Samira (slightly amused to Kenn) "That look suits you. It really catches your personality. Think of it in the way of a bit of camoflage and as long as you dont talk to much everyone will think you are a tourist."
Faust's Boutique Taisa considers her geist's insistent reminders about the data Mew turned up and turning it over to Faust. From the info that Faust himself provided and what Pietro put into context it seemed the storekeeper was someone who could shed some light on it further. "I do have something you can look at." Taisa said sending over the data. "Something another hacker pulled up trying to track her down." Faust went over it. "Pretty damn impressive is what it is. Not much I can do to narrow anything down but..." He laughed. "These damn hackers and their egos won't get out of the way. They always like to sign their work." Faust shows Taisa a stylized heart that is trying to break free from a set of chain around it. The symbol of the Heartaches gang. Gaslight Cafe A bunch of small tables and chairs, a well stocked bar, a little stage, and unlike its predecessor a small kitchen. The main attraction wasn't the establishment though. It was the musicians that came to play at it. Saito arrived just as Bard Excellence was finishing up their set with The King and The Lizard. He melted away with the music and the crowd until the end of the song. He then got a ping on his comlog that the rest of the team was going to meet up with him to discuss their next steps in person. They already had some solid information to go off of. Taisa and Pietro arrived as Pasted Boots was playing Six and finally Kenn, Igor, and Samira sat down as LIFE8's Forever filled the cafe. Local time was 22:30.
Taisa was pleased to get some info on this new lead. “So got any info on this gang? Oh and while we’re at it, let’s talk about that sweet upgrade you got there.”
Taisa already knows the answer to her question before Faust can answer her. Faust didn't have anything on the gang other than he's seen the signature pop up a few times from his contacts. Faust does mention that they have some very skilled hackers in their ranks especially for how young many of them are. "Upgrade is all yours if your willing to pay the sticker price." He points to one of his no haggling AR signs.
The Chimera nodded as she had her Geist relay what she knew about the Heartaches to the rest of the team. She then looked at the price tag for the upgrade and saw it was in her price range. “You got yourself a deal,” she said as she handed him the money along with a small bonus as a thank you for the info.
Samira enters the Bar with Kenn and Igor behind her, she gives a greeting and looks for the niche with Saito and the other 2 members of the team. Both look really impressive, a well trained man with the a serious look on his face and a walking add for Bakunins excellent labs. She takes a seat next to Saito, looking brooding about something. When the waitress appears Samira orders for the group, chatting with the waitress. As the drinks are served, Saito gets a fancy drink in neon colors a small plastic moderator clinging to the rim of the glas and and a small paper umbrella stiking in a small fruit. (a virgin drink witthout any alcohol). Before Saito could say anything Samira looks at him: Samira: "At least that got your attention that we are all here to talk about our job." Gesturing at Kenn. Samira: As you can see this is Kenn and his shadow Igor and i am Samira. We went around talking to people about our missing girl and we found out that she is on the ship and was seen with an urchin gang called the Heartaches The leader is Valentine Dolles and theier turf according to our informant is starward at deck 53 near the integrated Langworks 13B vessel that hosts the Third Eye module. That confirms the data we have from Miss Taisa."
Kenn scanned the area then took his seat. He thought about having Igor stand...he had second thoughts about that course of action. The Chaksa could bring unwanted attention to himself standing up in this cafe. His Geist Edd said as much. So Igor took a seat next to Kenn to look more lively next to the Tohaa. Emphasize on the alive aspect to detract from the perpetual thousand yard "I'm not here, nobody's home" stare the creature always gave off. From what Kenn had gathered in his rather short time as a Sunz member Saito had been among their number for a good long time. With Eddie retired from field legwork that left the ninja the eldest veteran of the group. Since Kenn wanted to become more antiquated with his new peers and not only just helpful to them with his skills, he decided to strike up a conversation. Maybe the Japanese male had some info to pass on. If not at least asking the question would break the ice between them. Kenn "Saito, Did you find anything of note concerning the whereabouts of the girl we are trying to find?"
Despite being lost in thought, Saito tracks the team as they enter but keeps to himself. Busy drawing up new continency plans because as much as he might draw on Gota for information, he'd be a fool to trust him and that's before taking into account the fact he is from a rival clan. The best outcome would be him getting adopted into said clan but he'll be a pawn, nothing more. A tacky drink appears in front of him, curtesy of Samira. Saito glances at her as she makes some business talk. "Get started, i'm busy formulating plans," the ex ninja states before returning to finishing his escape routes. Shadow, his geist finishes the diagnostic of his comlog. No trace of tampering by a hacker, at least as far as the geist can tell. With that, Saito lets Shadow take over running the fine print of his egress while he pulls up the new info received by the newest teammates and Samira over the tacnet. Just as he was about to run a search for these Heartaches, Kenn draws his attention with a question. "Huh, no Kenn my friend, I've been engaged in other activities. A fight or two you know. Nothing to concern yourselves with, just off topic brawls while looking around. Nothing that should trace back to us." Saito exaggerates, partly to make him feel better against this sense of powerlessness but also to give him a reason to brood in silence.
Samira adressing the group: "So, does anyone have an idea or plan how we should investigate any further?"
"Lady Samira, I think that everything gravitates around those. . . . .Heartaches; they could have been just a stepping stone inside the voyage of the Target, used to facilitate the escape and then paid and forgotten, or could be actively hiding the young Ex-Panoceanian Hyperelite on the run, that have carved a niche inside their structure. . .!!" "Maybe they will open and amenable to discussion, if we approach with the right manners; or could be a serious hindrance that actively have to be cut through (metaphorically or not) and they will try to hamper our enquiry progression. . ." "From what I think could be understood by the Material that we found, the Gang of the Heartache does not own a Module, or seem to be the main force behind one (like could be those Morlock Warbands or the Chimera Gladiator Pit-Fighters); probably they are just Street Rats with a decisive penchant for Hacking. . ." "Maybe they haunt some locales, used as headquarters or hideouts, public places where their prospective clients could easily reach them; or could be hidden in a Praxis darkened alley more dangeorus that a Paradiso Frontlines Gun-Nest, treating any unknown newcomer like a Moderator's Dragnet. . .!!" "I think that we should phisically scout any locations where the premises are their known whereabouts and see how is organized their public facade; or maybe their. . . . Turf. . .is more centralized in the Local Arachne and this. . . .preliminary scouting. . .is best done by those of us that are more. . . . .Quantronically Gifted. . .!!" "And anyway that we reach towards the Heartaches in a whole group or splitted in smaller teams, and if they will be an active hindrance or merely Infodump Contacts to grease financially, there is the issue of the Nomad Nation Legal Status of the Target; if She has been granted a Citizenship in a Module, or merely petitioning to join the Mothership as Political Refugee, if we are not sure of what could be the right approach, we risk a lot more than if She is just a Tourist Passerby. . .!!" "In Panoceania what would amount to restitution of an estranged child to politically affluent parents, could escalate into Kidnapping of a Nomad Nation Assett, if the girl is not still a transient demogrant on the run, and willfully decide to stay on Bakunin. . .!!" . . . . . While expressing His ideas, then Father Pietro Beretta opened the public Arachne Access on a shared holographic display about eventual known physical abodes of the Heartache Gang (or "Social Club" or "Juvenile Digital Syndacate" or "Local Sporting Team" or whatever their official designation could be in the byzanthine and convoluted Nomad Mothership carnival of weirdness). . . If the Gang, or known members and associates, had a Open Digital Account Datasphere presence, also the Inquisitor Priest searched for snapshot images of Festivals, Disco Soirees, Nightclub Selfies or whatever other aggregations they had; running on parallel, on anc encrypted Visual Data-Net of the Investigative Team, also put the old images of the escapee, starting with matching the Facial Biometry Recognition with typical Streetgang colours, dresscode and make-up and hairdos; then a more complex simulation of what could have been cheap Chimera Genemods that the girl on the run could have obtained with the Time and Money logically available. . . Maybe their Target, efficiently disguised amongst the weirdos throngs of Vaudeville's Circus and the Black-Labs-Spawns, was hiding in plain sight. . . . .!!!
Samira adressing Father Pietro: "Ah i see Padre that you have alot of experience with this, so, what do you think would bethe most practical way to investigate any further? Goin gdown in person tomorrow after some rest and maybe some new informatiosn? Or waht would you say is the best way?"
"Mylady, I daresay we check their eventual presence on the Arachne Sphere of this specific section of Bakunin Infonet; if they are extremely secretive or instead publicly (at least on Darknet Forums for the Anarchs of the Mothership) extoll their various endeavours (legal or otherwise; I know this specific part of the Nomad Nation has special legal status and loopholes for almost everything) this will inform our approach. . ." "I think We should try also to understand if they are somehow aware that there erstwhile client-friend-newbie-recruit is searched by a specific team; what I fear more if these Heartaches have some of those weird Contractor Warrants that Bakunin somehow undersell to their Civilian Personnel; while not similar to the Mercenary Status that is extended to even Industrial Miners of Corregidor, it is wise to understand beforehand if the Gang have ties with Official Paramilitary Organizations of the Mothership (or even weirder ones like the Riot Grrl Militians or the Observancers Armed Priesthood, that I personally find worringly similar to My own country organizations). . ." "Also maybe they just pay lip service to some Praxis Crime Boss, as Sub-Gangers catering to Netrunning and Infodumping of low key; wise to know beforehand if we go intruding on a dangerous Don-Chunin-Oyabun by going after the preferred. . . . .pets" "Once we safely had. . . .Cased The Joint. . . .so to speak, my idea is to go in presence and ALSO check on the Net in contemporary; My esteemed colleague Taisa is quite apt to be the. . . . .Digital Eye. . .while I somehow. . . .Physically Beat The Turf. . .!!" "Will be easy to extend this tactic to the whole group. . .!!" "You, Lady Samira, are the personification of a beauteous Fixer Dame that act as Middlewoman for all manner of endeavours, shady as night or brightly lit as the day; I could act as the Silent Bodyguard should You decide to go test the waters with whatsoever nebulous pretext; Mr. Kenn Taal and His own hulking cohort could also be a wondrous distraction and helpful sidekicks to You. . ." "The rest of the group could lay nearby, in waiting, checking Comms and Digital Presence, maybe ready to intervent or support from purely a Virtual Battleboard. . .!!" "This is just an abstract simulated idea, based on old similar cases and the Infos that were available in the Sunz Dossiers; I expect to have big gaps in My pretextual projection that will be better filled by the suggestions of anyone, that I will more than welcome. . .!!" . . . . . Having said His piece then Father Pietro Beretta extended encrypted access to His Comlog Based very barebone Mission Dossier, awaiting eagerly the eprsonal input of anyone of the Group that had more pointed personal ideas. . . Also if some old proof and trace of the extant group was unclear, then the Inquisitor Blackfriar was sure that His personal criminal analysys expertise and the Digital Fact-Checking of the Chimera would be invaluable to be further narrowing down the truth, by extending a cooperative effort to all the other detectives. . .
"I'd say we pool our attention and do some heavy research on the Heartaches first. Comb through Arachne and we'll analyse what we find. Easy enough to do here too." Saito then takes a sip of his 'fancy' drink.
So Satio thought the Heartaches were the best lead on finding where the young woman was. Kenn figured that was sound thinking since he had no different course of action to personally offer at the moment. Though what the Padre another good course of action. But hacking was akin to a mystical act to Kenn and many of his species. It was one of their weakness in warfare that the Combined Army had forced them to make strides in improving. As for the idea of a walking distraction it seemed that a repeat of the end of the Paradiso job & Kenn's re-baptism of fire was a considered tactic. Kenn Ta'al "Do you mean I go with you and Sam but stay at a distance so as to not incriminate myself with you both? Keep a watch out for danger and perhaps a violent interruption courtesy of a body slam & fist to the face or abdomen?" Kenn Ta'al "I surely hope not." The Tohaa thought to himself. He'd didn't know what course of action would take place if the group ran into those famously insane of Bakunin's inhabitants but violence was not out of the equation if the situation came to blows.
Taisa Grünewald vaped some as she smiled at the strange man's comments. "Nothing wrong with those groups. Eccentricity is the norm here, and it's great so don't bash it until you try it," she said. She was wearing a thong leotard and open heel & open toe footwear along with fingerless gloves that showed off her clawed toes and fingers. Taisa had a foxlike head and was covered in both fox and tiger fur. She pulled up a chair with her prehensile bushy fox tail but instead of sitting down normally, she sat down on her haunches like a wild animal. "Hiya! The name's Taisa Grünewald!" She gave a fang filled smile as she introduced herself.
Kenn Ta'al "So this was a normal Human once?" The Tohaa thought to himself. While he was getting used to the bio-craziness of Bakunin, it still was surreal seeing how far Humans would go with their own bodies. Tohaa usually used other species as the canvases of bodily experimentation. Sometimes before they implemented the bio-graph on themselves. But they usually kept their bodies looking relatively the same. You could tell that it was still a Tohaa. Certain of Mankind seemed to like the idea of massive physical change. Miss Grunewald, she seemed to be unmarried, apparently was one of those people. Kenn Ta'al "Excuse me Miss Grunewald, Are you intending to infiltrate as a prostitute? Your attire is very revealing. Also what are you smoking?" While he said this Kenn sent a pheromone message to Igor to prepare to lunge in case this Human wildcat(?) decided to play the part of the animal she had infused herself with. Edd "Sir..." The Giest spoke to his operator mentally. "That is no way to greet someone regardless of what you think her or his attire translates into." Kenn Ta'al "I suppose you are right. So getting to know her well before saying such things is considered acceptable." Edd "No sir. That is not at all what I'm conveying..."
Taisa tilted her head in puzzlement. “Eh? What’s wrong with the way I’m dressed? I mean if I wore anymore I’ll probably pass out from overheating because of my fur. Heck this is nothing compared to some of the other outfits you’ll see here. I should know: I was born and grew up here on Bakunin. And besides I’m a former Überfallkommando so infiltrating as a prostitute was part of the job, not that I’m complaining, I earned some good money on the side.” When asked about what she was smoking, she replied, “Smoking? Nah, vaping. There’s nothing against smoking on the Radical Mothership except common sense. We all got to share the air here so it’s best not to stink it up. Plus it’s a safety hazard. One minor gas leak, and bam! Not a pretty picture. There are designated places to smoke but no one’s going to bash you for smoking. Most people here just vape instead just to be safe. And for what I’m vaping: medicinal herbs. Helps with my cybernetics.Took part in some lab experiments.” “Anyhow,” she said as she puffed out some vape smoke, “I do know some leads and info on our Heartaches.” “The Heartaches are a small time urchin gang with members being anywhere from 13 to 18, so mostly teenagers. They mainly do petty theft both physical and quantronic, and they have been known to do some freelance quantronic work to those who are willing to pay. They're lead by Valentine Dolles, I think she’s 18, and lately she has been pushing the group into doing some more high paying but riskier jobs. The Mods have docked a lot of social energy from a bunch of the Heartaches for their transgressions and a few have even been held overnight at a Mod Post but the gang is persistent and hardly deterred. Of course, their persistence might actually get them killed.” “From what I can recall, The main deterrent to their actions right now is the Business Protection Group (BPG) which is a well known Struktura front for the Nikitin family. Property crime really isn't investigated that much here on Bakunin, and the Mods mainly leave such crimes to be solved individually or communally. The Nikitin family has weaseled their way in as a communal protection group for a number of businesses, although truth be told many were forcefully asked to join, the 50s Decks. The BPG has made some not so pretty examples out of the Heartaches. So it’s reasonable to check on the BPG too to see if they may have spotted our little runaway although it’s highly possible they turned here into Swiss cheese or a smoldering pile of ash.”
Hearing this little, new piece of information brought Saito up and he began to change his avenue of investigation. No longer on the street gang, but the actual, legitimate crime he was used to working with... Or against depending on the day. Shadow caught on and began the new line as well, holding the other project to the side until it was less occupied.
The night passed on and the team's table became crowded with empty drinks and plates as they sought out and parsed information that could help them locate their quarry. LIFE8's DMAT settled across Saito as he sought out information on the Business Protection Group. He confirmed that it was a front for the Nikitin family but as far fronts went this one was good one. BPG was as legitimate as a business on Bakunin could get. Calling it a front might also be pushing it. It's more that the Nikitin family found a loophole and niche they could slide neatly into. They've been on Bakunin since 43 NC, just after the NeoColonial Wars, and haven't been uprooted or shut down at any time between then and now. For the Nikitin's it's just one of their many operations but it's where they send their up and coming lieutenants to see if they have the skills and ability to take on tougher tasks/duties. To help augment this the BPG has veteran enforcers and a stable upper cadre that oversees their green lieutenants and keep things moving smoothly. The current leadership of the BPG falls under Randy Nikitin (SER 3/Stable) as its president (the BPG uses business positions rather than the usual submondo nomenclature). Randy is the 5th cousin of Kazimir who is the family patriarch and Otets. Randy has held the position since 55 NC. On the seedier side of things the BPG is a good earner for the family and pulls in a hefty amount of skender. That skender is earmarked to go straight into funding anarcho-capitialist driven agendas. The family is quite protective over this and puts a lot of effort into keeping their operation running. Bribes to Bakunin officials, moderators, and hush money to nosy groups is common. If that doesn't work they have no moral qualms about sending a violent message but that's a last resort. The BPG is after all a legitimate business... The information on the BPG and the Heataches let Padre paint a picture in his head as Red Inquistion's To Violate and to Harm roared forth. He crossed referenced everything between the two groups and then ran those against anything the moderators had as well with the help of Taisa's geist Rexy. There was enough to paint something nice until Pietro ran across a time gap. In the last 3 days there was nothing going on between the BPG and the Heartaches. Two groups that going back and forth pretty hard for the last month. It didn't take the previous Hound of the Lord long to find out why. Valentine Dolles was in moderator custody at Deck Command 5. Local time is 01:30
Thinking over what Taisa said Kenn understood where she was coming from. But by now he was so used to being around Humans, who did not sport any fur naturally & covered themselves mostly, that the sight of seeing a full fledged furry seemed weird. Then again it would be a similar reaction if another Tohaa saw Taisa in her current getup. And the part about smoking herbs was something certain Tohaa also do as certain plants, medical or otherwise, were smoked to get the desired effect on body in a quicker fashion. Though Kenn was a unfamiliar with vaping compared to general smoking. This recent development...well Human crime is not a welcome development to Kenn. The secret societies that ran things behind the scenes of his former people were an open secret that was outright denied & pretended to not exist. But in reality many Tohaa knew better. The Nikitin family reminded him of those cabals that ran things from the shadows. The possibility of meeting an equivalent of the Cabals cause Kenn to think about using more vicious means of protection & ways to get information. Perhaps it was time to engage the use of symbio-viriuses & other biocrafted weapons to fight back against such people. As for Miss Dolles being in custody if certain of the Humans could convince the Moderators to let the Sunz interview her and maybe they could get something out of her. It was at this time Kenn remember that their boss Eddie was once a Moderator. Maybe he could pull some strings and get them to talk to Valentine?