Regarding Haqqislam High Command in the Durgama conflict

Discussion in 'Haqqislam' started by Camarones, Jul 9, 2022.

  1. Camarones

    Camarones Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2021
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    Attention all Haqqislam citizens:

    Rumors abound regarding the hostile action underway in the Durgama region. There are allegations of Panoceanian corruption, Yu Jing involvement in bioweapons research, a search for (a) technological relic(s) by ALEPH, as well as involvement by Nomad outliers. Rest assured that the Candy Corps will be present to ensure that Mistress Candy Double has all the firepower needed while the scoop is made public for all citizens of the human sphere - live in Oxyd!

    Our Qapu Khalqi Corsairs are ready to depart post haste, and we've enlisted the assistance of Joe "Scarface" Turner to provide immense offensive capability should the investigations go south. This humble representative of Mistress Double seeks an official sanction for action on Concilium Prima - and also an official statement on the matter.

    What is the Hachib's stance on this matter? How does the Old Man of the Mountain intend to seek the truth, if not with the assistance of the Mayasphere's greatest detective?

    Protecting the interests of the MOST important people
    - A Candy Double Company

    Santyagass, Time Bandit, AmPm and 9 others like this.
  2. Danger Rose

    Danger Rose The Wrecking Belles

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Haqqislam High Command's position for now is to reinfoce our location planetside and offer humanitarian assistance where necessary. As per usual, we will be selecting a New High Command as soon as an open conflict starts and discuss any other course of action based on our gathered intelligence.
  3. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    In that regard, o brothers, be advised that Waqf al-Badawi has been reactivated for operations in the Concilium System - with the seal of approval from the HHC.
    We will be grateful to anyone willing to volunteer their time, money, supplies, skills - or at least their prayers - to our cause. Assuming you can spare any: Waqf al-Badawi was there during the Noviy Bangkok crisis, we are fully aware you may have your hands full and your resources stretched beyond the limit.
    theGricks and MJGrey like this.
  4. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    Thread pinned please keep the Durgama Takeover faction discussion in this thread.

    IC (In Character) is advised but not enforced in this thread please note OOC (Out of Character) posts, IC is not an excuse or a bypass of the forum rules or a way to attack other forum members, but genuinely roleplay between forum members will be accepted.

    As per the past campaigns, if forum members spot any particular reports that have issues, please PM me (an explanation of what is peculiar is appreciated) and the team will investigate them.
  5. Camarones

    Camarones Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2021
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    Thank you kind mod, I am confident that we can remain respectful and still manage to have fun.

    |- - - Return to IC discussion - - -|

    Breaking News: OxyD news sources report Kosmoflot forces overwhelming the Qapu Khalki security detachment tasked with protecting Ms. Candy Double. Radio silence since approximately 0100 hours local time. Official statement slated for press release within 24 hours.

    Remaining Cady Corps "Sweet Tooth Security" have been observed in tactical withdrawal from the scene of the engagement. Sources in contact with the Pop Rocks! Quantronic Sleuthing Department © report the destruction of a Core unit of Funduq Security and Intelligence Djanbazans by camouflaged attackers. The death of an informant working with Gōng Xǐe Industries and a Blond woman matching the description of one Candy Double has been reported. Witnesses also report "the same blond woman" [sic] being carried by a TAG with a scar on its face to a small VTOL craft, and the presence of gigantic hairy ab-humans.

    All Qapu Khalki assets in the region under contract with Sweet Tooth Holdings are slated to transfer to the Alfutna Terraformation Unit's equipment loading bays. Though this contingent is acting under private authorization, a request for a S1-Tier Lethal Discretion License has been submitted to an as-of-yet unidentified Tariqa.
  6. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    For informational purposes to other factions, HHC this campaign is:
    Danger Rose
    Lady Numiria and Methuselah like this.
  7. Santyagass

    Santyagass Swords of the Prophet. Media engineer

    Jun 20, 2018
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    What happens in the offices of the highest command structures of mankind? One gets the impression that, even in the face of annihilation, some powers are unwilling to unite in the name of a common cause.
    Organized just a couple of days ago, Durgama Defense Coalition (DDC) has already been heavily criticized by, who do you think? – O-12!

    Recall that on July 11, Durgama Defense Coalition was established under the joint leadership of Haqqislam, Nomads, Tohaa and Yu Jing. This coalition declared its main goal to protect Durgama peninsula and the Ravenai orbital complex from the invasion of the United Army.

    And today, “International Concilium Assistance Force” (ICAF) (PanOceania, O-12, Aridna) was formed, which proclaimed the same goals and accused DDC of all mortal sins, and also demanded to leave their current positions, jeopardizing military operations against Morat Aggression Forces…

    Someone seems very reluctant to share power, even in the face of annihilation.

    Concilium News. Prime!
  8. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Statement from the Office of the Hachib of Bourak, and with support of the Haqqislam High Command on the Durgama Peninsula:
    @Danger Rose

    "Haqqislam has long strove for diplomacy and harmony among the human powers. Humanity, after all, is stronger together than apart. We welcome all who wish to strive to do better for themselves and others. Our cultural and religious tenants promote this. We have been in this fight for a long time, and devoted much to not only the front lines, but the medical camps, the supplies lines, the resurrection of brave heroes, and the psychological recovery of those who survived in only the physical sense. We fight as well in the shadows, our intelligence networks running the length and breadth of the Sphere, rooting out threats within and without. Entire wars taken part in the shadows of the world, for many never to witness. The alliances we have built, are built on years of discussions, diplomacy, and proven trustworthiness. We honor our allies, and we know our allies honor us.

    In defense of the Wotan blockade, we worked diligently to defend and assist the people of the Baijing Orbital while it was assaulted by Panoceania, saving the civilians and keeping the soldiers of the State Empire in the fight. We fought side by side the Invincible Army. At La Forga, unfortunately, our efforts were in vain, and the Nomads lost so many people, civilian and military alike when Ariadna ran rampant for their own gain and destroyed the facility in the process. In Kurage, we rallied to the defense of the Nomad Nation again, with the backing of the Tohaa Confederacy, to keep the Jonny-5 Node from falling into the hands of ALEPH conducting an unauthorized assault. We were able to push the machinations of the AI back and restore ownership to the Nomads who took over a stronger defense. We worked diligently to try and assuage the Ariadnan Nation, to not increase tensions, but to no avail. It was as if we were trying to communicate with a wild beast.

    In Novvy Bangkok, an important Caravansary for us, we finally were able to work closely with O-12, hoping that we may finally have an ally in bringing our nations together, and in so doing brought forth our historical concerns with the task Arianda was provided, and the danger it posed to us. This fell on deaf ears and were left wondering what our next actions were. Did humanity truly not see the danger in having a military power unchecked, who has historically only ever been after their own gain. We tried to work with Panoceania, only for that too to fall on deaf ears. So the Swords of Allah took action. We do not regret our actions in the least. We assured the safety of our people and all others we could assist. We again assisted our long time allies the Nomads in pushing back illegal assaults by the ALEPH AI, who remains unpunished by their leash holders, O-12. We kept casualties to a minimum in gaining of the Xeraks battery and assured that all soldiers, Haqqislam or otherwise were treated by our medical professionals, the best in the human sphere before repatriation. Haqqislam always welcomes diplomacy, but only if that diplomacy is in earnest. Haqqislam will always be truthful and honest in its actions. We have nothing to hide. Haqqislam still wishes for humanity to come together in harmony, and to work together. This can only be achieved though if we are forward in our commitment to our allies, and if we can look beyond ourselves to the assistance and betterment of all.

    May Allah guide and light our path,
    Office of the Hachib"
  9. Camarones

    Camarones Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2021
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    Issue #2 of This Just In! is here :3:
    Uthoroc, Jumara, terrordactyl and 4 others like this.
  10. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    “To the citizens of the Sphere and those of the Oberhaus,

    Haqqislam conducted an operation on the Durgama Peninsula against a research facility owned by the Darpan Corporation, and overseen by ALEPH. Haqqislam intelligence received credible evidence of the facility harboring agents of the terrorist organization Equinox. While many of you may not have heard of this group before, do know its existence is very real, and its threat just as great as the Combined Army.

    Some years ago Equinox existed on the Praxis Black Labs of Bakunin, but were exiled due to their extremism. They then went on to work in their own isolated cells across the sphere in the grand effort of creating an AI to rival that of ALEPH and, in their hopes, destroy ALEPH to take its place as a more aggressive and controlling entity to push Humanity into its own future of control. While Haqqislam does hold that ALEPH should be under strict scrutiny and that we do not believe it to hold such power, we have always acknowledged its strength and utility as a tool for the betterment of Humanity. This Equinox AI would not have been that.

    It was due to the lives and efforts of many veteran Haqqislamite soldiers that Equinox was thwarted. With this in mind the Haqqislam High Command in the Durgama Theater of Operations immediately acted upon this intelligence to ensure these survivors did not have a chance to flee. At this time we do not believe ALEPH had any prior knowledge of what was going on as these Darpan Corporation employees and researchers were placed on site under direction of the leadership of the Darpan Corporation.

    At this time I can report that this operation escalated into a large-scale conflict, but we are seeing much success in our objective. Numerous individuals both verified as agents of Equinox and those believed to have connections have been apprehended. Regretfully many of those agents did lose their lives when resisting with force.

    The Hachib would also like to extend her gratitude and thanks to the brave Sword of Allah commanders on the ground defending Alfutna and Haqqislam interests. While there were numerous reports of contact with the Combined Army on Alfutna, no alien threat was able to step foot into the facility, and all attempts were thwarted. To our Nomad allies of the Durgama Defense coalition, do note that we apologize for only providing minimal effort in medicine, supplies, and some liaison. Unfortunately the timing of this attack and our logistics did not align for the operations that were necessary to carry.

    The Nomad defense of the Raveneye orbital is an inspiring and incredible feat, and Haqqislam as a Nation congratulates its great ally in their effort and mourns her losses as its own. The Haqqislam Navy as we speak is attempting to route more supplies and medical specialists to the Raveneye Orbital as best it can.

    To our Yu Jing allies, your efforts in securing the facility of Cameliard and defending it against Combined Army action in the face of a decreased Panoceanian presence was one of great forethought and fortitude. Your addition to this great alliance has proven beneficial to everyone involved.

    To our wayward Ariadnan friends, we will continue to attempt to provide medical aid and ammunition. Your defense of one of the batteries of the Raveneye orbital is instrumental in keeping the fleet in defense safe, and the fallen, so far from home, will be mourned. Prayers to Allah will be sent in hopes of guiding their brave souls to paradise.

    To Panoceania, an ally stretched thin, we mourn the loss of your brave soldiers in the fighting of the Raveneye orbital. Our diplomats will work closely with those of the hyper power to ask why more resources were not provided at your time of need and to try to increase the understanding of the importance of your position.

    Finally to O-12, the Hachib commends your efforts and soldiers fighting on Durgama and working with our Tohaa allies at Zebu to ensure its safety and position against those of the Combined Army. The Hachib will continue to direct the diplomats of Haqqislam to work closely with Swordfor and to ensure clear and constant communications of operations. The Hachib hopes to see the combined forces of the ICAF and DDC succeed against an unprecedented offensive by the Combined Army on what can only be dubbed the Capital of Humanity.


    Office of the Hachib, Bourak”
    Uthoroc, Errhile, Danger Rose and 3 others like this.
  11. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Also, Waqf al-Badawi would like to express its gratitude to the Sword of Allah for keeping our facilites safe: Alfutna Terraformation Studies has seen least amount of combat in the previous week, a little over half of the number of skirmishes of the next least fought site (and less than a quarter of what the most hotly contested site saw).

    Sword of Allah's efforts allowed us to care for the civillian refugees with the peace of mind we need.
    Danger Rose likes this.
  12. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Waqf al-Badawi informs that it will be scaling down its operations in Durgama region, since the conflict has apparently ground to a halt. We have managed to evacuate all the refugees out of Alfutna, and are now in the process of sorting out the remaining humanitarian supplies, which will be donated to charities that permanently operate on Concilium.

    We hope that, inshallah, our activity in Concilium system won't be needed in any forseeable future.

    Once all the supplies are handed away, and reports for the relevant authorities delivered (Divan of the Interior being the Haqqislamite State authority supervising NGOs like our one, and International Committee of the Red Cross being the international body we choose to report our operations to), Waqf al-Badawi will cease operations and dissolve.

    I'm afraid that the hope of not having to form it up again, to help victims of another conflict somewhere, is sadly futile...
    #12 Errhile, Jul 28, 2022
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2022
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