Isnt it too much?

Discussion in 'Nomads' started by Angry Clown, Mar 5, 2022.

  1. Tourniquet

    Tourniquet TJC Tech Support

    Feb 18, 2018
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    Im honestly yet to find terrain with interiors that isnt an utter janky and awkward clusterfuck to use or doesnt completely rule out the other levels of the building as doing so would ruin board state due to moving models around when removing levels to use them.
    Rejnhard likes this.
  2. AmPm

    AmPm Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2019
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    You can change how U-Turn works. But having support ware that helps to counter it would encourage more choices.
    Child9 likes this.
  3. Rejnhard

    Rejnhard Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2018
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    I haven't played TTS, only watched some videos of people doing it, but it looked... cumbersome. Clicking rotating selecting, deselecting. If moving stuff around and rotating/zooming a table is a bit more uncomfortable than doing its equivalents IRL (it looks that way to me) then moving your kill pieces trough the field and fidgeting with them in every order would be more unpleasant than in regular Infinity. In such a case just shooting a pitcher and rolling some BS checks for half a turn without moving is a clear winner time-wise and comfort-wise. People are lazy creatures.
    #203 Rejnhard, Apr 4, 2022
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2022
    Spitfire_TheCat and chromedog like this.
  4. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Of the factions that can take her? No, she's ubiquitous.

    Casual player says what?

    Nothing takes place in a vacuum in Infinity. There's a lot of moving parts. You have to discuss how this relates to the game as a whole if you want to say anything at all. I'm gathering that you don't want people to say anything at all.
  5. Child9

    Child9 Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2018
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    Oh, in your mind I'm sure she is. 50% of your games, you said?

    That's only an insult in your mouth. You're not offending anyone here, and there are probably far more "casual" Infinity players than tournament ones :)
    In a way, it's more our game than yours ;)

    You're trying hard to show you're not off-topic, not with great effect unfortunately.
    I'll try to stick to it from now and thus will put an end to this uninteresting exchange. Sorry! :)
    A Mão Esquerda likes this.
  6. MattB89

    MattB89 Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2018
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    Honestly reducing rangebands on pitchers and/or bringing back U-turn for EVO hackers would give some solid counterplay back for GML.
    RolandTHTG, WiT?, Ugin and 4 others like this.
  7. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Looks like you're willfully misinterpreting my words again. It's not off-topic to discuss the overall meta of the game in terms of how it relates to Nomads.

    Almost everyone plays ITS missions even if they don't go to tournaments. It's relevant. If you want to be insulting and disrespectful... you're not a good look for casual players, in any case, if they're all catty like you.

    And I'll just say it - Gutier has a well-known bias towards HB and CJC, and seems to have a blindspot towards giving them too much attention, beyond what the community really wants. Moreover, he, or whoever is calling the shots on gameplay development, I think it's him because I understand he's in charge of Infinity in general at CB, tends to give the factions he likes unfun uninteractive mechanics that promote shit gameplay (Jammers, Guided). This is contrasted against his construction of the Infinity game itself, which relies on interaction.

    I don't have a problem with calling it out as I see it. More individual game designers should cop to their decisions - *and* when they make mistakes. They have no reason to if they're surrounded by a hugbox environment that will heap praise on what they do no matter what, however.

    And you will fail at addressing the actual issue because you're not thinking big enough. Good job.
  8. micawber

    micawber Junkship Jockey

    Mar 3, 2018
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    Honest question since you seem to be in the know about this: If HD+, Mim -6 or a full-sized TAG are not fundamental restrictions for CJC, what are?

    I personally like the Vostok because Corregidor has always used a lot of remotes in the fluff and used them in active combat roles more often than other faction so for me the Vostok is on point and is actually a design space they should've explored further (instead of full-sized TAGs that can't even fit their confined Spaceship corridors).

    Adding an HD+ on the point-for-point probably best hacker in the game to a faction that was formerly widely known as an army with good repeater network but so-so hackers was already questionable. Not reacting at all after over a year having 95% of competitive CJC lists include that hacker character because she singlehandedly transforms the sectorial in one of the most dominant hacking armies in the game seems questionable at least.

    Also what restrictions is the Bandit breaking? He seems to me like one of the most Corregidor units that Corregidor ever corregidored. He is extremely versatile but not exceptional in anything, he is a warband, he can hack but not great and his fluff fits CJC like a glove.
    #208 micawber, Apr 5, 2022
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2022
  9. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    Honestly this is getting tiresome, please stop accusing CB stuff for perceived and imagined infractions, I think it is way past the point you should understand this is neither productive nor going anywhere...
    chromedog, Child9 and A Mão Esquerda like this.
  10. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    It's like the printing press or international Discord servers. It spreads ideas. It exposes people to other people they wouldn't otherwise play. Kind of requires a more generalised approach. I do know that this is something that isn't unique to TTS nor is it just people on the forums making claims.
    Time Bandit and Hecaton like this.
  11. micawber

    micawber Junkship Jockey

    Mar 3, 2018
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    If this was directed towards me I want to emphasize that I was not being snippy - I am genuinely curious if you know of fundamental restrictions in place for Corregidor. I would love to know what design space CJC is occupying for CB. That kind of open communication would definitely help me and probably a lot of other people here and on discord to better understand some of the latest decisions concerning Corregidor.
    RolandTHTG likes this.
  12. Rejnhard

    Rejnhard Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2018
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    I'm genuinely curious from where this common knowledge comes. In my time on these forums there was always little information on and from Gutier (as contrasted with Bostria). I've never encountered anything about him favoring CJC or HB (though it is entirely possible I missed it, N3 put me off the game for a long time).
    Also, might I add, he has a funnily belated way of showing his favoritism. For the most of the game's history HB was janky as hell, for a long time they couldn't even make a full core with their line troopers (until appearance of wildcards) and their main selling point (fidays) was much better in Vanilla (with Saladin). CJC up until recently weren't much to write home about either, and actually were the last Nomad sectorial to get GML*.

    *Ok technically it was Tunguska, but only because Tunguska apperead after everybody got access to it.
    #212 Rejnhard, Apr 5, 2022
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2022
  13. barakiel

    barakiel Echo Bravo Master Sergeant

    May 5, 2017
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    On the topic of guided:

    CB shouldn't use threads on this forum as an indicator for balance. Most of the competitive community doesn't use this forum, or participate in it. I've finished in the global Top 50 for about 7 of the last 10ish years, US top 5 more often than not, and I don't post here that often. It's not an effective metric for learning what's good or bad. To learn that, you need to talk to competitive players. Not devs. Not playtesters. But players who are competing in big ITS events or building hyper-competitive metas around themselves.

    That being said, I know two players who are #1 ITS finishers from the last 5 years. I'm not quoting them directly, but they've both implied that guided missiles are non-interactive, broken, and one of the most defective aspects of the current edition.

    So let's please not try to exclude dialog just because some people in this particular microcosm of the community aren't posting about it.

    On the topic of Nomad balance:

    Honestly, I don't like seeing complaints. I think the vocal minority whining incessantly about Varuna is one of the reasons it's a defective and gutted Sectorial. I love VIRD... My name is in the lore for it... But I can't play it anymore because it keeps losing things. Nomads (and Corregidor especially) are the opposite. They keep gaining things, and it's not clear why one Sectorial needs to have all its teeth pulled, while another can just get unit after unit added on.

    Responding to a conversation we were having 4 or 5 threads back: I'm okay with deployable repeaters because at least a unit has to risk life and limb, and 1-W camo units have some counterplay through mines, Prone-to-Standing defensive Dodging, or simply hugging the back of the DZ. I agree that it's still open to exploitation, but counterplays exist, far more than Pitchers lobbed at long range and reloaded if they simply miss.
  14. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    There are different permutations, but absent Minelayer, which not every faction gets, there's not really much you can do to stop them from putting down a repeater or especially a FastPanda wherever they want.
  15. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Because of PS, imma leave it for this thread, but if you want to hear about that shoot me a PM.
  16. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    HD+ is an oddity in Corregidor, I sometimes forget it exists, because it is that odd, never the less lets delve into it.

    Since their introduction as a sectorial in 2010 Corregidor has some fundamental design principles, it is fundamentally a brawler list, high armour and firepower is their problem solving solution, it is a list that is severely restricted in its deployment options outside their deployment zone with morans been the only ones infiltrating and all other options been Airborne deployment, either a more restricted or riskier proposition back then, it has great access to remotes, engineers and doctors to support its troops and a surprisingly limited selection of Lieutenants who are obvious and trade cost with SWC, of note the best LT back then was the intruders who could hide under camouflage, they had from the start dedicated CC units in the forms of characters and Valleria was from the start providing a character option with a superior hacking capabilities than the units provided in the list.

    Of note is from the start Corregidor is denied having Meteor as an option to have a repeater advanced, their forward network coverage is dependent on markers (now pitchers) rolling good and Morans, Iguana is the odd TAG that has a repeater on it making it IIRC the only TAG with build in hacker support and that McMurrough is the only source of smoke for Intruders at this point.

    2013 brought the first major shakeup introducing Geckos and Wildcats, Geckos introduced more armoured units and Wildcats introduced a more balanced LT option a hacker and an in between fireteam between Alguaciles and Brigadas and Lupe the first native unit to have smoke in this sectorial and a cheaper source of smoke for Intruders to utilize their MSV2.

    2017 introduced N3 and many changes to the sectorial, most units changed and many changes have to do with the changes in hacking and gameplay, many repeaters and really odd things like HI with combi rifles were introduced, but the changes one can see is Geckos got a quality of life update (a trend that will continue) and the army got introduced to Bandits and Jaguars, Jaguars just brought the utility characters offered to the list namely close combat and smoke in a cheaper and less impressive package but also introduced cheap DTW units to guard the deployment zone, on the other hand Bandits introduced the first camouflage and infiltration unit Corregidor ever had that also brought the option to have deployable repeaters,

    This shifted Corregidor from a faction that was bound to the deployment and could only advance with airborne deployment with their only infiltrators been uncovered and targets for speculative fire to a list that can actually have infiltrators that can protect themselves in camouflage.

    Finally this edition among many changes, brought in Sombras, Evaders, Jazz & Billie, Vostok, Wolfgang and then Lobos, Diggers, Diablos and Gator (and Reveneye officer).

    The trend in changes for the existing units is more firepower and more armour, Armour 5 for Brigadas, MSV1 for Wildcats geckos, redesigned for more armour and more firepower ectr, while dropping one of the safest LT options the Intruder, of the new units, Jazz and Billie continue the trend of having a better hacker as a character option, wolfgang the same for close combat unit, Gator is a more armoured TAG, interestingly gator and Lobos while been primarily shooting units try two different approaches in nullifying martial arts changes to their CC20, while diggers and Diablos are more in line to what one would expect as a close combat oriented unit, Sombras on the other hand are something almost new, a camouflage marker that can reliably leave the deployment zone, thought not as freely as bandits do, Vostok had its moment before the fireteam adjustments now it is equivalent with an intruder when it forms a fireteam, Evaders are an interesting take on a cheap specialist HI, that been said the link team changes brought a lot of adjustment to fireteams and how the sectorial forms them.

    For the most part Corregidor remains the same throughout its history, it is a list that is restricted to the deployment zone with few units able to reliably venture out of it and is easy for the opponent to recognize what unit hides behind its camouflages, it has a wide selection of specialists and really obvious lieutenant options, it advances slowly on the table and utilizes airborne troops to close fast the gaps if it needs to it always had solid close combat units and relied mostly on firepower and resilience to make its problems go away it also never had an easy way to form an advanced repeater network relying on pitchers, remotes and deployable repeaters to create one.

    The new units with the exception of Sombras do not violate this, they do not add a new or better Lieutenant options, they do not bring better close combat than what was already existing or make getting out of the deployment easier or safer, Sombras do and their advanced deployment is something that brings more to Corregidor's gameplay than Lobos or Gator.

    I hope you understand why I say bandits are more disruptive, Corregidor could always shoot, had tough units and could reliably fight in close combat, Bandits with their introduction doubled their infiltrators and their advanced repeater coverage.
  17. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    I removed the last altercations, please keep on topic and leave what opinions you may have about CBs employees out of it.
    A Mão Esquerda likes this.
  18. Ugin

    Ugin Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2018
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    Seriously, we need U-turn back to the game!
  19. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    Probably not, you probably mean an equivalent to the old U-turn adjusted for N4 but U-turn as it is would not be a good solution.
  20. Rejnhard

    Rejnhard Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2018
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    I don't even care if GML is or isn't the meta. The amount of disruption it causes on the forums and the collateral damage to elements of the game that are actually good ( like spotlight) means it is a problem even if it's not "the best way to fight". I don't care how they "fix it" (They can straight up remove it for all I care) but I do hope they do.
    WiT? likes this.
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