What I like the most about the new Fireteam is that the HFT Chaksa are now way better than before, having the chance to get B2 in ARO and improving their Discover skills. Having to pay for a LongArm is an acceptable tradeoff, and also an excuse to bring one either as a sacrificial ARO piece or as a complementary deffender for the Deploymet Zone. The biggest problem the Combi Chaksa has is that Sakiel exist, and not only it's also linkable and carries E/M Grenades to fight off HI's and TAG's, but it's more survivable with two wounds while keeping the cost cheaper thanks to the Frenzy discount. Anyway, I'm willing to test it as soon as I can find some time.
Spoiler alert: I'm going to be bringing a chaksa link to the Salt Lake Showdown at the end of the month to test them out. Nothing like a trial by fire.
It’s very similar to the old Taagma Sniper Triad in Spiral; you lose some rangebands, offensive pressure, and MSV2 but gain increased survivability, a template, and a whole heap of damage. Theorectically it should work just fine; B2 ML is a B2 ML, and having the Auxiliars in a “Duo” afterwards is good for offensive pushing. It also provides 3 orders for 45 points, which is under the 20 point/model average, so it’s a good way to add a lot of options to your list for cheap. Also; this is Tohaa. Haris-linked ARO pieces are kinda where we top out.
I might be wrong, but the Chaksa haris link breaks if the Longarm is taken out right? Since the link requires a minimum of 1 Longarm?
Minimums only apply when creating the Fireteam, so as long as the Longarm wasn't the leader the other members will remain in a Fireteam.