I picked up some second-hand QK that included an old S2 Azra'il with rifle and panzerfaust. I'm looking for recommendations on what to do with him. Use him as a proxy? Interesting shelf model? What do others do with models that have changed size profile between editions?
Proper Panzerfausts are hard to find, and no new ones will be produced now that CB has redesigned them into those terrible folded-up pistol things on the new Daylamis. You can still buy them but only by paying for the whole HB starter just for one Panzerfaust. So if it were me, I'd use the Panzerfaust for a Nadhir conversion :-)
I have repurposed my set of old Azra'il (I had 5 of them...) as Riot Grrls for StarCo. Some weapon swaps to get them other weapons than Feuerbachs - I even bought one extra to turn him into ML. So, my answer is "convert / repurpose".
Use him as an Azra'il ? You just need to re-base him. Like when bikes went from 40mm to 55mm. I'm kidding. don't do that. even if I once played a S2 HI ML on a 40mm to pretend being a Yan Huo (when the profile got released). Personally I've found an old Azra'Il FBach and was happy to use it for proxy for Sec because FBach were hard to find (I did not know a securitate fbach blister was going to be released the month after). I would proxy your model as another panzerfaust troop (but i already have the old ghulam panzerfaust too).
Wow, that mini takes me back. Haven’t seen him in forever. Think it’s one of the few I’m missing after hunting voraciously on eBay for the older minis. As suggested above, use as an ayyar or nadhir or anything that’s S2 with some sort of rocket based weapon.
I converted both my old Azzies into Hortlaks. They fit nicely with the older Jan AP Rifle and HMG. The girl with ML looks spectacular beside them, which I find positivily funny ;) I'm calling her Brienne for a reason ;) PozdRawiam / Greetings
This genuinely made me laugh. Brienne… damn. That’s good. I’ve checked my collection and have found that I own none of the old Azzies. Or the old maggy. Oh well, they’ll turn up.
Both HI, same weapon loadouts... I think you've done it! I'd completely dismissed HB models forgetting that HB has HI now. If it was the S2 with FBach, I'd totally do that! Just glue the 25mm atop a 40mm and it'd have about the right height for the new size.
My old Invincibles have become Diggers. He's perfect for it. You could always roll a panzerfaust on the booty chart
I think its funny that this old Super OOP mini is actually the only Azra'il I can find. I have been searching for the newer model with feuerbach for months. Im really hoping they are going to do a new release with the haqqislam models that are being released. Maybe ill get real lucky and get it around december.
Well, some might enter the market again once TAG Raid ships since a limited run of them were a stretch goal. Prices are probably going to be super jacked up though... You could use Al Fasids instead; HRL for Feurbach and HMG for HMG. I really wish QK got the CodeOne update, and the Azrail returned.
Yeah, the issue I have with using the Fasid is I run the Fasid. I am not against proxies or anything. I just really love that model. But I didn't start collecting Haqq until it was OOP. Maybe one day ill find one on ebay.
In a fishless lake, even a crayfish makes for a fish. You need to keep tab on second-hand model offers. You may also want to search a certain major Chinese digital marketplace for a reisin knockoff. For there are knockoff Infinity miniatures on sale there (I've notified Koni about it years ago, apparently CB weren't able to do anything about it). I can't say anything about the quality of these, though. I haven't seen an Azra'il there, but for example an Al Fasid HRL was available - so perhaps Azra'il is too. I'll leave the moral and legal ramifications of buying a knockoff aside, as if there is no supply of the real stuff, one may decide to go for an erzac. Another solution would be to get your hands on whatever S5 you can (eg. the aforementioned Al Fasid HRL) and try converting it into a Feuerbach model. There are .stl files (by Monstrous Making, IIRC) of a Feuerbach gun available for download, and also Monstrous Making 3-d print these for order. Of course, this depends on how confident you feel with your conversion skills.