What could Code One mean for our small faction? AFAIK there will be no sectorials, what do you think will happen then? A generic "NA2" list with a mishmash of the existing merc sectorials? Was anything said by CB at all for the future of NA2 for C1?
unfortunatly. i don't think they will include any NA2 forces in C1 until the next version years later at earliest. when they do it would most likely be jsa and maybe spiral depending on when they reboot tohoaa as the others a just mishmashes of other factions
Code One is only PanO, Yu Jing, O-12, and CombArmy for the first year. Best case scenario is that we get another battle pack and two more action packs next year, but they're going to do Nomads, Aleph, Haqq, and Ariadna before they hit any of the NA2 forces.
Given that Code One cherrypicks units, it's not unreasonable to think that we could see Druze make an appearance. All of the NA2s are supposed to be Sectorial in style but also representing factions that are too small to be full armies, but powerful enough to be considered part of the universe's sphere pof power.
I wouldn't either, but there's not really as much preventing it as one might think. It's not like Tohaa or Steel Phalanx where the faction is built solely around link teams and the like.
If it's going to be at least 2 more years, then I'm not getting any games in the meantime. More terrain to make and repair, I guess. I don't have ANY C1 relevant armies (and the ones that ARE c1 relevant, I don't WANT to have.). I'll just wait for N4.
Fortunately N4 is supposed to release with all the current armies ready to go. So you'll get an update, it just won't be C1.
I’m pretty sure I heard that N4 is going to have all of the current sectorials by the end of 2020. Originally it looked like they were going to dump the discontinued ones entirely. Druze will likely be in N4 at launch. I don’t think DBS will make it into C1 at all. The only reason they would is if one of the battle boxes included Druze. They might have the Druze profiles in Haqq. Even that doesn’t seem super likely as C1 is the entry level game. I doubt NA2 will be in C1 as the nonaligned armies aren’t, you know, an army.
Code One is going to prioritize, by necessity, Vanilla armies that can follow it's release format of battle box + supporting releases. I sincerely doubt that any existing NA/2 will ever be in Code One. Being a conglomeration of other faction's units, it's highly unlikely that they will ever be re-released into that format. Code One is about selling miniatures to Infinity players and providing a simpler game for people who want to learn Infinity, or just want a more casual game. I'm not sure why so many people want it to be something it's never going to be; all of the Infinity that exists but with the simple rules. If you want that, then just house-rule it. Make the unit transition yourselves, get your friends to agree with it, and play with them. It's not like Code One will be competitive or have an ITS-like format and ranking.
Code 1 also prioritizes minis that are easy to find and buy in boxes to make it easier for new players. That leaves most of NA2 out.
I'm assuming that MI will lose FD1, which was a band-aid at best in N3. 4-4? I hope so, but I doubt it as an across the board upgrade to MI. I'm just hoping CB re-costs ARM for single wound targets.
The latest news are that most armies will be in the n4 army the first day, and the ones that aren't will have a schedule for them. But until now we have not any dates, only speculation about it.
It's true, but it was a tweak to unit design based on known issues with the existing N3 balance and unit design. For example, the C1 Combat Jump rule now matches the ITS modification of removing the circular template requirement.
Sorry for the thread necro, but it fits right in here. I've only played CodeOne so far. But I'm also a little in love with DBS and am considering to buy into it. Therefore I made an attempt to convert the profiles from N4 to C1. I subtracted points for abilities that are not in C1 (and added points for things like losing "irregular") just from gut feeling. With the lower points resolution of 0.5 pt in C1, small misjudgements don't play a role. I did not include the remotes as they are already converted for PanO (and Haqq). With Haqqislam in C1 now, the Hunzakut is officially converted and matches my estimate at least. Let me know what you think. :) https://www.dropbox.com/s/p2ut2pm1det5joa/Druze_CodeOne.xlsx?dl=0
wow cool, there was this project that proposed a list for all armies, but your list is cool, it gives a test variant. https://forum.corvusbelli.com/threa...one-diversity-and-inclusion-initiative.37119/