The cleaning went wrong i will need to use my friend sand paper ^^' Don't know why it's the first time my water washable resin react like this.
An impressive scenery work. Could it be that the resin was not completely dry and that is why it reacted that way? In any case, some very cool cars, are they from Antenocities?
Thanks you very much ! I don't know i think a thin coat of resin was not clean with the water i will use more for the futur one. Saddly not i couldn't find any a friends made thoose with blender and i printed them for me.
Just finished the spong work on my building. I will had few green light and rust juice and it will be ok. Now i just try to paint an osss miniature in the same style if i can paint them fast with this method i could be very cool for my pile of shame xD