Hi, this situation came up in a game. Trooper A activates and trooper B gains ARO with an impact template weapon, indirectly affecting trooper C (without LoF). A & B declares Shoot and C Dodge A and B have a successful dice roll, but trooper A wins the face-to-face roll, and trooper C fails the dodge roll. Does the trooper C have to make a saving roll? or is it a miss for trooper B because of losing the FtF roll? (and not affecting any trooper?) Thanks in advance
If I read this right, how does C declare a dodge? As I understand it: TrooperA activates in LoF to trooper B. Trooper C stands next to A. B shoots as ARO with a ML or something similar. A shoots back. Trooper C is neither the activated Trooper, nor in his reactive turn, meaning it can't declare anything.
Situation A activates and *do something* B declares ARO placing his template to cover A and collateral enemy C A *do something* Resolution. A *whatever he declared*, B shots with template, C rolls for armor During the ACTIVE turn, only models activated by an Order can declare and execute skills. During the REACTIVE turn, only models granted an ARO can declare and execute skills.
To answer the question. Even if Template user loses FtF his attack will affect other targets as long as he managed to roll under succes value. And yes as others mentioned if C is active players model then he gets blasted without any roll.