Close Combat Vs Aro Shooting

Discussion in '[Archived]: N4 Rules' started by haiku, Aug 18, 2022.

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  1. haiku

    haiku New Member

    Sep 27, 2020
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    Sorry for the silly question, but we have an issue determining whether a troop can shoot in ARO against the "charging" enemy. Simply put, as in the wiki example: Orange moves to Blue declaring a Move short skill, reaching the b2b contact. Then, Blue can declare an Aro. Since Orange now it's in b2b Blue can only react in Close Combat or can declare a shoot? Blue saw, during the first short skill, Orange coming but Orange managed to stop in b2b contact. Since you can react at any point during the movement Blue could shoot but at the same time now it's locked in CC.
    I hope I had explain myself, if not I am sorry and I will try again to explain my issue.
    #1 haiku, Aug 18, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2022
  2. Iskandar

    Iskandar Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2021
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    Yes you can declare BS Attack as an ARO if they don't start in silhoutte contact with you during that order and you had Line of Fire before they touched you
    kesharq likes this.
  3. haiku

    haiku New Member

    Sep 27, 2020
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    Ok but if this is true so DTWs can be used to leverage the combat. I can DTW the enemy trooper while he/she's arriving, hence what the use would be in a Cc specialist with 1 W at 15+ points?
    I was told the CC rules changed at their core between N3 and N4...
  4. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Keep in mind three things;

    1. BS Attack has a requirement that the trooper is not in Engaged state at the beginning of the order.
    2. Direct Template Weapons have a rule that it doesn't affect the user. Not other friendlies to the user.
    3. These BS Attacks still require LOF.

    So you can position your unit so the opponent can't see it, you can engineer situations where it's not necessarily guaranteed they can get the attack of, several of these units that you're asking about have Direct Template Weapons of their own meaning you can use those to threaten the opponent into reconsidering whether dodging isn't a good idea after all.
    Last but not least, use target priority. Sending an expensive trooper after a very cheap unit with no tactical value isn't a good idea, but if you send them after a tactically important unit then CC has the very real threat of deleting even 2-wound units in a single blow so it might be worth sacrificing your own expensive CC unit that has little other tactical value than deleting this target. And 40% of the time your expensive one-wounder lives to cause headaches another order.
  5. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Funnily enough running straight at a person holding a flamethrower or shotgun doesn't tend to end well for the attacker!

    Melee units need some way to be delivered to the target (see the old adage about knives and gunfights) this can take many forms such as Dodging around a corner (Dodge Movement doesn't trigger AROs or mines), using smoke eclipse or white noise, approaching in their rear arc using Stealth, Infiltration, tanking the incoming fire with decent armour and an extra wound or two, etc.
  6. Forthfaran

    Forthfaran Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2022
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    One thing to keep in mind: The attacked trooper (Blue) does not react after the first movement skill of the attacking trooper (Orange). While the rules are in an ordered sequence of declaration (move-ARO-CC), they are supposed to happen at roghly the same time in-universe.
    So while Orange is running up to Blue and starts the close combat, Blue has the time to either fire a shot/DTW or to also engage in the cc.

    And while engaging against an opponent with a DTW seems rather bad at first: You can now make an unopposed roll on CC. Which, depending on the troop, can be devastating for the attacked trooper. Just makes sure your attacking cc-specialist can survive the DTW.
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