A grenade against a corner peeker will potentially hit models around the corner and otherwise out of line-of-fire. As an ARO this is unpleasant for the active player if it occurs. You also have the possible Indirect Fire. Lastly you could throw it a possible 16".
Oh, same here. I have all the Joan’s, some twice over… (don’t ask, I know I have a problem). I have the defiance Uxia so am unlikely to pick this one up unless it’s as a gift for my friend.
I agree with all your points. I don't know if I am going to get the Tian Gou box but it is the clear winner of July's releases in my opinion..
I am absolutely here for a Helen of Troy mini, HVT or not. Does this mean we're getting a space combat game? After all she is the face that launched a thousand (space)ships!
Erm ... none of them (Crane Agents) have Mono-CCW, all are equipped with DA CCWs. https://store.corvusbelli.com/warga.../imperial-agents-multi-rifle-monofilament-ccw Seems its a very old description. Monos are yellow
I bet it's going to be an awesome sculpt, or at least I hope so... has quite a reputation to live up to!
Dammit. I go away for a few days and everything happens. Most interestingly: Helen of Troy… I’m looking forward to seeing the mini. I’d agree with others posts here and bet on a HVT as each faction seems to be getting one right now. Considering the fact that the historical Helen and her elopement with Paris resulted in a large war, I wonder what role she’ll play in the story?
New vid form The Dice Gods War Gaming. Infinity July 2022 releases review 00:00 Intro 00:31 Uxia McNeill 03:05 Wolfgang Wolff 05:10 PanOceania HQ box 08:49 Tiāngǒu 14:36 Peace out!
The most impressive part of that "review" was how he managed to somehow butcher the shit out of Tiān Gǒu as "Ting HOW" for five minutes straight.
complete review of the Marut. Hands on with the Marut for Infinity and SioCast plastic – first impressions!
Thursday night, and I think the admins forgot to make a Durgama campaign topic that starts Monday in the Event Online section. But I could be wrong.