Infinity the Academy Puzzles

Discussion in 'Access Guide to the Human Sphere' started by WiseKensai, Sep 2, 2022.

  1. WiseKensai

    WiseKensai Rogue Interventor

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Since the last Infinity the Academy puzzle generated a fair bit of discussion in the thread, I'll start a new thread so people can share their thoughts!

    People's responses to the last puzzle are in the link below as well. Enjoy!
    Space Ranger, Wizzy and Tristan228 like this.
  2. QueensGambit

    QueensGambit Chickenbot herder

    Jan 31, 2019
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    This is an excellent initiative. Kudos for setting it up. Hoping to see more of them, this is great.

    In that context, I'm going to make a couple of suggestions that I hope are constructive. I'm having a hard time following the puzzle as it's written. I can't really tell from the photo what's happening - I can't tell which models are which, or even which side they belong to. A diagram, or even just labels in the photo, would help a lot. Maybe some lines to indicate the important LoFs. I also don't know which part of the table the close-up photo is from. I also don't know the various models' profiles, including them in the puzzle would help a lot the way you did in the last one.

    The narrative also mingles with the puzzle a bit. It took me a while to figure out that I think there's no Overdron in the puzzle? There was one in suppression but it was killed before the start of the puzzle? It's a bit unclear, although maybe labels in the diagram would already fix that.

    I'm also confused by the references to the Xeodron being able to move to see Bit and Kiss - aren't they all on the opposing side? Do I have any units that can shoot at Bit and Kiss?

    All that said, based mostly on the bullet points part of the puzzle, my first crack at it is:
    - Use the Gecko's Tac Aware order to shoot a Taigha while moving to cover.
    - Use the Morlock's order to try to kill or trade the other Taigha.
    - If I have anything that can shoot at Bit, spend the rest of my orders doing that. Not only is Bit a valuable target to eliminate, doing so also protects my repeater bot so that my opponent's 'drons will be pinned down by hacking in my reactive turn.
    - If I have any orders left over, try to Oblivion the Xeodron.

    The other option is to Spotlight the Imetron and drop a GML to clip the Xeodron. But it's a lot of orders and unlikely to kill the Xeodron since the Imetron will be gone after the first shot. So I think I prefer to Oblivion. But my hacking is most useful in reactive, so my priority is to keep the repeater bot safe, not to hack in my active.
    burlesford likes this.
  3. WiseKensai

    WiseKensai Rogue Interventor

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Good feedback. The Xeodron can see Bit and Kiss if you possess it is what I was getting at. The last puzzle was indeed pretty complicated. Also I'm not counting forum or facebook posts as submissions, sorry. It's too much for me to keep track of. If you want to be eligible for prizes, please use the google form in the post.

    Here's a less convoluted puzzle:

    Jumara, Wizzy, Tristan228 and 2 others like this.
  4. QueensGambit

    QueensGambit Chickenbot herder

    Jan 31, 2019
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    No worries, I like talking about them here because they can generate interesting discussion, and I don't need prizes, so I'll post my thoughts here anyway. I don't expect you to count it as a submission :-)

    I'm gonna try working backwards on this one. RTF would ideally like to put down both enemies. If he only puts down the Overdron, the Caliban will kill the Namurr, score the zone, and repair the Overdron if it's not Dead. If he only puts down the Caliban, the Overdron will outweigh the Namurr to score the zone (but the Namurr can kill the Overdron on turn 3, assuming CA doesn't have the orders to send something else over to kill the Namurr). So RTF has to kill both to score, but if he can't kill both, killing the Caliban is better than killing the Overdron (given the above assumption).

    Ok, so what should CA do to keep the Caliban alive? If both units attack, the Namurr can CC the Overdron (80% to wound, 48% to kill) and tank the Caliban's shot, then kill the Caliban. So I think the Caliban has to Dodge. Dodging won't help the Overdron - the Namurr can just CC it anyway. So, the Overdron declares CC (I don't like the risky shot with the sniper, even if it has a slight chance to do 2W - does Plasma still force 2 saves against Immunity(Total)?)

    So, Caliban Dodges, Overdron CCs. Namurr would like to kill the Caliban, but doesn't have good odds against Dodge, cover, and mimetism. So I think the Namurr has to take the easy kill and CC the Overdron.

    If the Caliban fails its Dodge, the Namurr can try to kill it on the second order. If it succeeds, it will move to safety. Namurr spends its second order finishing off the Overdron if needed. If the Overdron is already dead, Namurr spends the order trying to maximize the orders it will take the Caliban to kill it - either go into Suppression, or climb onto the roof.
  5. archon

    archon Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Already submitted my answer. Here in short: CA has to put the Namurr down, it could outwight it with points but its too much of a thread. So both ARO with BS Attack. Dodges will make the life of the Namurr just more easy.

    Namurr goes in for the kill on the TAG to outwight the Caliban, if all goes well she can try and fight the caliban with B2 LSG with the second order. If she stuck in CC, she got a second chance.
  6. QueensGambit

    QueensGambit Chickenbot herder

    Jan 31, 2019
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    Problem is the Namurr has such good odds to win the F2F by CCing against the Overdron's shot. So the Caliban has decent odds to do a wound, but CA will lose the Overdron in the process and then the Namurr will go after the Caliban. I guess the Caliban could then Pulzar a second time and have decent odds of trading - so a possible scorched earth scenario with all three models down.
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