Hello, We had a fun game yesterday, where quite a few odd (to us, for the least!) questions happened. My opponent possessed my Gecko and I had to kill it during my active turn, making it unconscious. Is the Possessed state remaining after the TAG goes unconscious? If yes, is it correct to say that : - the TAG initial owner can't spend an order during its active turn to dismount from the previously possessed (and now unconscious) TAG - the "possessor" can try to repair the TAG and use it again in case of success More generally, is it correct to say that all state tokens (Imm, Isolated, etc...) remains on an unconscious trooper, even after repair/healing? If yes, does it means that to re-use let's say an unconscious immobilized TAG, you have to spend at least two orders with an engineer (one to repair a STR point, one to clear the imm-state)? Thanks a lot!
States persit until they are cancelled as described on the state or another rule which says they cancel them. If you want to cancel states and recover structure you need to roll 2 Engineer rolls
Just to clarify the case of possession, you can Cancel the Possessed State of an allied Trooper by expending a Command Token in the Tactical Phase. So if you spend a Command Token, you only need to spend one order to fix your unconscious TAG (assuming your Engineer / palbot is in the right spot).