Rodok Strategic Deployment +/- Ko Dali's FD4

Discussion in '[Archived]: N4 Rules' started by Knockout_013, Mar 26, 2022.

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  1. Knockout_013

    Knockout_013 Josh Tyth (QLD, AU)

    Mar 26, 2018
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    Hi all!

    With regard to the new Strategic Deployment Rodok in Onyx, I just want to confirm the relevance and some hold-over wording on that skill and the implications of having Ko Dali FTO in a Rodok haris.

    The last dot point in Strategic Deployment states;
    • If a scenario or tournament rule provides the Forward Deployment (+4") Special Skill to any member of the Fireteam, the owner of Strategic Deployment and the rest of the Fireteam can be deployed as if they have the Forward Deployment (+8") Special Skill.
    I believe this is an aged reference that refers to things such as the "Bravery" skill from ITS seasons past; and currently does not exist. Thus, there is no way for this dot point to ever be in effect (in the current ITS season, at the current time - this may change in the future)

    By extension, by specifying "scenario or tournament rule" as the source, this would mean that Ko Dali's FD4 does not trigger this dot point, and Ko Dali FTO would get FD4 from two sources - would this stack to give her alone FD8, and the rest of the haris FD4? Or would the whole team, her included, get FD4 only?

    (or, something else I've not catered for at all!)

    Thanks in advance!
  2. QueensGambit

    QueensGambit Chickenbot herder

    Jan 31, 2019
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    I agree with you that the "Scenario rule" clause doesn't apply, so the rest of the fireteam doesn't get FD(+8"), for the reasons you state.

    I think probably Ko Dali doesn't get FD(+8") either. FD says "The users of this Special Skill can be deployed beyond the limit of their Deployment Zone. The number of inches that those Troopers may deploy beyond their Deployment Zone appears between round brackets in their Unit Profile." Strategic Deployment says "During the Deployment Phase, first the owner of this Special Skill, and then the rest of their Fireteam, can be deployed as if they have the Forward Deployment (+4") Special Skill."

    So if Ko Dali has FD(+4") twice, that probably just means she has two skills, each of which permit her to deploy 4" outside the deployment zone. I can't find a rule that says that two FD(+4") skills combine into one FD(+8") skill.

    FWIW, Mimetism doesn't stack, e.g. if you start with mim(-3) and get mim(-3) from Booty, you end up with mim(-3) not mim(-6). I can't think of any other analogies as there aren't a lot of cases where you can get the same skill twice.
    toadchild, Vanderbane and Willen like this.
  3. Amusedbymuse

    Amusedbymuse Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2019
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    It was probably exclusive to Bravery but there was ruling that troopers already possessing FD lvl 1 stack them together and get FD lvl 2.
  4. Knockout_013

    Knockout_013 Josh Tyth (QLD, AU)

    Mar 26, 2018
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    Yeah - given all that was legacy though (when FD had levels, for example), it would be nice to see this cleaned up.

    Furthermore, if the intent was to have the "scenario rule" clause in Strat Dep specifically limited to Bravery, that dot point should just be deleted now.

    Hope to see some clarity, but I'm sure this isn't the only fringe combination to come out of the update :)
  5. Knockout_013

    Knockout_013 Josh Tyth (QLD, AU)

    Mar 26, 2018
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    Mimet has the NFB label which is what prevents it - FD only has the strategic deployment label, not NFB, so I am inclined to disagree with this interpretation. That said, as it's possibly an unintended consequence/combination CB may change it to whatever was intended.

    Labels - Infinity (
    chromedog likes this.
  6. solkan

    solkan Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2017
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    Looking at the Forward Deployment skill, it really reads like none of the Forward Deployment skills should have a + in them. :-/

    So if you have one skill that lets you deploy 4” from your deployment zone, and another that lets you deploy 4” from your deployment zone, why would they stack? You just have the same permission twice. As far as I can tell, that’s why the second bullet point of Strategic Deployment’s effects exists—CB is planning on throwing around scenario granted Forward Deployment, and wanted to ensure that Strategic Deployment’s effects weren’t redundant.
  7. Knockout_013

    Knockout_013 Josh Tyth (QLD, AU)

    Mar 26, 2018
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    Yes, despite not having the NFB label, I can't be certain that FD inches do "stack" so to speak. But I also can't see anything preventing them; IE if FD has NFB label that would be the most clear, if that was the intent.

    Hoping it's covered in a FAQ or official ruling soon, as I'm actually moving to Onyx and running this haris - So local TO rulings for now I guess.
  8. tox

    tox SorriBarai

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Multiple instance of Forward Deployment are SO intended to not stack that they included an exception in the rules to make it happen in that only particular case.

    Scenario rule + FD => FD plus!
    FD + FD => keep one
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