1. .
    #81 Pettynyt Pelaaja, Jul 20, 2022
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 5, 2022
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  2. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    Dear citizens of the Human Sphere,

    You may have heard of certain rumors about a massive conspiracy and a terrorist threat toward the Human Sphere on Concilium Prima, involving some of our most precious allies, and even some of our own services.

    The Oberhaus would like to adress that everyone's concerns about this are taken very seriously by the O-12, and we are launching new investigations regarding these as we speak. I will personnaly, as High-Commissioner of the Concilium Coordinated Command, look into the accusations against O-12 and Panoceania. Given my past links with the later and our actual collaboration within the International Concilium Assistance Force, I believe this would allow us to get the best efficient and quick results.

    Please rest assured that the O-12 will work closely with all involved parties to figure out the truth, and we will try to also retrieve and protect said Erland Hâkon, shall their claims be of truth.

    Lady Numiria
    O-12 High Commissioner for the CCC - ICAF.
    Churrascales, Danger Rose and Antares like this.
  3. WiseKensai

    WiseKensai Rogue Interventor

    Nov 23, 2017
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  4. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    In relation to the beach footage...oh no...O-12 is hot!
  5. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    WiseKensai and theGricks like this.
  6. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    These accusations are baseless and ridiculous. Corruption is almost non-existent in PanOceania; movements of large sums of currency and assets to pursue selfish agendas is the foundation of our system of governance, rendering most attempts at coercion completely legitimate and thus hiding it is both unnecessary and unfashionable. If MagnaObra were pursuing some goal to, paraphrasing your publication, "frighten the entire Human Sphere", you'd know it from their numerous media channels openly discussing it. Also, it would be the 31st of October.
    Churrascales likes this.
  7. Dupl1xitInf1nityCod3r

    Dupl1xitInf1nityCod3r Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2022
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    you all do some good work, but it would appear once more we must correct some of the misguided information around the JSA. Once more we thank you for acknowledging the JSA as a Nation, and that ALEPH was indeed aggressively taking over. However ALEPH never supplied JSA forces willingly, in fact the JSA forces would prefer to say that we "borrowed" some weapons from unmoving smoldering machines known as the ALEPH army.
    Once more JSA was not a puppet to ALEPH, but it seems ALEPH was indeed a puppet to the Jade Empire as their backdealings involved ALEPH holding Gekidan for yu-jing forces. I hope these will not be missed in the next report!!! :)

    (OOC: of course I'm joking around, you guys have been doing some amazing work, is there any plans to continue the nomad new's network outside of the Durgama campaign?)

    This show although seeming almost traitorous will have the Shogun's seal of approval!
    Danger Rose likes this.
  8. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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  9. .
    #89 Pettynyt Pelaaja, Jul 21, 2022
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 5, 2022
    Churrascales likes this.
  10. Antares

    Antares Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2017
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    Salam Aleykum,
    This is Commander Antares, operational lead of Druze Bayram Security on Concilium Prima, with an official statement from the Druze Society regarding the latest development around the individual “Erland Hâkon”:

    As a long time contractor of the Qapu Khalqi Fleet Admirality, Druze Bayram Security has been operating in the Durgama Region since the first days of the conflict, taking its orders directly from Haqqislam High Command, which is regarded by us as a highly honorable institution. Our Shock Teams have been among the first to enter the Xenostation, among the first to hear about the possible undermining of Aleph by Equinox and we have seen part of the evidence ourselves. We have no doubt that the suspicions of Haqqislam High Command are justified and their intentions upright.
    That said, these new accusations against the Druze Society and our clients are as outrageous as they are treacherous. We have done right in the past in keeping an eye on this fame-seeking individual that claims to be a reporter. The representatives of the Sphere’s Superpowers and especially those of O-12 should know better than to believe in the lies of the media and not let this situation destabilize international relations during a time of conflict.
    As a gesture of good will towards our client, Druze Bayram Security will set up a task force to find Erland Hâkon and bring him to justice. This service will be free of charge. Hâkon has since gone underground, so we request anyone with information regarding his current whereabouts to contact our office at Bayram Caravansary. You can also contact me in person at our command post in Alfutna. Useful information will be rewarded appropriately, as helping to hide this criminal will be punished equally if we come to know of you.

    Lastly, on a more personal note, and with that I also speak on behalf of my brothers and sisters who have died fighting at Darpan:
    More than anything else, we of the Druze believe in fate. If you read this, Erland Hâkon, know that yours is fucking sealed. The Druze will find you.

    تفضلوا مع فائق التقدير و الإحترام

    Kind regards and with all due respect,
    Antares, DBS Commander
  11. Imp

    Imp Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2018
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    Some revelations published by the press oblige the O12 to respond.

    As guarantor of the balance and security of the sphere, we cannot allow a global aggression against humanity. Also the disappearance of our high commissioner in the company of foreign agents marks us deeply. Betrayal will not be tolerated, and the O12 will get the answers humanity expects about this massive plot.

    Also, the Aegis office today launched a wanted notice to apprehend and return to the custody of the O12 the fugitive Lady Numiria. Her last report would place her on Raveneye Station. We are going to carry out investigations there and partition the station, even if the confusion of the fights has already allowed him to leave the system.

    Citizens of the sphere, I therefore appeal to your vigilance.

    Toht Supervisor
    Concilium Coordinated Command - ICAF

  12. Imp

    Imp Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2018
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    For the sake of transparency, the O12 communicates to you the last message sent by our ex-high commissioner before her escape. Some parts that reveal strategic elements of our organization have been secured by the Bureau Noir, please excuse us.

    #92 Imp, Jul 21, 2022
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2022
  13. .
    #93 Pettynyt Pelaaja, Jul 21, 2022
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 5, 2022
  14. Imp

    Imp Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2018
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    Dear Erland Hakon

    Protecting the free and independent press has always been one of O12's priorities.
    If you have received death threats, you can benefit from the protection of the special units of the Aegis office. We invite you to contact an Aegis officer or diplomat as soon as possible.

    In addition, due to ongoing investigations, we will ask you to stay on Concilium. Your system exit authorizations are suspended until further notice. Please remain available to O12 for future questioning.

    Toht Supervisor
    Concilium Coordinated Command - ICAF
  15. Antares

    Antares Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2017
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    Once again O-12 shows that it means well, but fails to see what their actions mean for those with their boots on the ground. Offering protection to a scandalist that so far hasn't been able to show any proof will give off the impression that these accusations indeed are true, which will have far reaching public consequences. It is people like us mercenaries who are the first to get caught in the crossfire that you are causing, but we won't fucking bear it this time. Our best hackers are currently decrypting Hârkon's messages and by god's will we will soon know his location. And if High-Commisioner Numiria is a part of this puzzle, we will put her on our list, too. Any free thinking minds are welcome to aid us in this endeavour.

    Antares, DBS Commander
    #95 Antares, Jul 21, 2022
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2022
  16. Imp

    Imp Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2018
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    Bureau Aegis takes death threats against journalists very seriously. Even more when they are uttered by one of the most problematic mercenary organizations in the sphere (as evidenced by the numerous accounts of abuses, crimes and other violations of the law against the Druze Bayram Security).

    You pose as a defender of justice allows me to remind you that your company has been condemned 77 times by international tribunals and that 153 other investigations have been opened against your company or some of its members. It will be up to the O12 to assess the evidence that Mr. Hâkon can provide us when he is safe. Proofs and investigations that we will of course disseminate in a second time to the whole human sphere.

    Remember that: we are the law, and even more on Concilium.

    Toht Supervisor
    Concilium Coordinated Command - ICAF
  17. .
    #97 Pettynyt Pelaaja, Jul 21, 2022
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 5, 2022
    Churrascales, Antares and Imp like this.
  18. Imp

    Imp Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2018
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    Quantronic Mail.
    From: Imp, Toht Supervisor
    To: @Erland Hâkon

    Thank you sir for your "trust". I understand your confusion, let's work together to illuminate the shadows and save the sphere from the plot you describe.

    The items you sent are disconcerting in many ways. The information has been partitioned to avoid any leakage. Our intelligence services are analyzing the evidence to enable us to take the necessary measures.

    As for your immediate situation, a fleet commando has just been redirected from Zebu station to your position. Lt Derobsky in charge of the mission has all my confidence, you can believe her, she answers for these men. I hope she will arrive in time. You will then be escorted into orbit on the "Heavenly voyage".

    I hope to be able to meet you soon.

    Toht Supervisor
    Concilium Coordinated Command - ICAF
  19. Antares

    Antares Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2017
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    [OOC] How does one use quotes on this thing...uh..let's see [/OOC]

    Browsing court files and old reports is none of my business, but we have an office full of lawyers at Bayram Caravansary that would surely love to discuss these matters with you. I don't claim to be a defender of justice, I'm only but a field commander who cares about his people and those who pay me. Druze Bayram Security has a reputation to uphold, we take our clients very seriously, and we do what it takes to get a job done. Erland Hâkon, albeit indirectly, is a deadly threat to our operation, which, if I may remind you, is to root out the terrorists who seek to destroy your organisation. We will continue on unless the HHC tells us to stop, and we reject any other authority in this matter.

    Kind regards and with all due respect,
    Antares, DBS Commander
  20. Imp

    Imp Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2018
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    We are going to be clear one last time: the O12 and its representation, the Bureau Aegis, are the only ones authorized to carry out police interventions and arrests on Concilium. We are the law, and we will enforce it, regardless of current conditions.

    Your manhunt is illegal, on Concilium and elsewhere. Mr. Hakon is not subject to any bounty or official wanted notice. If one of your teams harms the life or the integrity, physical or moral, of Mr. Hâkon, your organization will account for it before the courts of Concilium. Moreover, if the commando of Lt Derobsky notices hostile presence on site, she is ordered to guarantee the safety of the VIP at all costs, even if for that we had to use lethal force against them.

    And if you care about your mens, I can only warmly advise you not to confront the elite of the fleet.


    Toht Supervisor
    Concilium Coordinated Command - ICAF
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