Yeah, this and "honey, we shrunk your gun for you" are my pet peeves. Physics doesn't work like that, dummies. Argh.
That is correct, also correct is the fact CB has opted to create models that are self contained proportionately, in contrast with the models of the past were guns were the same and this created an issue with guns been too small or too big for certain models. It is an aesthetic choice.
My favorite example is the Maghariba pilot. The helmet she is holding is smaller than her head, before even taking into account her massive hair.
Why do you think she is not wearing it? Obviously, she would wear the mandatory safety device if it fit!
Helmets are always an issue, a proper helmet is massive and gives the impression to most people the head is sculpted too big, on the other hand if it is sculpted to not look huge, it is paper thin and people complain the head should not fit in it. That been said Maghariba pilot is an old sculpt, and the old hand sculpted models have more issues in armour over body than the new ones.
It's not so much of an issue with helmets, it's the body proportion that are off, espeacially with how Corvus scuplts women. Mobile brigada female and Grenzer female comes to mind. The waists are narrower than the head. The Rokots females have backs half the width of the male counterpart. So any helmet would look big on that kind of anorexic body.
Don't go there, any mention of sexual dimorphism in CB models will lead to massive shitstorm and countless accusations of you being sexist. Been there, and it's not worth it.
There's nothing sexist about it, it is what it is. I have the rokots on the painting table... the proportions are off and that's it.
The differences are very exaggerated for mostly stylistic reasons, but it does result in some weird proportions, especially when comparing members of the same units.
Sure, the differences should be, but some are so extreme that its looks weird and impossible, like wearing heavy armor and thinking there's no way somebody is in there.
Which instead resulted in tiny anorexic female models holding toy guns that are half the size of every other weapon. They should be the same size. Women should be scaled appropriately and not just setup like they are doing a photoshoot.
This. Something being an aesthetic choice doesn't mean it was a good choice. From my perspective root cause of the problem is that gun models are a bit oversized from how they'd be in real life (which actually makes sense from both aesthetic (more distinct and visually impactful weaponry) and modelling (more durable guns) perspective), while female sculpts are a bit undersized (which makes no sense at all). Simultaneously, this causes scaling issues.
This is a prime example of a body out of proportion. The female is literally half the width of the male and he's no hulk, he's a bit buffed but pretty normal looking dude. She's fully equipped and suit up. She has almost no back, extremely tiny waist and spider arms syndrome. It looks weird and pretty ugly.
All this stems from early Infinity drawing heavily from anime aesthetics, but let's face it, we've moved far from that stage already, and by now this extreme dymorphism is jarring. Although new Morat sculpts give hope.
Well Morats seem built that way. Hopefully CB's future models will get a better defined dimorphism as it has been difficult for them so far. But if I like the mini I'll get it. The new lady Nokken Spitfire is one example.
I think you missed the "self contained" by comparing any sculpt with another sculpt side by side you are creating a comparison that is not self contained by definition, the female sculpts and the male sculpts are in isolation (self contained) proportionally correct, by comparing it with other sculpts side by side you break this self containment, likewise "hero units" are more massive than normal units of their own category and that is not only character Units, father knights/ KoJ are bigger than normal HI for this reason, same goes with all models kneeling they are bigger than they should be so that they are not lost in the battlefield, all these are conscious design choices. Yes, female models could be given the same weapons and webbing male models have and then have again the old complains about female models having oversized weapons and gear. There is no solution that will please anybody.
If only there was some way to not have different sizes for different models...maybe some sort of scale...and maybe, just maybe, we could use reasonable proportions to do this...maybe I am just talking crazy.
Old complains about weapons being oversized in female models? Does that mean the male versions where not oversized in the same way? Spoiler: Who has a ruler? "Bigger than skateboard" rule for everyone, and so on... Spoiler: OMG!!!1111 How did this pass the design committee? Same size? Spoiler: Just following orders Dossier "Figure/Weapon Scale" order. Spoiler I will agree to agree on design randomness. It's clear it can be done, and it will be praised (I remember when Securitate were released: rather sane sizes like the Kazaks). Now I wonder if people really asked for bosses to be oversized. I thought I was moving away from the (ork) fungus. Tho after last Morat resculpt (and price of metals going up, no less), I may be wrong, with plain infantry getting chonky.