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[WARCROW] The new fantasy universe by Corvus Belli

Discussion in 'News' started by Koni, Mar 25, 2022.

  1. Gwynbleidd

    Gwynbleidd Non asto coram malo

    Sep 18, 2021
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    It’s a branch of those lot I believe.
  2. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    TV Shows are a peculiar ideas and enforced by a weird policy in Foareign Translation Channel for Televisions or other renditions. . .

    While Monty Python is rather well known even Here in Italy, with some aficionados of the most famous "Tropes and Comedy Gold" amongst Italian Viewers, "Fry & Laurie" is almost unheard of. . .

    At the same Time there is recognition of obscure and niche Shows (not only for TV Comedy) that if asked for to American or British Vieiwers are often asked of are really something form their part (also in Italy Channles, since not long ago, there was the barbaric idea to totally invent absurd titles and renaming in a convention that was totally outside any possible sense of the Original Production, marring the Idea of Start). . .

    . . . . .

    Back to the idea of "Fantasy Inquisition" (Spanish or Not) I think that CB could take some good ideas from "Classic Magical Settings" like "Dragon Age" (where the Organization is tasked to check on unmitigated use of Wizardry and Spellcasting, especially in regard of Summoning wierd creatures from other dimensions) or "Warcraft" (where there is the polarity of the mainly altruistic "Argent Dawn Paladins" and the "Scarlet Crusade Fanatics" facing the Plague of Undeath in a very different manner) but retaining their very own specific originality and freshness of narrative. . .

    In the Warhammer Fantasy Setting while the "Witch Hunters Of Sigmar" are a rather important part of the historical narration, they are not the same Monolithical, Prevalent, Widespread "Space Secret Service" that is present in the "Gothic Science Fiction" of 40.000. . .

    Also "The Witcher" or "Protectorate Of Menoth" (from the Wargame of Warmachine) could be considered to have some rather interesting ides about original takes about "Magic Fantasy Inquisition". . .

    All of those, even if just considered a Comparison Touchstone, could be good to be referenced to have totally special Background Settings for that hypothethical importance of a "Religious Zealot Cult" inside War-Crow. . .
    Cthulhu363 and Golem2God like this.
  3. Morganus

    Morganus Evolved Emotional Intelligence

    Apr 21, 2018
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    Also, I wouldn't be surprised if they make it all about the two moons and the cyclical fluctuation in magic. Dota: Dragon's Blood is an interesting animated series, partly because it shows a complicated religious setting that is a good base for conflicts: the moon goddess Selemene usurped the position of the previous one, Mene, so it is fun to see that the heroines start out serving an evil goddess. The Dark Moon Order very much seems like an inqusition based on a moon-cult, terrorizing the dispossessed elven followers of Mene.

    With two moons, Warcrow could easily make it even more spicy. Two rival moon-based religions, one for the humans, one for the elves, somehow depicting the elven one as the 'evil' (maybe because when 'their' moon align with the other one in a certain way, then the magic is at peak and bad stuff happens, or something). As the setting of Lindwurm and the narrative behind the game seems to be based on naval capabilities, a system of planet with two moons (Selas and Losna) could be an interesting background for more complex phenomena (like huge ocean tides during the alignment, causing tsunamis and such, making the whole culture of Lindwurm based on the fear of the rare occasions of the alignments).

    My guess would be, that when magic is at its utmost peak in Lindwurm is also the rarest alignment of Selas and Losna, when they cause a double total eclipse for Lindwurm, and the Path of Totality (the tracks of the shadows of the two moons) is coming through and crossing exactly at the island where Thorn Point is located. As such eclipses can be predicted with the help of astronomy, I would say such religious-military expeditions as a lunar inquisition would be quite a logical background for the game and certain units.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  4. tox

    tox SorriBarai

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Magic in Warcrow is not dependent on the moons.
    Magic is linked to that "thing" you see at the bottom of the image
    Dragonstriker and Abrilete like this.
  5. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    @Morganus Are You saying that could be a Game based also (at least on Background History) of Naval Disembarkings and Beacheheads. . .??

    While it could offer a very cool setting for just the Background, the ideas of "Big Tides / Low Tides" could be also an amusing factor in Game Mechanics. . .

    Using Infinity as an example could be the "Magic Fantasy" equivalent of an "Orbital Assault" on a Space Station, where Troops with the "Zero G Adaptation" were able to attack far from easily predicted Shuttle Bay Staging Areas (essentially entering the battle with the equivalent of "Stealth Advanced Deployement" by accessing Maintenance Vents from the Void on the outside). . .

    I remember in Warmachine some cool scenarios where a Sea Port was attacked by the Docks on the Beachfront; as "Galleon Caribbean Level" of Naval Technology, that usually pertained Wind or Steampaddle Ships docking on Wooden Piers and disgorging troops on narrow gangplanks, so few "Naval Marine Riflemen" could easily engage far more troopers by just staying under some improvised Docking Crates barricades. . .

    But the two most powerful "Sea Powers" of that Setting (the "Nightmare Empire of Cryx" with Heavily Steampunk-Cybernetic modified Undeads, and the "Pirates Of Ord" essentially the Nation less technologically advanced, but more adapted to Sealane Warfare) had Water Resistant Troops (even the "Warjacks" essentially equal to Remote Piloted TAGs of "Steampunk Wargolem" style) that could attack directly from the Sea, with Amphibious Tactics totally undermining preplanned defences. . .

    . . . . .

    With the High Tidal "Ebb & Flow" given by TWO Moons, that could be even factored more thoroughly. . .
  6. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    That "Crystal Comet" whose Aphelion is the "Magic Max Ebb" factor could also be a sort of "Magical Space Ship". . .??

    A Crystal Comet-Moon-Satellite that influences Magical "Mana" Power, now that I think about it, feature heavily in the various Final Fantasy Videogame Backgrounds. . .

    Could be that CB is planning to use some inspiration from that style???
  7. Morganus

    Morganus Evolved Emotional Intelligence

    Apr 21, 2018
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    My bad. Then the magic is cyclical based on a comet-like entity and its elongated orbit in this system. It can make sense that magic is at its high when this crytaline-like object is closest to the sun, so it is heated up and energized, radiating magical energy on maximum output.

    So there could be two cycles: one for natural disasters based on the alignments of the moons (religious notions), and one for supernatural phenomena when this comet-thingy is in perihelion (magical considerations). It could be a fertile ground for a dichotomy between religions and magic in Lindwurm. Logically speaking there should be still a case when the planet of Lindwurm is also in perihellion, and this long-period comet is closer to it than regularly, making it a super-rare close encounter with ultimate magical saturation. If such magical energy is not transmitted as a photon-like entity between the celestial objects, which can be reflected or filtered, then the moons indeed probably cannot interfere with it.
  8. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    I still do not know if there will be "Tidal Waves Of Magic" relevant to the Game Mechanics; not until We know if the "Crystal Comet" is a quick revolving Astral Object that make Monthly, Annual or Secular "Orbits" . . .

    The ellypticals seems very extreme anyway, so probably the "Tide Ebbs" were surely considered in the Game Background; maybe even in the Mechanics of the Rules ("Roll a 1d6 Dice before each Battle; this is Ambient Mana"??). . .

    . . . . .

    I wonder if that will also influence Magical Objects, especially the most advanced ones actively employed in War. . .

    Was thinking of the cool "Battlechaser" Comic by Joe Madureira (sadly abrupted early, but at least the Story was expanded vastly in a Sequel Videogame); not only there was the idea of a "Magical Drought" that stroke heavily an "Once Highly Mystical World" (necessitating capitalizing on "Mana" a form of Liquid Magical Energy found only in rare places of the Continent) but also the very cool ideas of "Wargolems" giant automatons (like "Steampunks Knights" twice a normal human size) that, while bred for war as obedient slave soldiers, soon developed an own personality. . .

    One of them, called "Calibretto", even was forced, due to Mana Scarcity doowngrading mystical capabilities and mental processes, to rely on a previously unthought of "Energy Source" by becoming a sort of "Lifeforce Druid" tapping into the Natural World Shamanism. . .

    That could somehow tie in with the new, innovative styles of "War Crow" Elves and Dwarves. . .
  9. tox

    tox SorriBarai

    Feb 21, 2017
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    If anyone dared to spend 9 minutes listening to the videos, you should know...

    It is SOOOOOOOOO LOOOOOOOOOONG that in the meanwhile Magic is almost forgotten
  10. Morganus

    Morganus Evolved Emotional Intelligence

    Apr 21, 2018
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    I would say, yes, it could.

    For background purposes, they could use it as an explanation why the city/state of Embersig became a Hegemony. One such reason could be that it was the first merchant republic that could reach a tecnological(-magical) advantage in building really high and strong walls in the perfect coastal spot. Even though we have now a picture of the city from CB, which seems to be a normal fortified city on a river to be honest, it would be more fun to imagine it as a coastal city built in a rocky bay, strenthened by huge seawalls. One such imaginary city is Phoenicia in the Shoukoku no Altair manga/anime series, which is said to be not taken by enemy for thousands of years, so I think a similar design would give a better explanation why Embersig could crush its rivals and become the Hegemony on a planet with two moons. As there are other terrestrial powers, I imagine that the hegemony of Embersig is based mainly on unrivalled naval capabilities, because it can shelter its fleets even during close alignments of the moons.

    As for game mechanics, they could use it quite extensively. You mentioned certain landing operations, which could indeed be alternatives to the Forward Deployment / Infiltration / Parachutist skills. But think about it: Infinity has such a vast array of Special Terrain options, which we as players probably don't really use that much. Open sea? Beach? Swamp? I would love to see CB turn it around and make Warcrow different exactly with such terrain types. I understand that Infinity is fun partly because of its verticality, which is easier to be done with buildings and urban scenes, but I think it could be done with fantasy as well, as Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago can have amazing tables. Low tide could mean that sea monsters like krakenlings are roaming in the shallow waters and pockets of remaining water, while high tide could turn a table into a nightmerish mangrove forest.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  11. fari


    Feb 21, 2017
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    Feudom and Black Legion have, for me, the most inquisitorial vibes of all...

    I have the feeling of feudom being the "Our faith is strong, our knights are chosen by the goddesses, we are saviors for this entire world, friend or foe" noble guys, but with a "must purge" shady branch inside the moon church.
    #271 fari, Apr 27, 2022
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2022
    stevenart74 and Abrilete like this.
  12. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Seems all very smart ideas; concur totally with Your assessment. . .

    @Morganus In effect a "Vertical Deployement" kind of Fantasy Game could be rather very cool; the immensely high Capital City that You mentioned could have impossibly high towers and impressive cranes for dock-loading crates from the waters (visually taking from "Sharn, City Of Towers" from Eberron), the Dwrves have yet their impressive "Stalactite / Stalagmite Mineshafts" and Elves or other Savage Forest Races could do in treetop houses, maybe connected by rope bridges (Elves could have majestic Arboreal Dwellings like those of Galadriel Palace in the Middle Earth, while "Orcs & Goblinoids" some kind of Shantytowns, suspended between Jungle Lianas in Bayous over a Swampy Marsh). . .

    The game will need some "Magical Flyers" (based on ruleset similar to AD Para-Troops of Infinity ?) that could be whatever suit the game style (winged humanoids, giant bird riders, witches on brooms, aladdin's flying carpets, just very powerful wizards) or, at least, some "Grapple-Hook + Climbing Rope" kind of vertical moving soldiers (like "Superjump" or those Infinity Drones capables of scaling vertical surfaces). . .

    @fari Effectively the dychotomy of "Proud Shining Paladin Knights" (the Right Hand, clad in an armoured gauntlet, cluthcing a golden Mace Sceptre) and the "Shadow Skulking Inquisitors" cloaked in (literal) darkness (as Left Hand, black-velveted and armed with a Poisoned Dagger) could be very powerful indeed, for defining a lot of cool imagery and backstory. . .
    Abrilete likes this.
  13. Gwynbleidd

    Gwynbleidd Non asto coram malo

    Sep 18, 2021
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    There’ll be a new video shortly according to the *very* recent studio update… looking forward to it! I hope we see some more art renders.
  14. fari


    Feb 21, 2017
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    Remember, a video every 2 weeks for warcrow
    Abrilete and Gwynbleidd like this.
  15. Gwynbleidd

    Gwynbleidd Non asto coram malo

    Sep 18, 2021
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    But I want one sooner… *looks around expectantly* SOONER! I need to know more about what my wallet will be emptied at next.
  16. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I'm just concerned with the models and factions. Their playstyles & lore are included in that.
    stevenart74 and Dragonstriker like this.
  17. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    I wonder if it will be best if they strictly nail down some "Clear Cut Cultural Borders" of the various Troops and their Background History (so that Players could yet understand what best work for some of them and what clearly not, either for Playstyle and Fluff History) or if is better to have flexible ideas not yet dead-set in a fixed frame (such as the level of "Zealous Fanaticism" in the so-called "Human Religion Inquisition Faction"). . . . .???

    That last option could CB see what ideas capture the most the "Buyers' Audience" and maybe retool something accordingly. . .!!
  18. Wizzy

    Wizzy Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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    Indexation of the info, there will be a playable demo of Warcrow adventures (the dungeon crawler) at the Gencon.

    Croepoek and Abrilete like this.
  19. Koni

    Koni BanHammer
    CB Staff

    Jan 25, 2017
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    New Whispers of Lindwurm episode. Don't miss it!

  20. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    First miniature render for Warcrow Adventures, dwarf tank
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