sp changelog?

Discussion in 'ALEPH' started by dhellfox, Aug 5, 2022.

  1. dhellfox

    dhellfox The keeper of the Forgotten

    Sep 21, 2019
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    has anyone made a list of every change in sp yet?

    so far ive noticed;
    thorakitia got a hacking profile;
    teucer has reduced msv, lost triangulate fire, k1 sniper, 1cc, 1wip but gained bio visor, mim -3 and fto but price drop.
    agemas are now ambush snipers with hidden deployment (atlanta gets rerolls on discovers instead +3)
    achillies v2 lost multi profile (which being the only mini for it is RIP for any wusiwyg game/player), nano is switch pulsar, bs +1dam and a .5 swc discount
    penth gains smoke grenades, nerfed mim to -3
    eudoros gains nco
    scylla and bots are fireteam capable
    drakos has continuous damage and fto
  2. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Koni posted full changelog in Army subforum:

    Added the following new profles:
    • Hoplites
    • Thyreos
    • Makhai
    • Agamemnon
    • Pandora (only in Steel Phalanx, not available in vanilla ALEPH)
    Removed the following profiles:
    • Patroclus
    • Diomedes
    • Thamyris
    Modifications on existing profiles:

    Thorakitai: Increase his CC attribute from 15 to 17.

    Retired loadouts:
    • Marksman Rifle and Nanopulser for 15 points.
    • Engineer (Deactivator) for 18 points.
    New loadouts:
    • Hacker (Hacking Dev) for 0.5 SWC and 19 points.
    Modified loadouts:
    • Old loadout with 360° Visor, Submachine Gun and Chain Rifle loses the 360º Visor and Chain Rifle but gains a Pulzar.
    • Artillery Observer loadout loses the 360° Visor and changes the Chain Rifle to Pulzar.
    • Paramedic loadout loses the 360° Visor and swaps the Chain Rifle for Pulzar.
    Dactyls: Reduced their AVA from 4 to 2.

    Ekdromoi: added the Dodge (+1") skill.

    Removed loadouts:
    • Combi Rifle and Nanopulser for 28 points.
    • Boarding Shotgun for 28 points.
    Modified loadouts:
    • Loadouts with Chain Rifle (+1B) gain Heavy Pistol.
    New loadouts:
    • Hacker with Killer Hacking Device for 27 points.
    Agêma Marksmen: Reduced their WIP attribute from 14 to 13. Gain the Surprise Attack (-3) and Hidden Deployment skills.

    Removed loadouts:
    • X-Visor and Mk12 for 33 points.
    Modified loadouts:
    • MULTI Sniper Rifle increases its cost from 32 to 33 points.
    • Missile Launcher increases its cost from 30 to 31 points.
    New loadouts:
    • MULTI Marksman Rifle for 30 points.
    Nesaie Alke: Gain the Operative Specialist skill. All option costs are increased by 1.

    Teucer: Troop name changed. Used to be "Agêma Warrant Officer". Now "Steel Phalanx Sergeant". His CC and WIP attributes are reduced by 1. He gains the Mimetism skill (-3) and has his Triangulated Fire skill removed. He gains the Multispectral Visor L1 and Biometric Visor equipment.

    The Multispectral Visor L2 and K1 Sniper Rifle loadout is removed.
    The Feuerbach loadout has the Multispectral Visor L2 removed and its cost reduced from 42 to 39 points.

    Drakios: Changed troop name. Used to be "Steel Phalanx's NCO". Now "Steel Phalanx Sergeant". Increased CC attribute from 20 to 21. Increased BTS attribute from 0 to 3.
    Removed the skills Martial Arts L2 and Berserk (+3). Gain Martial Arts L1, BS Attack (Continuous Damage) and Religious Troop skills.

    Removed loadouts:
    • The 2 loadouts with 2x Devabot Kydoimos.
    Modified loadouts:
    • All loadouts change the Pistol and CC Shock Weapon to Heavy Pistol and CC E/M Weapon.
    • Loadout with Devabot Kydoimos for 36 points changes Blitzen to Panzerfaust.
    • Loadout with Devabot Kydoimos with Red Fury increases its cost from 39 to 40 points.
    • The Devabot Kydoimos gains Shock Mines.
    New loadouts:
    • 2 new Drakios FTO loadouts for 30 and 34 points.
    Scylla: Changed troop name. Changed troop name. Used to be "Steel Phalanx's NCO". Now "Steel Phalanx Sergeant". Increased CC attribute from 18 to 20. Reduced PH attribute from 12 to 11. Increased BTS attribute from 3 to 6.

    Modified loadouts:
    • Loadouts with 1x Devabot Caribdis have their cost increased by 1 point.
    • The Devabot Caribdis has its CC increased from 13 to 15 and its BS increased from 10 to 11.
    Removed loadouts:
    • Loadouts with 2x Devabot Caribdis removed.
    New loadouts:
    • Added a new loadout with FTO and a Caribdis FTO.
    Ajax The Great:

    Modified loadouts:
    • The loadout without Forward Deployment is now Ajax FTO.
    Removed loadouts:
    • Removed the Lieutenant loadout.
    Eudoros: Changed his MOV value from 4-4 to 6-2. He now has STR 2 instead of W 1. Removed the NWI skill. He gains the skill NCO.

    Modified loadouts:
    • The non-Lieutenant loadout gains Heavy Pistol and its cost goes from 41 to 42 points.
    Removed loadouts:
    • Lieutenant loadout.
    Myrmidon Officer:

    Modified loadouts:
    • The SWC cost of Lieutenant loadouts is reduced from 0.5 to 0.

    Modified options:
    • The loadout that did not have Total Reaction now has Hidden Deployment and its cost goes from 39 to 40 points.
    • Both loadouts have their TinBot modified and now have Discover (ReRoll) instead of (+3).
    Penthesilea: Modified PH (now 11 before 12), WIP (now 13 before 14) and W (now 2 before 1) attributes. Removed Berserk and NWI skills. Gains the skills Operative Specialist and Mimetism (-3). She loses the Combi Rifle in her weaponry but gains SMG and Smoke Grenades. Her cost is reduced from 37 to 32 points.

    Achilles: The MULTI Rifle and Nanopulser loadouts are removed. Only the Spitfire AP and Pulzar (formerly Nanopulser) loadouts remain at a cost of 1.5 SWC (formerly 2).

    Achilles v2: Now "Corinthian Armour" instead of "Hoplite Armour". Gains the BS Attack (+1 Damage) skill. MULTI Rifle, Nanopulser and Panzerfaust loadouts are removed. Only the Spitfire AP and Pulzar (formerly Nanopulsar) loadouts remain at a cost of 1.5 SWC (formerly 2).

    Thrasymedes: Removed the 360° Visro equipment. Removed Operative Specialist skill. Gain the skills Courage, Dodge (+1"), Forward Observer and Stealth.

    Modified loadouts:
    • Both loadouts gain Flash Pulse. The cost of both loadouts is 28 points (previously 29 Infiltration and 30 FTO).
    Hippolyta: Modified her MOV attribute from 4-4 to 6-2. Modified his W value from 1 to 2. Removed the skill NWI. Gains the skills Martial Arts L3 (previously L4), Berserk, Dodge (+1") (previously +2") and Immunity (Shock). His cost increases from 38 to 40 points.


    Modified loadouts:
    • The non-infiltration and Submachine Gun loadout now has the Forward Deployment (+8") skill.
    Removed loadouts:
    • Removed the non-Infiltration Boarding Shotgun loadout.
    Netrods: Have their point cost increased from 4 to 6.
  3. kinginyellow

    kinginyellow Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2017
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    Is a sad typo in the notes however, Achilles v1 is spitfire and not spitfire AP (As far as the army builder shows anyways)
  4. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Tbh I wouldn't mind seeing Achilles v1 completely removed
    #4 Stiopa, Aug 5, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2022
    chromedog and Tourniquet like this.
  5. dhellfox

    dhellfox The keeper of the Forgotten

    Sep 21, 2019
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    kinda use v1 much more than v2
    Abrilete likes this.
  6. dhellfox

    dhellfox The keeper of the Forgotten

    Sep 21, 2019
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    thanks for the info!

    looking at the changes, a few of the changes like thorakitiai, netrods and Thrasymedes makes me sad.
    Cloud likes this.
  7. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    At least Alke still has the 360v
  8. Iver

    Iver Human Plus

    Feb 3, 2018
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    Drakios with a Continuous Damage Panzerfaust though. Hardest hitting ranged weapon in the game now? I believe so.
    Stiopa likes this.
  9. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    So, we have four main fireteams now. I feel like they have fairly well designed specialties. SP fireteam is a proper phalanx, durable, designed to be an anvil, and a lynchpin around which the whole army operates. Thorakitai and Thyreophoroi provide flank and forward screen, just like their historical inspirations. Myrmidons are the hammer to SP anvil, while Dactyls in theory provide logistics support, but in practice can be a good combat team in their own right, especially if led by some of the wildcards.

    In general, increased durability seems to be the main theme of this update. Previously we had to rely on Myrmidons' Mimetism, and if someone was able to bypass it they would fold; only characters could really take a hit. So Hoplites and increased durability of some heroes is a welcome change. Second theme is the improved screen; Yes, Thoras lost 360v, but Thyreophoroi are decent CQB skirmishers, and Hidden Deployment on Agemas and Atalanta allows to set up some really nasty traps.

    Additionally, Penthesilea is a very nasty - if somewhat short-ranged - flanker now. Other changes also seem to give various characters better defined roles. Teucer and Atalanta, for example: She's a glass cannon with better chances of landing a hit, but can't take one in return. Teucer is much more durable, and while not as good a shot as she is, whenever he hits his target will feel it. I need to run them a few times to get a feel for how exactly to use them.

    I don't really mind losing Patroclus and Diomedes (Pandora is perfectly fine a replacement for Thamyris), they didn't bring all that much to the army, especially for their price. Loss of Combi and BS Ekdromoi is more problematic, but ties with Thyreos design and Penthesilea changes; our forward operating units are apparently expected to engage in CQB/CC whenever possible. I can live with this limitation.

    The only unit I'm not sure about is Agamemnon, for now it feels like a worse (or maybe a bit sidegraded) Achilles. I think it could use a different weapon loadouts. Another unit that will require some testing, and I'm actually looking forward to running him in a Duo with Hoplite Engineer. Also, Atreides eagle as his logo is a nice Dune shoutout.

    One definite issue will be fitting all of this into a list, though. Even with Thorakitai to provide orders, SP units are so damn expensive.
  10. Iver

    Iver Human Plus

    Feb 3, 2018
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    Yes. Fitting anything into an SP list is daunting, lol. A bit sad about the loss of the 360 vizors on the FO thoras. Two of those to guard my flanks have always been a staple. our espensive stuff have gotten so cool and good, but with the small nerf to thoras and the price bump on netrods, fitting things in is hard.

    Can't always just play the big boys list after all.
  11. Angry Clown

    Angry Clown Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2018
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    I like what i saw generally.
    netrods are now 6pts , thorakitais loosing 360 v. and loosing diomedes hurt my heart but still many nice ideas.
    Repeater in the Hector link , chabryds makes Scyla more strong.
    There are some marker options now. we have 2 killer hackers in town. Thyreos is interesting as a killer hacker option.
    however they gave hidden deployment to Agema and this incredible both here in phalanx and vanilla.
    finally something for vanilla after many years.
  12. Cloud

    Cloud Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2019
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    I am really disappointed that Pandora is not accessible in vanilla.
    YoWombat likes this.
  13. dhellfox

    dhellfox The keeper of the Forgotten

    Sep 21, 2019
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    more kinda sad achilies got almost no positive redesign, sure nano got replaced with pulsar and v2 got bs +1d but still feels like "price of a tag with half the benefits", v1 even more so.

    was hoping the hoplite changes were a sign
    #13 dhellfox, Aug 8, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2022
  14. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Hoplite armor for Achilles and Hector would've been interesting. And as I've said before, I wouldn't mind at all v1 getting axed. v2 is a great unit, worth those 66 points
  15. infyrana

    infyrana Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2019
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    Is anybody planning an N4 tactica for Steel Phalanx following these changes? I would be very thankful to anybody who could provide an overview please.
  16. Diphoration

    Diphoration Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2018
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    More like "price of a TAG without any of the downsides"? Lol.
    injenegr and RobertShepherd like this.
  17. dhellfox

    dhellfox The keeper of the Forgotten

    Sep 21, 2019
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    im kind of the reverse, i had much more success with v1 and its lack of frenzy giving it -9 in spitfire gunfights on our super clustered tables

    sure, may be smaller target and dodge but he lacks TA, (until this patch for v2) +1 bs damage, the armor vales of a scout and mbt respectively , v2 loses its cover the moment it wounds something, also cant be healed until he is unconcious
  18. Angry Clown

    Angry Clown Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2018
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    Planning to use Hector, Chabrydis and Pandora and using Scycla outside of the link.
    If a killer hacker lets say a zero killer attacks what happens now. If Scycla attacks a hacker, what happens ?
    Scycla has ecm hacker -3, hector has tinbot and chabrydis ( i cant write its name :P ) has hacker -3 .
    and what happens if i use a probot too.
    can somebody summarise the situation here. My brain...
  19. D_acolyte

    D_acolyte Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2018
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    You need a Hoplite or a Makhai for that link to be valid. Charbrydis is not member of that link that would let it form.
  20. Angry Clown

    Angry Clown Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2018
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    ok oversight.

    Hoplite engineer - Charbydis and Hector lets say.
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