Infinity Army 7 (N4) Updates & Bugs

Discussion in 'Infinity Army' started by Koni, Sep 25, 2020.

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  1. Elric of Grans

    Elric of Grans Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Army: Any.
    Troop: Any.
    Browser used & Operative System: Firefox 105.0.1 (has existed in earlier versions too), Windows 10 Home.
    Description of the bug: It is near impossible to order selected troops within a combat group how I want to. When I attempt to move a troop up or down (drag-and-drop), any and all other troops in the list may re-sort themselves, and the troop I moved can sometimes find itself in a different spot to where I dropped it (eg drop at position two, but after the reshuffle it ends up at position four). This makes it tedious to create a list through the browser.
  2. burlesford

    burlesford Sheet guy

    Apr 14, 2020
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    This frequently happens to me too when I use Army on desktop (Chrome). Usually it helps to reload the page, but I had been thinking about reporting it too. Thank you for mentioning it. Sometimes, when shuffling troops, another troop suddenly disappears as well, even though the system still counts it as being part of the list.
    Jumara and Time Bandit like this.
  3. Time Bandit

    Time Bandit Vulnerability (Total)

    Feb 21, 2019
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  4. Sven F.

    Sven F. Dismember

    May 23, 2017
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    Same here. Windows 11, Edge.
  5. archon

    archon Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    I have a similar problem. Win10/Firefox. Normaly it appears after I made some changes in the list. Suddenly the troops shuffle the position when I try to sort them in a certain order.
    burlesford likes this.
  6. HellLois

    HellLois What the Hell...Lois?
    CB Staff

    Apr 25, 2017
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    keeps on the army list, but not as a Wildcard anymore.

    This one. And yes we didnt saw before the mistake. And that's doesnt mean that we don't care about the competitive game. That's becase if there are not "warnings" it simple pass away :P

    Well, let's ask some questions, but this is not the proper place to do it. ;)
    I will take this ones for example
    The reason, they was removed to avoid an unwanted interaction, which would force a modification of rules. Instead of tinkering with rules and making them unnecessarily more complicated or distorting the profile, it is preferable to eliminate it, especially considering that we are talking about a product that has not yet been released.

    To give a push to the Motorcycles profiles. We like how it work during the last season. We saw that the modification helped to increase their use, but not in a crazy way, So we choose to keep it.

    Better late than never xD Considering that Ariadna is not the most technologically advanced faction was the reason why the Traktor Muls needed a Dozer. But we decided to decouple from them, because the Traktor Mul option is now also available for Tohaa and Spiral Corps during this season. So we had to decouple from the Dozers. Also, this change would make Remotes add to the Army list in the same way as in other factions, since no Hacker or TAG is needed. So the change, sounds great for us.

    I have not answer for this one ^^U
  7. A Mão Esquerda

    A Mão Esquerda Deputy Hexahedron Officer

    Nov 23, 2017
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    It’s a bug in the document.
  8. Delta57Dash

    Delta57Dash Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2020
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    I would like to point out that this reasoning rings hollow given that Diggers are still available to Tohaa, and thus if I am correctly guessing what the "unwanted interaction" was then you didn't remove it at all; all you've effectively done is tell Spiral Corps that they're not allowed to use a Brawler Core anymore.

    I'm incredibly concerned and disappointed that CB has chosen to remove a key piece from Spiral Corps list building rather than actually fix the rules. Though I suppose that's par for the course when you play a faction that CB has been actively trying to kill off for years.

    Oh and on the subject of being the red-headed stepchild: You forgot to give Tohaa an EVO Hacker.
    csjarrat and burlesford like this.
  9. tox

    tox SorriBarai

    Feb 21, 2017
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    If the KEY PIECE of an army is a (sort of) mercenary unit, then I largely approve the removal. It's not a key piece, it's a staple
    Jumara, Tristan228 and Angry Clown like this.
  10. Angry Clown

    Angry Clown Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2018
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    Digger became the staple of the 5man brawler links since they arrive for Spiral. Without diggers spiral lost a serious element and any player would choose to play Tohaa instead now.
    I strongly suggest to put some units with brawler keyword to fill its place or bringing back the diggers.
    csjarrat likes this.
  11. Delta57Dash

    Delta57Dash Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2020
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    1: Spiral Corps are a literal mercenary faction, where else are mercenary units welcome if not in factions that are literally mercenaries?

    2:The Digger wasn't the key piece; having access to a Brawler 5-man link was. Which you can technically still run, but it's not going to be competitive anymore.

    Without competitive access to a Core link (as Tri-Core also no longer gives a full Core-link bonus due to Fireteam changes), Spiral is left without one of its only major advantages over Tohaa; Spiral players were already struggling to justify the choice of playing Spiral over Tohaa, and now with Diggers gone (and, thusly, a major nerf to the Core link) there's very few things that Spiral has going for it left; namely Smoke Tricks and some cheap ARO options.

    And I wouldn't mind so much if they'd given Spiral something to compensate, like maybe a single Sakiel profile from Tohaa. But the Beasthunters are almost a slap in the face; Spiral already has plenty of access to cheap ARO pieces in the Helots, Diplomatic Delegates, and WarCors. Spiral didn't need another. And it made the Brawler Core Link simultaneously more expensive and a whole lot worse.

    It's just another straight-up nerf to a faction that they've already dealt two major nerfs to this edition (Tri-Core, Taagma Sniper Triad) with little-to-no compensation. And it's getting quite a bit tiresome.
    Cloud, csjarrat and burlesford like this.
  12. HellLois

    HellLois What the Hell...Lois?
    CB Staff

    Apr 25, 2017
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    I know is my foult and this is for having answered this questions here ^^U, So I would kindly request to keep the thread only for reponting Army bugs or updates. Thank you.
  13. Rabble

    Rabble Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2021
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    In the infinity army (both mobile and website) inside the JSA sectorial we have the troop type Aragoto Senkenbutai, and then the character Kuroshi Rider, Aragoto Senkenbutai Rikugun Shoi.

    But in the Aragoto Fireteam, we have 1-2 Aragoto, and 0-1 Kuroshi Rider... when herself is not (Aragoto).

    Is this intended or has been an overlook? Thanks lot!
  14. Sharrankar

    Sharrankar Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2019
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    Army: Combined Army, Morats
    Troop: Rindaks
    Program: Infinity Army on Android
    Issue: Rindaks seem to have lost their dodge -3 skill in both armies - is it an intended change or a further nerf?
  15. Iskandar

    Iskandar Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2021
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    • Army: Morats/CA Vanilla
    • Troop: Rindak
    • Browser used & Operative System: Windows 10, Firefox. Mobile App
    • Description of the bug: Rindak has lost it's Dodge(-3) skill and there's no mention of the skill having meant to be removed
  16. HellLois

    HellLois What the Hell...Lois?
    CB Staff

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Upsi! Fixed, Rindak have to have the Dodge (-3) skill.

    working on it.
  17. Ashtaroth

    Ashtaroth Aragoto GP Organizer

    Aug 22, 2019
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    For the record, this was asked before:

    HellLois likes this.
  18. burlesford

    burlesford Sheet guy

    Apr 14, 2020
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    First of all, thank you for taking the time to answer our questions! I really appreciate that.

    Where would be a good place to ask follow-up questions? Because I have at least one, if you're willing to answer it:

    A) What was the rule interaction that caused trouble?
    B) I guess the actual question is: Were you aware that replacing the Digger with the Beasthunter was a considerable nerf to Spiral, and if yes, why did you think Spiral needed this nerf (along with the previous nerfs that were already mentioned)?
    C) Not really a question, but the last point about how it's not that bad cutting a profile that doesn't have a released model yet is kinda pointless, since you replaced it with another profile that doesn't have a model yet, plus you left it in Tohaa.

    And one last thing about the Avatar: I admit I find it hard to believe that you didn't realize it had Remote Presence for two years even though it was something that was regularly talked about in the community.
    Time Bandit and HellLois like this.
  19. HellLois

    HellLois What the Hell...Lois?
    CB Staff

    Apr 25, 2017
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    I don't know, Maybe on the rules section. ^^
    Jumara likes this.
  20. Sharrankar

    Sharrankar Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2019
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    Army: Ariadna, Kosmoflot
    Troop: Patchers
    Browser used & Operative System: Chrome 106.0.5249.61, Army app on Android
    Description of the bug: Patchers have cubes - seems weird in the context of Ariadna, esp considering that the only other unit with a cube is Wallace, who's a recreation. Intented change or an omission?

    Also, thanks for the quick response about Rindaks!
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