Transmission to All Members of the Nomad Nation - Durgama Takeover

Discussion in 'Nomads' started by MJGrey, Jul 8, 2022.

  1. MJGrey

    MJGrey Amethyst Sky Officer

    Feb 10, 2020
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    Comrades, Brothers, Sisters, and Siblings of the Nomad Nation:

    This message is being sent by Mira Rivera, Captain of the Amethyst Sky and Reverend Custodier of the Observance of Saint Mary of the Knife, Our Lady of Mercy. I am transmitting from aboard the Raveneye Orbital Complex located above Concilium Prima. The station has suffered a major infiltration and attack by Combined Forces, and we are in dire need of reinforcements and support. I repeat - Combined Forces have opened a new front in the war on Concilium Prima.

    We are calling for all available Nomad troops in the system to report to and reinforce Raveneye Station.

    I’m sure news has reached the full sphere by now, but, using the station’s massive railguns, Morats have fired upon the Corregidor Mothership. Due to the heroic sacrifice of Captain Juana Prieto and the brave crew and residents of Módulo Satélite, the Mothership remains intact, if damaged. We will not forget the souls lost to the void, and we will avenge them.

    Our Evader Tactical Groups have disabled the railgun, and the resolute forces of the Corregidor Jurisdictional Command have secured themselves within the control sections of the Port Battery and Ammunitions & Supplies Module of the Raveneye. Our hackers have intercepted Morat communications, and expect a renewed assault on the Battery, with the aim to seize and repair the railgun.

    At this time, the Raveneye remains under majority control of Combined Forces, but key locations, including the control decks, are secure. Nomads currently hold the Port Battery and Ammunitions & Supplies Module, while Ariadnan forces refuse to relinquish command of the Starboard Battery to us. PanOceanian Military Orders under the Order of Santiago’s command control the Bow Section, which includes the Bridge and secondary firing control for the railguns. We have little contact with the Military Orders at the moment, but we continue in an uneasy ceasefire and alliance with Kosmoflot troops. Based on our most recent information, we don’t expect it to last long.

    Unfortunately, while preparing countermeasures against the Combined, we’ve intercepted transmissions from the Ariadnan troops stationed within the Starboard Battery. While not entirely decrypted, we were able to piece together the following from Lieutenant Grigory Sorokin:

    “… They expect us to barricade this section and make our stand here while we wait for rein… <static> …what we are going to do is head over to where the Corregidorans are and… <static> …it’s insane, nobody in their right mind would even dare try it, but we’re not… <static> …and we have an extremely thirsty Polaris Team to lead the way.”

    Let me be clear: We will meet any unprovoked aggression with swift and deadly force.

    The Raveneye Station is of critical importance for the protection of the Durgama Peninsula of Concilium Prima. The Peninsula itself holds research facilities and more than a few secrets that we could plunder. That being said, our primary objective is to maintain control and reinforce our positions at the Port Battery and Ammunitions & Supplies Module. This will prevent further attacks on Corregidor and allow us to continue to resupply our forces. Following that, we will work to secure the entirety of the station under Nomad command. We believe Kosmoflot will move on our position in the near future. We must hold the remnants of the railgun to ensure it remains nonoperational. We will not yield another inch of this station to anyone, regardless of what flag they fly.

    May God and Saint Mary of the Knife have mercy upon our enemies. Corregidor no olvida, and neither do the rest of the Nomads. Venganza para Módulo Satélite.

    Transmission Out - Mira Rivera, Amethyst Sky, Bakunin
    Ugin, Wizzy, Danger Rose and 3 others like this.
  2. joker7099

    joker7099 Member

    Mar 12, 2018
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    This is with full backing and confidence of the Nomad Elder Council.
    Ugin and MJGrey like this.
  3. Tristan228

    Tristan228 Bakunin's best Morlock trainer

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I'd like have some eyes on an other locality that should have the nomad nation's attention - in particular considering long term independence from the other, planet-bourne Nations.
    Aleph Place Fluff.png
    Crops, that can be grown and harvested on our own motherships (including that scabby Dong Peyote carrying rustbucket called Corregidor) with more yield than the current ones have not only figuratively but quite literally more weight to the prosperity of our spacefaring Nation than those two modules on the propably already doomed Raveneye Station.
    Furthermore we might need less resources to gather enough data and/or samples by finding those classifieds than to fight not only against the threats from outside but also treacherous (propably due to a successful Shasvastii infiltration) elements that normaly should be our strongest technologically impaired allies!
    Aleph Place.png

    OTT's Weekender
    #3 Tristan228, Jul 9, 2022
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2022
    Ugin and Wizzy like this.
  4. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful!

    I have been authorized by the Haqqislam High Command to inform you that the Waqf al-Badawi has been reactivated for operations in the Concilium System.

    As of now two auxilary cruisers - QAS Rose of Cairo and QAS Marid - have been dispatched to assist Corregidor, carrying whatever humanitarian supplies Waqf al-Badawi was able to amass on short notice. The Waqf vouches for both ships, as their commanding officers and crews have been active part of its operations during the Noviy Bangkok crisis.

    Haqqislam Space Admiralty has also approved - on Waqf's request - the option of transferring critical medical cases onboard HNS Ibn Rushd, a hospital ship assigned to the Concilium Task Force of the Haqqislamite Navy. Please be advised that HNS Ibn Rushd can can devote only a limited share of its capacity to humanitarian operations, as its chief assignment is treatment of the armed forces personnel casaulties on this theatre.
    Both QAS Rose of Cairo and QAS Marid have necessary equipment and staff on board to serve as medical lighters between Corregidor and HNS Ibn Rushd, should the Nomad authorities consider such transfers necessary.

    As of now, Waqf al-Badawi has no means of opening humanitarian relief station onboard the Ravenseye Orbital, due to lack of Haqqislam presence there. We are, inshallah, going to organize relevant refugee facilites in Haqq-controlled ground on Concilium.
    Ugin, csjarrat, MJGrey and 2 others like this.
  5. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    Commander Errhile,

    Please be aware that Waqf previous actions provided a very unsafe ground for some forces of Novvy Bangkok Command, as so your humanitarian help might be overlooked or even rejected by some of our estimated allies in this current emergency.

    If you wish, you can provide a 225-B form to help provides an apologize statement regarding past Novvy Bangkok operations, but only if followed by a 2 days formation on the topic of "behaving around your friend: a guide on not to blue on blue", which will see you granted the right to submit us a 10Z-25 requisition form for an Aegis Police Officer, to assure the correctness of all your humanitarian action regarding Concilium Convention.

    Thank you for your cooperation.
    Wizzy, Camarones, Ugin and 1 other person like this.
  6. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Salam Lady Numiria,

    At this time Haqqislam is only providing medical assistance and limited aid to forces aboard the Raveneye facility. Do know that if Haqqislam will be making any military maneuvers we will be submitting the requisite reports and paperwork to ensure that O-12 knows and will be informed of our positions. Haqqislam High Command recognizes that current events in the AO necessitate strong diplomatic relations, and cooperation. We have always been sure to provide all information necessary to O-12. Bismallah!

    Acting HHC, theGricks
    Wizzy, Ugin and Lady Numiria like this.
  7. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Esteemed Commander Lady Numiria,

    I am happy to see you and the Cyberius Task Force again, as I perceive this situation may become very dire very soon. I'm personally glad we have competent people like yourself assigned to the problems on hand: records of the Waqf al-Badawi, maintained during the Novyi Bangkok crisis, note good cooperation between the Cyberius Taskforce and Waqf al-Badawi volunteers.

    We will, of course, follow all necessary procedures in our operations in Concilium Space - time permitting, inshallah. Please keep in mind that there a number of factors involved:
    1. Waqf al-Badawi is a non-governmental organization, operating under Haqqislamite law. We provide humanitarian and medical assistance to those in need, and if we have to choose - save lives or fill the documents - we will choose saving lives. I believe this is covered by the "Good Samaritan" clause of Concilium legal code.
    2. Waqf al-Badawi concerns itself with the life, health and well-being of the civillians. Any armed forces personnel that turns up in our care will be transferred into the custody of relevant military authorities as soon as their health permits that. Strict adherence to the International Laws of Armed Conflict was always the Waqf's policy.
    3. It would be a dire misunderstanding to confuse actions of the Waqf al-Badawi with the official actions of the Nation of Haqqislam, regardless of the fact the Waqf operates with approval of the HHC, and most of its volunteers are active duty Sword of Allah personnel - however, volunteering for the Waqf in their off-duty time. Things they are duty-bound to do when under orders from their legitimate commanders lay outside of the scope of Waqf al-Badawi actions.
    I sincerely wish the reactivation of the Waqf al-Badawi would not have been necessary, yet here we are... and I'm not going to idly watch, if my actions can ease the suffering of those affected by even the tiniest bit.
    Wizzy, Ugin and Lady Numiria like this.
  8. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    Thread pinned please keep the Durgama Takeover faction discussion in this thread.

    IC (In Character) is advised but not enforced in this thread please note OOC (Out of Character) posts, IC is not an excuse or a bypass of the forum rules or a way to attack other forum members, but genuinely roleplay between forum members will be accepted.

    As per the past campaigns, if forum members spot any particular reports that have issues, please PM me (an explanation of what is peculiar is appreciated) and the team will investigate them.
    Ugin likes this.
  9. MJGrey

    MJGrey Amethyst Sky Officer

    Feb 10, 2020
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    -- ALERT: Incoming Transmission on Broad Channel…
    -- Retrieving Transmission Data…

    -- Source: Raveneye Orbital Complex – Concilium Prima
    -- Subject: Transmission to Commanders of the Human Sphere – Durgama Crisis
    -- Deciphering Source Signature…

    -- Metadata Contains Encoding of Nomad Elder Council
    -- Status Confirmed: Authorized Transmission of Nomad Nation
    -- Transcribing Message…

    -- Displaying Message Transcription:

    This is a broad address to Commanders of the Human Sphere as to the status of Nomad forces aboard the Raveneye Orbital Complex. We remain pinned down inside the Raveneye’s Port Battery and are facing incursions on multiple fronts. Holding the Port Battery remains a critical objective to the protection of Corregidor and Durgama, and all Nomad Military Forces are directed to report to Concilium Prima space immediately and await further orders.

    We have taken severe casualties in previous skirmishes with Combined Forces. Despite losses, the defensive perimeter remains secure, and Morat troops have not been able to gain ground in the middle section of the station. We salute our Corregidoran force’s courage and determination, as well as the meager support provided by Kosmoflot contingents.

    ALL AGENTS OF THE HUMAN SPHERE BE ADVISED – Combined forces have deployed close-range defense batteries on the hull outside of the Port Battery Nomad forces are currently occupying. Enemy fire in the zone is particularly dense; many reinforcements and supplies are unable to reach their targets due to the blockade. Nomad High Command currently suggests using remote units until the situation has been controlled.

    The Nomad Elder Council requests strong aerospace support to cover reinforcement efforts. Bakunian irregular troops are en route and will need suppressive fire to allow for boarding. Tunguskan contributions are being deployed to quantronic fronts, and will offer hacking support to any ships offering aid. As for Nomads on the station, we will continue to hold position, resupply, and gain what ground we can until the Raveneye Station is fully under Nomad control.

    We have received communications from Haqqislam’s Waqf al-Badawi indicating incoming supplies and medical relief. On behalf of Nomad High Command, we gratefully accept the humanitarian aid of the Waqf al-Badawi and thank them deeply for their contributions and support. Haqqislam remains stalwart allies of the Nomad Nation, and their generosity in these trying times will not be forgotten.

    We have also intercepted communiques between O-12 and our allied Haqqislam forces regarding the recent offers of aid. Let me be extremely clear on the following point: The Nomad Nation will remember all actions taken by O-12 to stymy humanitarian missions. We will of course follow all applicable regulations of the Concilium Convention, but we object to interference with Nomad efforts onboard the Raveneye. We answered your call for support, and we will continue to participate as part of Concilium Coordinate Command. We will not, on the other hand, be left to die on this station on your behalf.

    We do wish to express deep condolences for your missing ensign. Ensign Cho’s efforts were critical to the Defiance Operation, and we appreciate her efforts and contributions to the Human Sphere. May Saint Mary watch over her and bring her home safely.

    Without High Command backing but speaking as Captain of the Amethyst Sky, I wish to address Lady Numiria of the Cyberius Taskforce directly. We have noted your multiple transmissions hampering operations of human troops in Councilium Space. We appreciate your strict adherence to the Councilium Convention and the diligence of your Taskforce in its duties. As Nomads, we clearly appreciate the hierarchy, bureaucracy, and oversight of our actions. Following this current crisis, perhaps myself and other members of the Observance could meet in person to review and celebrate your efforts. If you’d like, we can send you form #F-0Ff-Ac@B to expedite our discussions.

    To all other powers of the Sphere: We appreciate any support offered but would like to reiterate we will not tolerate unprovoked aggression on any front.

    Corregidor no olvida. Venganza para Módulo Satélite.

    Transmission Out.

    -- End of Transmission
  10. Drunkergnom

    Drunkergnom Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2019
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    The last "humanitarian mission" was Xaraks siege and cost Ariadna two thousands of casualties, including non-military personnel. Do you want same?
    Wizzy and Lady Numiria like this.
  11. Camarones

    Camarones Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2021
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    A small Magenta and Turqouise lighter streaks through Concilium Prima's high orbit amidst the commotion, drawing a smattering of anti-fighter fire from the Station. Its speed is reckless, and despite suffering minor impacts, tears onward towards the upper atmosphere. As it goes, it just reaches UHF transmission range, broadcasting on an open channel:

    "Hail nomads, thi-fszt-s ca-fsshpsss-ble, we're fleeing aggr-shfsssst- hummmmmm-tion by forces controlled under A-pssshhhssssttfzt- buzzzzzzzzz POP -e need to talk! Me-fshhhhzzstzft-futna to-" (There's another POP and only silence)

    The gaudy hull of the lighter begins to glow with the heat of re-entry as it quickly shrinks to a speck of light, then vanishes.
    Wizzy likes this.
  12. Ugin

    Ugin Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2018
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    ... Transmission from disguised freighter "What do you think Jazz is?" ...



    Job issues have been hitting me hard, so sadly I might not be able to attend this campaign. Still, way to go Nomads!
    Camarones and Wizzy like this.
  13. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Xaraks Battery was never detailed as a humanitarian mission. Request was sent to O-12 and Ariadna to release Xaraks to Haqqislam High Command due to concerns of their positioning, targetting, and placement to control all Haqqislam shipping lanes and traffic into Novvy Bangkok. Due to Ariadnan difficulty in detecting Shasvastii saboteurs, Haqqislam took over the batteries to ensure the safety of tis people.

    It is unfortunate that O-12 and Ariadna were unwilling to work with us in this regard, or to listen to our concerns.

    We do not lie about our intentions though, or drape "humanitarian aid" on top of military operations as this puts our actual aid at risk. If Haqqislam has military plans, they will ensure all parties know.

    Haqqislam does recognize though that Nomads have a valid claim to control of the Raveneye facilities weapon systems, in light of recent events towards the Corregidor.

    Danger Rose, MJGrey and Wizzy like this.
  14. Drunkergnom

    Drunkergnom Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Oh, my fault - you draped executions as "medical check-up". And still - leeches escaped through. Did siege help leeches? Yes. Probably you begin cleansing from yourself? My comrades at least can detect leech through interrogation.
    Wizzy likes this.
  15. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    Dear Commander Gricks,

    We asked you to stepped down from our position, or to provide us enough proofs of so-called accusations regarding Ariadna. Instead you got past our lines and ran a bloodbath, which seen the Shasvastii escaping.

    As so, and as previously stated, be aware that all your actions on the Raveneye Station, either from the Haqqislam High Command or the Waqf Al-Badawi will be carefully monitored and reported, to avoid any further violences and warcrimes against other nations of the Human Sphere.

    We would also like to remain the Nomad Nation's people that we don't have anything against them and are truely sorry for their losses on The Corregidor. As soon as the situation will be more stable and supply-lines re-established, we will send help and our best Lambda specialists to assist you.

    Lady Numiria
    SWORDFOR Officer
    Danger Rose, MJGrey and Wizzy like this.
  16. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Please note that there is no Waqf al-Badawi presence onboard the Ravenseye Orbital. Being a humanitarian-oriented NGO, the Waqf is currently preparing a relief center in Alfutna for the refugees from other regions of Durgama.

    In orbit, the Waqf has made use of two auxiliary cruisers whose captains decided to volunteer their time and resources, and sent those ships to assist the Corregidor. As of now, QAS Rose of Cairo and QAS Marid have docked with the Nomad mothership and are in the process of unloading humanitarian and medical supplies there. We are yet to receive a decision from the Corregidor whether these two ships need to make a run to the HNS Ibn Rushd as medical lighters. If no, we will probalby thank their captains for the services rendered so far; I'm aware that the Haqqislam High Command is in dire need of any combat-worthy ship available.

    Please keep in mind I cannot ask Waqf volunteers, even if they happen to be experienced combat pilots, to brave the fire of Morat point-defense positions installed on the Ravenseye. This is the job for an army.
    MJGrey and Wizzy like this.
  17. MJGrey

    MJGrey Amethyst Sky Officer

    Feb 10, 2020
    Likes Received:
    -- ALERT: Incoming Transmission on Broad Channel…
    -- Retrieving Transmission Data…

    -- Source: Raveneye Orbital Complex – Concilium Prima
    -- Subject: Durgama Defense Coalition
    -- Deciphering Source Signature…

    -- Metadata Contains Encoding of Nomad Elder Council
    -- Status Confirmed: Authorized Transmission of Nomad Nation on Behalf of Durgama Defense Coalition
    -- Downloading Data Packet and Decrypting...

    -- Displaying Link to Data Packet:
    Danger Rose and Brokenwolf like this.
  18. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I'm pleased to inform that the Corregidor authorities did not consider it necessary to transfer any wounded to HNS Ibn Rushd. The humanitarian situation onboard of the Nomad mothership seems to be well under control: a true testimony to the efficiency of the Nomad emergency response crews.

    Waqf al-Badawi therefore expresses its gratitude to the commanders and crews of QAS Marid & QAS Rose of Cairo. The ships have completed their task with the Waqf, and will now report back ot the Qapu Khalqi Command in Concilium System. Therefore, Waqf al-Badawi informs it has no longer assets not aims in Concilium Prima orbit.

    We continue to operate on the planet's surface, running a refugee & humanitarian relief center in Alfutna Terraforming Studies Unit, where the local scientific personnel has volunteered into Waqf service in significant numbers. I'm happy to inform the place remains under stable protection by the Sword of Allah forces, allowing us to safely receive large numbers of refugees, coming primarily from Cameliard and Gekidan (we expec a new wave of refugees from Darpan Station within hours, due to it being taken over by EI forces).

    @Lady Numiria please be informed some O-12 personnel, liberated from EI-occupied Zebu Center during the Sword of Allah rescue operation, were airlifted out to Alfutna before there was a certainity of O-12 reinforcing and securing the position against the aliens. Those who were clearly identifiable as O-12 military personnel have been taken care of by Haqq military authorities, the others are in Waqf al-Badawi's care.
    Note: we have an unidenitfied, seriously wounded female O-12 employee, with a damaged Cube, in our care. Some of our volunteers, familiar with the Defiance project, maintain she might possibly be the missing ensign Cho. We kindly ask for biomedical identification data to confirm this person's identity, or - at your convenience - a visit from a duly appointend O-12 official able to confirm or deny that the woman in question is in fact ensign Cho.
    If so, she shall be transferred to Haqq military hospital for recovery, or released into the care of an appointed O-12 official. Note that in the opinon of our medical personnel, it is not advised to move this person over any significant distance in her current state of health.
    Wizzy and Lady Numiria like this.
  19. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    Commander Errhile,

    we will send ASAP an official to your position to confirm or not your custody of Psi Unit Ensign katherine Cho. Please cooperate with them and do not interfere in any way if that is the case.

    My sincere thanks for this rescue anyway, Ensign Cho or not, we will retrieve all our employee by the same time frame.

    Lady Numiria
    O-12 High Commissioner, ICAF
    Wizzy likes this.
  20. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Noted, Waqf al-Badawi will inform local Sword of Allah command to expect an O-12 delegate on short notice.

    [OOC] Ball is in your court there - I wrote it the way only O-12 can tell if that's Cho or not :)
    Lady Numiria and Wizzy like this.
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