat Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I've liked the orc haris in neoterra. Shona, Feuerbach/HMG and boarding shotgun loadout. Good for pushing up and causing chaos
    Gwynbleidd likes this.
  3. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    I've had... way too much success in NCA with a Sniper Core, a Sniper Haris and all the Locusts, Hexas and Swiss Guards I can still afford. NCA scares people out of poking their heads up, so doing all the killing in reactive turn as the enemy tries to advance into the midfield for objectives and saving all my orders for super-inefficient, slow objective grabbing with the Stealth Hackers has worked depressingly well.
    Gwynbleidd, csjarrat and burlesford like this.
  4. Gwynbleidd

    Gwynbleidd Non asto coram malo

    Sep 18, 2021
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    Hmm. There’s been a few things. I’ve had some excellent results with my karhu haris with feuerbach in winterfor though my nisse have enjoyed their newfound teammates as well. My Varuna has been enjoying its orc teams, I’ve had some good luck against forces that should have stopped them in their tracks. Guess the dice gods like them. @SpectralOwl hits the nail on the head though. NCA is just… mean. My bolt team can lay down enough firepower that they have to be dealt with or else it’s a bad day and that’s in the reactive turn. Neoterra seem to still be the shootiest army that could ever shoot. And I love them for it.
    burlesford likes this.
  5. yoink101

    yoink101 Chandra SpecOps Complaint Department

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Obviously a linked Karhu is phenomenal.

    the more surprising thing has been leaning into skirmishers and camo. A mixed or pure Kamau team in the back of the table, a peacemaker, and 4-5 Zulus, crocmen, and Uma have been fantastic. I think they’ll take a small hit this season with an increased presence of sensor bots though.
    Gwynbleidd likes this.
  6. Cranky Old Man

    Cranky Old Man Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2019
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    Arent Zulus AVA 3?
  7. Urobros

    Urobros Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Hello guys,

    I played a lot Winterforce, more before the fireteam changes in March, but still I played it in leagues. I used Acontecimento too in time to time. Both are a big change from Haquisslam or Hassasin, both I played too this N4. Coming back to Pano.

    Winter... it has a serious "then - now" thing, because loosing BS power but gaining a second fireteam was a really big change. This army become even less effective in ARO, you have to relay on fugazzi or fusiliers (points cheap, but swc expensive) to build your defense. Karhu ins't an ARO piece, not anymore. You still can use it, of course, but you will be loosing one of your best active pieces and one and half orders. Less powefull ARO is a thing, but having another vector for the attack thanks to that second haris is really cool, and you still can have some kind of defense but not in the large range.

    Winter needs now more than ever to be the first player if possible, allowing things like hmg nisse in haris or hmg orc too in haris, to do some damage. Nisse removing ARO pieces with mimetism then letting the orc to finish the job, or viceversa is really cool. And CC specialists make a danger zone around your fireteams.

    So, go for Nisse/Orc HMG and friends :)

    Sadly I haven't managed to have success with Boyg, beyond special tournaments with 0 SWC extra (a home rule we use sometimes).

    Acontecimento is a thing, now even better than early N4. Regulars having haris option plus the option to have others profiles like baghmari, orcs, etc. Make effective fireteams cheaper than before. Yet, you can still to deploy a heavy minefield. You even can have now a camo hunter duo (regular sensor/minelayer) plus winter Orc (climbing plus), it isn't really expensive and can easily reach some camos on the roofs :)

    The regular with multi snipper + shaper was useful before fireteam changes, now is better than the baghmari (cheaper) and pretty much can do it the same (only smoke do the ghings worse for the humble regular). Shaper gives the regular snipper an advantage few players forecast when they choose the deployment zone, so, probably they will let you the worst side taking in consideration the covert provided in that side, only to find a snipper with covert half of a corridor :)

    OM did some use of then too, but only in a few games. NCO profiles are a thing then and now. What is it truly worthy to try is the montesa duo. If you tasted it you will find yourself putting both montesas in your lists. :)

    Best regards.
  8. Jaeger_Illustrations

    Jaeger_Illustrations Active Member

    Aug 14, 2022
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    Bolt snipers are like one of my favorite pieces. I even have a core defensive link with two of them. Have the leader be in the middle of the link and spread the two sniper out so they cover as much as possible. I have debated missile launchers instead to save the 10 points but the MSV is just more important with all the mim running around.
  9. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    I take one ML and one Sniper. The Sniper's better in many cases but the ML can punish tightly-clumped links and ignore White Noise as a positioning tool, sapping enemy order efficiency in many of NCA's worst matchups. The Sniper will do the lion's share of the work, but the ML will limit an opponent's ability to counter it quickly. Best case scenario for NCA is for the enemy to spend their whole first turn dealing with that Sniper and extending too far, allowing your slower but deadlier shooting force to counterattack and take the teeth out of the opposing army.
  10. Jaeger_Illustrations

    Jaeger_Illustrations Active Member

    Aug 14, 2022
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    The issue with the missile launcher in ARO is any competent opponent isn't going to try to fight it with clumped up stuff. And its not like having the ML is stopping an opponent from slicing the pie to deal with the sniper with something that can deal with it. (such as white noise.)

    That said I do like the ML. Its 5 points cheaper which lets you do something like upgrade a fugazi into a fusilier paramedic. Or maybe add a tech bee. So there is definitely room for both profiles in any NCA list and there is no clear winner. I just love that second MSV because haqq and ariadna are so rampant with all that mimetism in my meta.
  11. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    The impact is more in that it stops them being able to clump up as a movement efficiency tool if your list can't fake/bring a Swiss ML. And a Core-linked, Marksmanship Missile Launcher is still a potent ARO in its own right if you're worried about enemies abusing White Noise/Albedo to chump the Sniper. That said, if your meta's heavy on the low-tech there's less value in this- mine is *infested* with CA and Nomads so you always need all the counters, though there's usually someone playing everything except Tohaa in the bigger tournaments. Funnily enough, there's so much alpha-strike going on here lately that my Bolt Core isn't even my biggest killer; it's the Swiss Guard Hacker watching their back from Hidden Deployment.
  12. Jaeger_Illustrations

    Jaeger_Illustrations Active Member

    Aug 14, 2022
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    oh yeah, my swiss guard missile launcher does work for me every game. I just played a game last night where it killed a ninja once revealing itself, then went on to kill 3 more models.
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