My one wish for Morat redesign..

Discussion in 'Combined Army' started by paraelix, Feb 10, 2022.

  1. blackyujiro

    blackyujiro Member

    Dec 16, 2017
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    I love the new design. It looks more like an evolution of the original Morats, who looked more "demon-like" and less "monkey-like". Granted I liked everything about the "monkey people" Morats....except the faces and "bikini waist" they had.
    These give me much more alien warrior race than the previous high tech planet of the apes Morats did.
    Metal730 likes this.
  2. jake richmond

    jake richmond Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    I never thought Morats looked like monkeys. they always looked like demons. Monkey just seemed like a mem this community was obsessed with beating to death.

    That said, I do like the evolution of the Morat physical features. Its the new clothing and armor style I don't care for, since it all the established design elements behind.
    toadchild likes this.
  3. toadchild

    toadchild Premeasure

    Feb 22, 2017
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    Yeah, I've been (unsuccessfully) beating the "morats are space-oni" drum on these forums for a long time now.
    Cervantes3773, DaRedOne and Stiopa like this.
  4. joedj

    joedj Member

    Feb 19, 2018
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    My Morat are space-lions (paint wise). Pride of Yaogat/Kurgat, Vanguard pride, etc...
    DaRedOne and toadchild like this.
  5. chaos11

    chaos11 Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I'm really torn on the new Morats, still. I like them a lot, but I also liked the last iteration a hell of a lot. I would be really curious to know exactly why they decided to redesign them, and in such a big way compared to the last redesign. The old ones were one of the best ranges in the game, in my opinion.
    joedj and jake richmond like this.
  6. Skjarr

    Skjarr EI Mouthpiece

    Mar 28, 2018
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    I suspect there will have been a strong commercial element to it, which is entirely fair.
    Morats were a largely complete range so I imagine sales had dropped off for them as the majority of people who wanted them had collected all the models.
    A total range refresh is a good way of driving sales, both my enticing new Morat players in and getting exisiting players to re-buy the army.
  7. jake richmond

    jake richmond Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Adding a bunch of new units, which is what they did, is also a good way to drive sales too. So is doing resculpts without a full start-from-scratch redesign that leaves a large portion of existing players cold. That worked for USAriadna, Corregidor, Vanilla PanO and Yujing, Imperial Army, JSA, OSS, Vanilla Haqq, Vanilla Nomads, Military Orders and Kazaks. It even worked for Morats, previously. It certainly would have worked again.

    I would also REALLY like to know more about why the line was redesigned, both because I'm always interested in that kind of stuff and because the redesign is so,,, different. Unfortunately CB rarely talks about this stuff.
    chaos11 likes this.
  8. blackyujiro

    blackyujiro Member

    Dec 16, 2017
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    This redesign isn't really that different than the previous though, imo. The faces were changed and they added some units inspired by the more trial side of Morat culture. Armor is subject to the units. Vanguard Infantry from the previous lines "looked" as heavily armored as other faction's HI did. I thought it was weird, but okay no biggie.
    The BIG redesign was when they transitioned to the previous Morats from the original. They scrapped the entire look and created, essentially a new race, lol. Same as the Shasvastii to their former "selves", I suppose. But, their change can be explained in game, being a race that will literally change their appearance physically to their needs.

    Anyway, I think the new look makes Morats appear much more dangerous. They are bigger, as we've seen..and just look meaner, imo. Even the models with full face masks, just look more imposing. As if to say "Don't send us in, unless you want this place turned into rubble." I can't wait to see what my guy Kornak looks like.
    DaRedOne, bladerunner_35 and Metal730 like this.
  9. Metal730

    Metal730 Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2019
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    I've seen a lot more positive then negative feedback personally. It's probably best to stay away from large generalizations!

    The previous sculpts were incredible and got me into morats, I didnt think they needed new ones but I'm glad we got them! The new ones seem more savage and I personally love the extra helmets, tubes and robes. The daturazi art in particular has me stoked, I hope we get a crouching one like the sketch.

    The only thing I'm apprehensive about would be new Suryats & new Kornak. The suryats are just so amazing right now idk how they can top it and if kornak doesn't get a giant square sword like the kyosot + raktorak robes I'll be very upset.
    DaRedOne and blackyujiro like this.
  10. jake richmond

    jake richmond Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    I've seen more negative feedback on this release than from most Infinity releases, especially from long time Morat players. The positive comments are there too, but reception seems mixed.
    Nuada Airgetlam likes this.
  11. chaos11

    chaos11 Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    V1 to V2 Morats was a vast improvement in quality, but a lot of the design was the same. The guns were different, but a lot of the armour has a lot of the same detailing and stuff. Whereas V2 to the new ones is a completely different design, but the same level of quality.
  12. jake richmond

    jake richmond Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Edit: All of my comments sound really aggressive this week. Sorry about that. Its really not my intent. These arguments are meant to be good natured. I'm enjoying the conversation.

    What are you talking about? Nearly no elements from the previous Morat aesthetic survived into the new Morats. Aside from their biological designs as large red people with demon faces and white hair, they are almost totally unrecognizable. Almost every part of their clothing, armor and non-weapon gear has changed. The sole remainder of the older design is the calf plating of their boots. Everything else is new.

    Again, what are you talking about? The core of the Morat aesthetic started with the original Morats and continued into the Human Sphere Morats and eventually the 3D redesign. In the original models you find not only the trademark oversized bodies, red skin, white hair and horns, but the distinctive arm, shoulder, torso, knee and leg armor that was carried over into the 3D designs. The three toed boot. The tri-shoulder badge. The baggy pants. The distinctive knives. Human Sphere era Morats evolved the chest armor into the angular chest piece with the central block and introduced the distinctive pouches and masks/helmets. When the line was redesigned for 3D it kept all of these elements. The evolution from the original Vanguard and Daturazi to the 3D line was clear and obvious. You can trace back nearly every element. Thats not to say that the 3D redesign didn't make some big changes. Daturazi, for example. But those changes included elements of the original, and respected the line's evolution.

    Re-reading your comment, I wonder if you're talking about the Morat's biological appearance, and not their armor, clothing and gear. Because its true that these new Morats are very similar to the last ones in that way. Big and red, with angry faces and white hair. In that respect they haven't changed much, and where they have it might be for the better. But consider this. The majority of these new Morats are encased entirely in Armor. Based on the Yaogats, it looks like most of the resculpts will be too. My complaint is that even if they look like Morats inside their armor, they armor/clothing/gear has changed so much that they are no longer recognizable. With helmets on they don't look particularly different than most of the games other armies. And thats not a problem the old Morats ever had.
    #292 jake richmond, Mar 28, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2022
    Nuada Airgetlam and chaos11 like this.
  13. blackyujiro

    blackyujiro Member

    Dec 16, 2017
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    Lmao..and you didn't quote the answer to your issue with the new Morats, from my post....armor is subject to the units. Every single army that has been redesigned has had their armor changed. There are no "established" asthetics when it comes to that, other than making the army/sectoral coherent physically. Is that what you have an issue with? Because I would submit that you would have issue with nearly every single miniature in the game that gets updated if that's the case.
    And yes, my focus is that they look like Morats..regardless of what armor they're wearing. Do they look like a brutal alien race who's idea of diplomacy is dropping a dude in enemy murder them?
    I've like each iteration of the Morats. But, I like these best. The previous design of Morats, looked like they take prisoners. These look like they might eat prisoners.

    Edit: Also, the majority of the Morat line after the first redesign was also, nearly fully encased in armor also, with the exception of their hair. But again, if it's the armor that you don't like, to each his own. I'm pretty used to Corvus Belli fully revamping looks by now. Hell, they made Tarik Mansuri almost TAG sized, from his original mini.
    #293 blackyujiro, Mar 28, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2022
    Metal730 and bladerunner_35 like this.
  14. DaRedOne

    DaRedOne Morat Warrior Philosopher

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I think I like this redesign a bit more myself.

    I strongly disagree with the notion that they look the same as other armies. I can agree with the idea that 'they could be in other armies', but there are so many minute changes that I particularly love about these:
    • Males have dewclaws now. I often joked that dewclaws were the equivalent of a tactical heel as only the females showed them, but nope, males have them clear on the models. I love it.
    • There's a clear division between the models. Vanguards look like vanguards, raktoraks look like raktoraks. In the past raktoraks were just vanguards with a different arm piece and head piece, and yaogats were just vanguards with a different head piece.
    • there's a clear division between what's an 'army' model and what's a 'civilian' model. Guys like daturazi and the zabuk are clearly not stablished military units, but some kind of bonkers tribal motherfucker and I'm all in.
    • I prefer the oversized square machetes than the old, curved blades. That hunk of iron looks like it HURTS when it hits something, and I'm sure the metal won't bend as often as the old polearms did.
    Now, it's not all roses, and if they redesign the Raicho I will throw an unreasonable hissy fit. I also don't understand why they redesigned the Rasyat when the previous model looked next to perfect while the new one loses a bit of character (that pose tho, 10/10, I love it!).

    Also, I'm not a fan of the Kaitok design at all. I would have preferred if he had only two normal arms and those weird things on his back were gone. BUT I am a fan of the Kaitok profile so eh. I might convert mine to rip those arms off and give him some big guns on his hands, idk.

    Speaking of designs I don't like: the bultrak sucks big gurlanak balls. The big arms are kinda cool, but the mantis blades are a bit off, the gun on his back is kinda silly and the exposed pilot arms and legs are atrocious. I hope it gets redesigned before they actually make the model, but I doubt it since they already have a render. I'm definetly making changes to mine.

    That being said, this was the Morat update that had me the most satisfied. I enjoyed most of the things, and the things I didn't enjoy didn't make me feel bad, just made me go 'eh, I can work with that', which is a far cry from the last two changes. I am happy that CB is at least trying stuff with this army, and so far their improvements have been visible with every new update. For me, this was good.
    toadchild, Metal730 and RolandTHTG like this.
  15. jake richmond

    jake richmond Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    I mean, you're just wrong about this. Nearly every army in Infinity has strong established aesthetic that run through the entire army, with elements going back to the oldest models. This is the visual language of each army, and how we tell them apart. In nearly every case (with the exception of Shasvastii and the EI units) armies that have been redesigned kept enough of their core elements to be easily and immediately recognizable. The original Pan O models still fit into their army, even after all these years. You can see that across the line. Details may have changed. New elements have certainly been added. Some of the elements have evolved. But the aesthetic us still recognizable. Army redesigns have always kept the established aesthetic. You're ignoring the evidence of the entire history of Infinity.

    Morats have been defined as much by their armor, clothing and equipment as their biological appearance. When you pick up a Morat model, 90% of what you're looking at (in most cases) is their clothes, equipment and armor. That's even more true with the new model then the old ones. Because of this these elements have been a huge part of of defining Morat character. Morats became recognizable over the years not just because they were red, by because of the distinct clothing and armor they wore. The same way PanO is distinct from Yujing and Ariadna and Aleph. These elements make up a HUGE amount of the Morat appearance. If you take them away, you're taking away a lot of what defined Morats visually. If you present a generic suit of armor with none of these elements as say it has a Morat in it, it won't look like a Morat. It will just look generic. It lacks the long establish design elements that make Morats recognizable.

    Yes, they were. Thats what I'm saying. The visual design of the Morat's armor, clothing and equipment is an enormous part of the army's visual language. When you take that away and change it to something completely different it makes them look like a different army.

    Yes, and he was STILL immediately identifiable as Tarik Mansuri. His major design elements stayed the same.
    chaos11 and Nuada Airgetlam like this.
  16. jake richmond

    jake richmond Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Are you thinking of a different model? Because Yaogats were never Vangaurd with a different headpiece.
    Nuada Airgetlam likes this.
  17. blackyujiro

    blackyujiro Member

    Dec 16, 2017
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    51h9yWEFGWL._AC_SX425_.jpg 800px-Tarik1.jpg Lmao...are seriously trying to say that these are "immediately" identifiable as the same dude? Yeah....okay.
  18. DaRedOne

    DaRedOne Morat Warrior Philosopher

    Nov 23, 2017
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    You're right, it's not just a different headpiece, the arms are also different and the legs have a bit more armor.
    Still, this looks way too much like a vanguard for my tastes. And the same thing repeats when comparing Vanguards and pretty much any other MI or LI from that early CAD design. They all look the same.

    The HI have a more distinct look, and I love them.
    Metal730 and blackyujiro like this.
  19. tox

    tox SorriBarai

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Yaogats had a unique style arm piece
  20. jake richmond

    jake richmond Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    I'm beginning to think you're trolling me. But just to be clear...

    Same headgear
    Very similar chest armor
    Same face
    very similar coat
    Similar weapons
    Similar pants
    Similar boots
    Similar arm armor

    The model has been modernized, and clearly its larger, but the design continuity is clear. The big difference that might make this model hard to recognized is the fluff based change in size. That doesn't change its aesthetic at all. When I say the model is still identifiable, what I mean is that DESPITE its size change it still carries over the important design elements of the original. What made Tarik Tarik is still there, even at his larger size.
    #300 jake richmond, Mar 28, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2022
    chaos11 likes this.
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