Reject Human Sphere, Evolve to Monke - The Morat Tactica Thread

Discussion in 'Combined Army' started by DaRedOne, Mar 24, 2022.

  1. DaRedOne

    DaRedOne Morat Warrior Philosopher

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Greetings, my fellow morat, The Red One here.

    N5 is here mateys! And with N5, we still have a surprisingly hardy, strong and versatile army that can crack heads with the best of them. Sure, we took some nerfs, but so did everyone else, and we also got buffs! It's a good time to be a red-handed murderer!

    In this thread we will discuss how to best utilize your red-faced killing machines, and I will update it periodically as new units and new experiences come up. For now, let's talk about how to Evolve into Monke

    Why play Morats?

    Because you like to fight, but you don't like to do it with silly tricks like the humans do. For real, Morats are all about in your face aggression, and their ability to project force from several different vectors at once is something the army is really good at. Lots of weapons have extra damage or extra burst, and the whole army is warhorse and religious, which means they get to ignore some of the nastier tricks in most lists. Compounding on this, N5 gave some interesting if unorthodox defensive options to make us a little less glass jawed.

    Additionally, the army has a very unique design. We make jokes about them looking like Monkeys, but Space Oni with massive guns are quite charming and look much different from the human sphere forces.

    Morat Strengths:

    1. - Every Morat model is religious and warhorse. This means they get to ignore Isolated and Loss of Lieutenant. Ignoring LoL is not a big deal nowadays as there are many ways to mitigate it in most armies, but ignoring Isolated is a big deal when there are so many jammers, E/M weapons, etc in the game. Plus, this allows morats to play very aggressively with their lieutenants, and we got some cool options to do just that. Finally, warhorse allows us to ignore the now ubiquitious BS-3 skill, a powerful offensive tool that we ourselves get to use while others can't use on us.
    2. - Morats are one of the few armies that can deploy one core fireteam and two haris, instead of the usual one core and one haris. Plus, we've got access to an unique way of building fireteams in the form of the MORAT fireteam, read more about it below. Fireteam duos are also better in N5, so our duos benefit too!
    3. - Several of our models have access to extra burst, extra damage, or both. This means while our models have middling statlines, they still can cause a lot of damage by putting more bullets in the air in a single order. Having so many ways to build your fireteams also helps.

    Morat Weaknesses:

    1. - Lack of native marker state continues to be a big deal. No cheap chaff models in the midfield also is an issue. Morat ARO game relies a lot on positioning and setup, and while we do get a couple minelayers, they aren't exactly inexpensive, and the costs add up fast.
    2. - Speaking of cost, our models are slightly costlier than average, while mostly having statlines that are very, very average for how much we pay for them. This does make list building difficult because fitting everything you want or need in means making sacrifices in other areas. N5 did give us a few points discounts, but not as many as other factions, so we still feel a bit more expensive than most.
    3. - Our statlines are painfully average. Most of the models have the exact kind of BS you'd expect for their type (Most HI have BS13, MI BS12 and LI BS11) and WIP is nothing to write home about either. Order efficiency and link bonuses go a long way to help here though. The only place we don't get middling stats is armor, which does help our monkeys stay up a little longer.

    Unit Breakdown

    Light Infantry

    N5 continued the trend of making light infantry work as our link fillers and some specialists. Expect to see some of these guys making it into every list, but don't expect them to be spending a lot of orders on every game.

    Med-Tech Obsdion Medchanoid:

    Doctor Worm is an old and reliable model. Being both Doctor and Engineer at WIP14 makes him our best option for pure healing and engineering. He's also fast at Move 6-4 and carries a Combi that he will never use. He does get to bring the infamous armed turret now though, and the option for a marksman rifle is particularly nasty for its improved range bands. Additionally, N5 gave all profiles a zapper so he's not completely punked by a warband or some hyper-sized werewolf dropping in your deployment zone. Remeber: Isolated models CANNOT receive any more orders this turn!
    Additionally, he is our ONLY doctor option, and the fireteam changes made Vanguard paramedics not as good as they used to be. Vanguards still get to move along the team, but their rolls have dropped in comparison to the Worm. Statistically, a Worm is a better doctor than a Vanguard. But the Rindak is still better than them both. Still, with all the utility we get from him, Doctor Worm is back to being an interesting choice.
    However, keep in mind this dude doesn't go into fireteams and isn't morat, which means he is not religious nor a warhorse. He will be competing with Kurgats and Rindaks, which both are more expensive than him, but also can actually shoot and go into fireteams.

    Morat Vanguard Infantry

    Now that I've said it, they have some uses. They are cheap (for Combined Army) link fillers that can help buff up your MORAT fireteams for those sweet bonuses. You're probably best served by the paramedic or forward observer options for this, as they are cheapish. The paramedic in a fireteam can be quite useful with the extra dice when firing his medikit, making him almost as good as Dr Worm, but not quite. However, he will usually only need one order to attempt a revive, so what you lose in numbers you gain in efficiency with him.
    The special weapons got some severe discounts, which makes them more useful for ARO duty now. The HMG with its BS-3 skill also makes it surprisingly effective as a late game fire piece when linked. They're still kinda crap, but now you're not going to feel like you're shooting yourself in the foot when taking them. K1 sniper is dirty cheap and while it's not gonna scare anyone with BS11, it's just cheap enough you can slot it in the list if you have the points to spare and not feel like a dumbo for it.
    These guys will show up a lot in lists though because they can make MORAT fireteams, which means they get to join a host of other models and still count for full fireteam bonuses. I will talk more about this when discussing fireteams later.

    Treitak Anyat

    Our first named character, and the one who brings the BOOF. Jokes aside, Anyat is the usual dire foes character that is a buffed up baseline trooper. In her case, she's got BS12 and increased CC values on top of the usual vanguard profile, but then she's got a slew of equipment added in.
    Specialist Operative and Climbing Plus are situational skills that won't be useful often, but will cinch a situation when they are. E/M grenades thrown with link bonuses and the K1 Combi will make armored foes sweat, but the best thing about Anyat is her Smoke Grenades.
    Non-impetuous smoke is really good, and Anyat lands it on decent rolls. But the really cool thing is she's both a Wildcard and a MORAT model, which means she can join any fireteam in the force, thus making sure any monke that needs his weed can have it, but also giving out the extra strong stuff to her other MORAT buddies to make them pumped up.

    Kurgat Regiment of Combat Engineers

    Now we're getting to the useful stuff. These monkes went to university to learn the Art of Explodonating things, and they all got their degrees. Sure, they can fix your robots and other stuff, but these guys are here to bring the booms. With BS12 and a respectable BTS of 6, they're decent enough gunfighters and have some defense against pesky pheroware stuff and other comms attacks.
    And when I said they're good at bringing the booms, I was not joking. The Boarding Shotgun option can choose between Mines, Drop Bears or Panzerfausts, with drop bears arguably being the best option as they bring some interesting options for 'agressive defense' tactics. Although the Panzerfaust option might make for a decent first turn ARO if you're in a full 5-monkey fireteam.
    Notice that the Drop Bears don't have camo, but they can be thrown further, and Morats tend to have better PH than average. Kurgats throw their Drop Bears at 12+Range so its a nice chance there, especially with an extra roll from link bonuses. Notice these guys interact with camo in a weird way: you can't throw the bear if there's only a camo token in the blast range, but if there's any valid target nearby, then you can. Also, you can elect to just place the bear without tossing it, and can also place it close to a Camo token by making an intuitive attack. The boarding shotgun now also has a more expensive, but not much more, option for an armed turret, a ridiculously annoying defensive piece you can crap down while advancing to provide more ARO options on the reactive turn. This guy will annoy the hell out of your opponent.
    Speaking of annoying the opponent, the Kurgat now has a 22 point option that can bring the infamous Armed Turret. This is a rather unusual but effective equipment as for one action he craps out a BS10 TR bot that will at least force your opponent to spend an order to deal with it. Not a bad option and definetely helps our weak ARO game.
    As a more unusual option you have a bizarrely buffed AP Combi-rifle option that also comes with an E/Mitter, which is a bit odd, but not exactly bad, and finally, you've got the legendary Portable Autocannon. N5 has changed fireteams quite a lot, and the overall nerf to fireteam efficiency means this guy is a lot more dangerous now. You only need 2 monkeys to fling 2 dice on the reactive turn, so for a measly 44 points (one kurgat and one vanguard), you're threatening 2 dice at BS12, which isn't fantastic but isn't bad either, and the one time your enemy loses the FTF, they're gonna feel like they tried to kiss the express train. Ofensively, it's also pretty good as you're throwing 3 dice out and just need one of them to go through to send whatever you're shooting at to Brazil.
    Like Vanguards, Kurgats are MORAT so they get to form mixed teams and still get all the bonuses. Pay attention to this.

    Dartok Cybercombat Team

    Another Monke that went to school, this one learned how to hack shit. However, because he's a morat, he learned how to blow people's brains off instead. At WIP 13 and BTS 6 and with an upgraded Trinity program that deals +1 damage, the Dartok is actually pretty good at the whole 'blow your brains out with hacking' thing.
    And He's cheap too! The FTO option is a measly 18 points for a decent hacker with an SMG and a pitcher, and he can fireteam with Suryats for some firewall defense too. He also gained E/M grenades because why not? More bombs, more victory. Note E/M grenades are specially effective on TAGs and HIs, which means this guy is now their natural predator, with the caveat that he needs to get closer.
    The solo option has his own personal firewall, but his biggest advantage is going on fireteams, so I'm not quite sure why you'd take him, especially since he's only BS 11. Don't expect him to go around winning shootouts against competent shooters. Take your own competent shooters to deal with them instead.
    The pitcher combined with his surprisingly decent hacking options make this guy quite unique. Fire it off at some corner and force enemy HI teams to deal with that first. Sure, competent HI hackers are not uncommon nowadays, but no one is expecting te angry monkey to explode their head!

    Zabuk, Morat Enslavers

    Mmm, kinky. And now she's kinky with friends!
    Bleh, I'm not even gonna apologize, this chick is packing chains and glue guns, so she's a total dominatrix. At 14 points a pop, she's cheap, but her statline is quite poor, with BS 11 and a bizarre CC score of 19. She's definitely one of the most frail models in the force, but she does bring some unique stuff to the table.
    Submachine gun, flash pulse and PARA mines come standard on all profiles, and then she gets to choose between twin Adhesive Launchers or a single Heavy Riotstopper for her choice of glue gun. The changes to fireteams made the Adhesive Launcher slightly more interesting, as on the one hand she's got big glue template, but on the other she's throwing 2 dice to glue someone, hard to decide now. Plus, she's got a whooping -9 PARA CCW to make sure anything she goes up against will stop dead in its tracks. Look at her kit and you'll realize miss Monkey Dominatrix was probably the champion of playing 'stop and go' back at Ugarat and she still hasn't got over it.
    Let's talk about how useful that -9 PARA CCW is. Well, Martial arts got a massive buff so it's not that great against anything with added burst (So MA3 and up) now. It's still very good for bullying MA2 and lower models, and its HILARIOUSLY good against heavy stuff like TAGs. Hell, the one time she wraps Achilles up in CC will be so funny you'll keel over laughing. Then blow that blondie up.
    Keep in mind not only can she link with everyone, she's now a MORAT. Booyah, bring out the candles and the whips, boys, my safeword is Banana.

    Faredak, Morat Aggression Forces TAG support Pilots

    YAWN! Boring! Next!
    Ok, but no really. These guys used to be our TAG pilots and be able to pop out of them to do some stuff, and at that they were kinda fun, but this new profile is just a teeny tiny lackluster. Allow me to explain: While they are specialist operatives and come at 14 points a pop, they compete with Daturazi and Zabuks for those points costs, and all they bring are marginal buffs to the TAGs, with +1 To Gizmokit and +3 to Dodge being some pretty middling buffs. To make things worse, if you're actually making use of these buffs it probably means your plans are going sideways already.
    One could argue that they're useful if you're running a single TAG, and while they can join fireteams, they don't count for bonuses, which kinda sucks when we have so much stuff that actually counts. So, all in all, pretty meh.

    Krakot Renegades, Morat Fugitives

    Ok, I had to rewrite the whole entry for these guys because what the actual fuck, have they taken some steroids. Let's start with the good stuff: MOV6-2 with superjump means these guys GO FAST, moving 6 then superjumping another 6 for a 12 inch movement making them ZOOM across the battlefield like coked out murder monkeys. Berzerk+3 helps push the FTF in their favor for when they come across the battlefield swinging like maniacs. And they now can join Rodoks in fireteams (but why would you do that?). They can also duo amongst themselves, which IS a good idea as it gives you that sweet extra dice to win FTF rolls more easily.
    For 14 points they are like the Daturazi Angrier, more killy cousins, trading smoke and mimetism for more movement and possibly some extra goodies from metachemistry. The boarding shotgun profile is monkey poo now that shotties no longer have templates, but the other two have their uses. Throwing out 5 dice in a shootout will never be bad, and these guys get to do that for a measily 28 points. Live hard, die fast, like a proper morat. I would prefer the SMG profile rather than the Red Fury, but only because these guys look expendable and I'd not be spending my precious SWC on them, despite all the discounts we're getting.

    Medium Infantry

    Medium infantry is in a weird spot. These guys kill or bring utility, but they are somewhat expensive for their roles. However, they hit like bricks when they hit, and they bring some weird but fun options.

    Kornak Gazarot, Superior Warrior-Officer

    Ironguts is our tried and true, big badass ape to lead the other apes. His profile is a respectable elite outline, sporting CC22, BS14, the highest in the sectorial alongside with the Raicho, a nice WIP14 for that Lieutenant roll, and ARM3/BTS9 with No Wound Incapacitation and Shock Immunity making him a pseudo heavy infantry without hackable. He's also packing Natural Born Warrior and CC-3 now, which makes him actually good in close combat for a change.
    For guns, he packs an MK12 and a Light Flamer, together with a nice DA CCW. All in all, this dude is pretty effective, stable and an all-out monster once he gets swinging. Wanna know the real good part though? He's both a Wildcard and a MORAT, which means he can form mixed fireteams and still keep the bonuses, or he can join any other non-MORAT fireteam to bring his big gun and/or CC prowess to them. Guy is good.
    If you choose Kornak, he IS your Lieutenant, don't even question the Red One. Strategos lvl 1 makes him a really good commander and WIP14 is useful for an army that wants to go first most of the time. Also consider shelling out those extra 4 points for the Lieutenant Order+1 version, as that would make the Ironguts generate a whooping 3 orders all on his own!
    Now, these bastards actually went and gave him a points discount. 42 points for a 1.5 wound model that generates 3 orders all on his own is a goddamn steal already, and then you remember this motherfucker can shoot, stab and is moderately resilient. Well, I'll be damned. Of all our Aggressive lieutenant options, he's the cheapest and the least resilient, but Ooh boy! You'll be having a hard time not putting him in your lists and I don't blame you.

    Kyosot Killing Platoon

    [Deep breath]
    [Deep breath]
    Sorry, I kinda got carried away by all the INSANE MURDEROUS POTENTIAL of this bastard. Seriously, this guy is NASTY, in ALLCAPS, because he is that busted. BS13 and mimetism -3 make him one of the best gunfighters in the whole army, and he's packing the bizarrely OP skill BS attack: T2. This means this scary monkeyfucker is adding in T2 to all his shots.
    See that SMG? It's AP+T2 now. And how about that T2 CHAINCOLT TEMPLATE?
    Sorry, I had to hold back the maniacal laughter again.
    Sure, the Kyosot is very, very short ranged, with most of his weapons threatening only about 8 inches from him. He's also expensive and very frail, with only ARM3 and mimetism to protect him and his single wound.
    Ok, remember all the issues he had with needing a fireteam in N4? Well, fuck that!
    He's got the BS Attack +1 Special Dice skill now. This works both on the Active and Reactive turns to allow him to toss one extra dice when attacking and drop the worst roll before resolving. He doesn't NEED a fireteam, he IS the fireteam. And now look at that Marksman Rifle. Now back to me. Now back to the Marksman Rifle. Your Marksman Rifle is now an AP+T2 Spitfire, with an X-Visor. Take him, leave him alone, send him on his own. Watch him murder a TAG like it's made of wet tissue paper.
    Oh? You wanna laugh like a maniac too? I get you, mate.

    Raktorak, Morat Sergeant Major

    Oh, how I love these little dudes. They're the glue that holds our army together, bringing nice barbecue and beer for the troops. BS12, ARM 2 and BTS6 are respectable, and they usually bring either a Heavy Flamer or a Vulkan Shotgun to roast stuff, which means they're always a good pick. The Red Fury profile can join warband fireteams like Daturazi or Hungries to give them a ranged threat while they advance up the field, so they have a reason to be anywhere.
    In addition, they also have the Number 2 and Specialist Operative rules, which feeds into their role as command and control units that can push buttons and pick up the slack if the fireteam leader buys the farm. NCO finally is baked in all profiles, and he's algo got the nice Combat Instinct skill to ignore surprise attacks. Put him in a fireteam with that Suryat LT2 and watch the magic happen as your orders multiply. Just make sure to keep your models safe and your ARO threats presented to the enemy, you know?
    Oh, and they also have a Chain of Command option, which is KINDA pointless in most of the cases since our models are Warhorse, but will be good for ITS missions sometimes, so yey.
    Note these guys are also Wildcards and like our other Wildcards they are also MORAT, which means they will help bring the numbers up for those sweet, sweet full team bonuses. So hey, what's not to like about these doods? Crack open a cold one with the monke boys and let's go hunting!

    Rasyat Diplomatic Division

    Evil. These guys are evil.
    Morat Diplomacy is made with high-impact rapid fire and the Rasyat excels at it. CC21, BS12 and PH13 are respectable, and while he looks armoured to the blue monkey balls, he actually is only ARM2. The thing is: your opponent will not see them coming.
    These guys have both Combat Jump and Parachutist: Deployment Zone, which means not only is nowhere safe, they can just calmly walk in from THE ENEMY'S TABLE EDGE. Let that sink in. You've got a Monkey with Stealth, a DA CCW, CC21 and both Martial Arts lvl2 and Natural Born Warrior just casually strolling into the enemy's side of the table, carrying either an Autoshotty or or a Combi Rifle. Oh, and he's got that extra strong kush for Eclypse Smoke so powerful not even MSV will see through it. Ah, yes, and now they have Super Jump, which means their move is actually 6-4 now. Gotta go Fast, but also sssh because they have Stealth.
    Oh, you want more, you greedy violent bastard? How about that Spitfire then? Big guns are bad. Big guns that walk in from the enemy side of the table are even badder. Oh, here comes the maniacal laughter again.
    The downside is this guy is an expensive model on an expensive army. It's hard to fit in more than one of him, so you have to make sure to apply him with surgical precision to make his investment worth it. Try to identity what are the priority targets for assassination-I mean, Morat Diplomacy and consider saving the Rasyat for a turn 2 punch for added unprectitabilty.

    Rodoks, Morat Armed Imposition Detachment

    Here's another entry I had to rewrite completely because they got roided out by the N5 changes. It's a good day to be a monkey.
    First of all, Move 4-4, but with superjump 8, so it's actually Move 8-4 because you GOTTA GO FAST. BS12, Mimetism-3 and ARM 3 makes them marginally hardier than they were before, but the cool thing is in the weapons. The thunderbolt is an OK ARO piece, but you'll never take it because these guys can only form haris or duos and you'll be busy taking everything else.
    Keep in mind they all have Combat Instinct so they do make for good ARO turrets when they're ignoring surprise strike, but they might make for an expensive duo.
    But let's talk about the weapons. Missile launcher for ARO duty, Spitfire for hunting things. Simple and direct, like MAF likes. Then, the specialists, Paramedic is good, Hacker is awesome. Trinity on a WIP13 BTS6 hacker is just good enough to make other hackers uncomfortable. Finally, the cherry on top: Strategic deployment.
    Make your 3-monkey team of whatever flavors you want, just make sure you'll be placing them on that +4 deployment range so you can superjump into the enemy DZ with just 2 orders. Yeah boy, we eating good!

    Yaogat Strike Infantry

    For when you positively, absolutely, must kill that TAG. Accept no substitutes. Ok, I'm kinda shocked. I'll be honest I still think there's no reason to take any profile other than the special weapons, but with panzerfausts and number 2 on all of them I can see why someone would want those.
    They're still a little bit on the expensive side, but it's hard to compete with their utility now that you just need to attach one 14-point droog to them to make them swing for the mountains.
    The one profile that shines the most is the goddamn MULTI-Sniper rifle. This guy is one angry ape. Popping in 3 shots natively, he'll be going for 4 dice at BS13 if in a full MORAT link, sure, he needs to drop the lowest, but you try passing those 6 saves and we'll talk again after that. And Smoke is something trivially easy to get in MAF now, so that sweet Smoke+MSV combo works like a charm. A violently explosive charm.
    It should be noted that the dice bonus is really all you need when he's already BS12 with MSV2, so taking just him and another guy might be enough for high damage plays and effective AROs.
    Stay the hell away from the overcosted Hacker profile. Seriously, there's nothing he can do that a Dartok won't do better or cheaper.

    Heavy Infantry

    This is the section for all-out aggression. Here are our models that do one thing, and one thing only: smash face. We've got a lot of flavors of face smashers, and they're all pretty great and unique.

    Kaitok Shock Regiment

    On the one hand, these guys are ugly and unwieldy and kinda silly with their big, bulky powered suits. On the other hand, say with me now, deep breath: OOOH YEAH!!!
    With MOV6-2, the Kaitok is fast, and with ARM5 and two wounds, the Kaitok is hard, BS attack -1SR means the Kaitok also hits hard, but BS12 means he's a bit of a dumb shooter for a Heavy Infantry. And then you look at his profile and his link options.
    Let's start with that 19 point option with a +2 burst to their chainrifle. This guy is basically a 19 point warband wearing a powered fatsuit, treat him like that. Hold him in, then cut him loose and watch the fireworks. Yeah, you could put him in a fireteam for ARO duty with the flamenspeer, but the HRL option costs only 1 point more and does it better.
    Speaking of doing it better, you will NOT find a better ARO-Link option than 20 points for a BS12 ARM5 2-wound model that can get full link bonuses. Sure, the Feuerbach option is pretty great too, but he also costs a whooping 14 points more, that's an entire Daturazi! 20 points for a high damage weapon that burns things is stupidly good. The Feuerbach with MSV1 is much better on the active turn, but at 34 points it better be. Note how all versions of the Kaitok have a +1Burst heavy pistol that also benefits from increased SR value, so these guys are basically packing range 8 HMGs if you put them on any link (which you will).

    Rindak Emergency Brigade

    Now wasn't this guy a nice little surprise? A 'lightly armored' heavy infantry with only ARM3 and 1 STRUCTURE, but No Wound Incapacitation and Shock Immunity so while he isn't instantly getting punked by some idiot shooting at him, he is still the most frail of all our HI options. However, he's got a slew of skills that make up for it.
    For starters, he's a paramedic that has +1Burst to his Medikit. Pumping our monkeys full of drugs to get them back up is a very moraty thing to do, and with so many rolls he's probably better than the worm at doing it too! Then he adds in sensor, which makes him useful at hunting down camo. And if you needed more incentive, he's also got three Forward Deployment+8 options! Rounding up his skills, he's also packing Immunity to Crits and Climbing Plus, which are more situational but by no means bad.
    Defensively, he also gets both a +3 to his Dodge rolls and forces a -3 on the opponent whenever he declares the Dodge Skill in an FTF roll, which makes him a bit more likely to survive being shot at. Although this is more likely to come up if he's on his own as having an entire fireteam declare Dodge might not be the best idea.
    This guy is quite expensive though. Clocking in at 24 points for the FTO option and 26-33 points for the Forward Deployment options. And he is not as good a shooter as the Kyosot. This means you need to treat him like a scalpel, not a hammer. With the N5 points discount he's just cheap enough that you can actually fit two of them into a list, which is kinda nice. Especially now that he's got a minelayer option, although unfortunately the minelayer is packing an autoshotty, which isn't such a hot weapon anymore.
    Keep in mind the most expensive option is packing a +1 Burst MULTI-Rifle on a BS12 Platform with NWI and ARM3. Short ranged? Yes. But it's still 4 shots at decent BS, and the Rindak can start up field. 'Doctor Death' is not a bad moniker for this bastard.
    This guy is a pretty cool addition to the force as it gives us a somewhat 'Elite' midfield model who's quite resilient for how further up he starts, but lacks the usual tricks associated with midfield models like camo and mimetism. However, he is also uniquely equipped to actually go there and kill these bastards. Sensor is pretty good, and his short ranged, high burst weaponry does help him win FTF rolls. He's uniquely equipped and unusual, but he will serve you well.

    Sogarat Tempest Regiment

    The ultimate brick to end all bricks. The Anvil to the Kaitok's hammer, the rocks of the eternal shore. Say it with me, mates: HE. WILL. NOT. DIE!!!
    Jokes aside, these are some hardy bastards. And I mean really hardy. At ARM6 and BTS6 with 2 wounds and No Wound Incapacitation on top, these guys are closer to mini TAGs than actual heavy infantry. They're standard BS13, but now come with the dreaded BS Attack-3 skill, which pumps them up into some of our best shooters, and they're firing either an AP HMG or a Burst 3 Feuerbach, because they have the quantity AND the quality, baybee!
    Now, Sogarats are an interesting case in that they can be lieutenants on their own, or pay a bit more for the NCO skill. Now, both lieutenants have SWC discounts, which is already very good, but the HMG gets to have +1 command token. With all our fireteam options, I think this is a lot more attractive than the 0.5 SWC Feuerbach, which can just be an NCO.
    Additionally the Sogarat brings extra utility in the form of the Disco-Baller. This is a limited use Eclipse Smoke template that they can fire with their BS13 and link bonuses, which makes them about as effective as Daturazi, with the bonus of being able to fire the template further. We are already very good at landing smoke, and these guys just make us better.
    Wait, Red, what? Why are you talking like I'm taking both of them in a list? You may ask.
    Well, my dear little pup, because now duos get +1 SD. So, that means these guys are throwing out 5 dice with the HMG or 4 dice with the Feuerbach if they duo, which for 52-58 points a pop, it's not such a bad idea. They will kill a lot and with those extra die and BS-3 they will be hard to shift. This not only makes them an excellent aggressive lieutenant option, but also finally helps them get out of the squeeze when compared with the TAGs.
    Yeah, the TAGs can also Duo, but the points difference between them is enough that you can actually get 2-3 extra orders so it's no longer a no brainer choice. Yay for more options to deliver violence!

    Suryat Assault Heavy Infantry

    They're STILL PH13? WAT?
    Jokes aside, they're pretty sweet despite the bizarrely low PH score for a heavy infantry model. BS13 is the standard, but Immunity to AP and the Isolated State means these guys don't care about two of the more common ways to deal with heavily armored models in this game. Pretty nice start, huh?
    For heavy weapon options, you've got a Heavy Rocket Launcher with MSV1 option, or an HMG option that can choose between Tactical Awareness or being a Lieutenant for some extra orders that can be safely used within a fireteam thanks to our NCO options.The Heavy Weapons also come with Tinbots for added hacking defense. The HMG options run quite expensive at 44-45 points a pop, but these guys generate extra orders, so you get what you paid for.
    These guys are also MORAT, which makes them come in handy for Fireteam composition as they'll bring full fireteam benefits for a lot of other models.
    While the Non-SWC options are a bit harder to use, they're both 2 wound models with AP immunity and decently high armor. The biggest problem with them is that fireteam changes means templates no longer get extra hits, and shotguns lost template options to boot. These changes pretty much shunt the non-SWC options into meme categories as if you want high armor bodies with short range weapons you're probably better served by the cheaper Kaitok.
    It begs repeating the Lieutenant Order+1 option is now more expensive than Kornak, which might make a Kornak+Tac Aware HMG an option to consider. Just keep in mind these guys are way more survivable than Kornak is, so you might want the armored monkey for some missions where keeping your LT alive is a priority.

    Tactical Armored Gear

    If our HI options are good at Smashing Face, our TAG options are even better. These guys are meant for all-out violence and bring some nice tools to the force. Plus, being immune to Isolation really makes a difference as there's a lot less stuff that can threaten them directly. The two options complement each other nicely, with one more geared towards long range fighting while the other is quite comfortable moving forward and getting close.

    Bultrak Mobile Armored Regiment

    Rewriting an entire entry again because N5 was very, very generous to these guys.
    Let's start with the strange statline. ARM5 in an S7 TAG is poor, and BS13 is below average too. But they now get Immunity: AP, which is really, really good, and they keep NCO baked in as well as TacAware and SR-1, which is standard for most TAGs. They also get Super-jump so they gotta go fast, and +1 Burst in CC which is Ok but highly situational.
    For weapons, you're still choosing between a 3-Shot Autocannon and the HYPER-RAPID MAGNECTIC CANNON (yeah, its awesome). Both have exactly the same costs for points and SWC so its really just a case of your preference. HRMC will win the FTF against most things in the active turn, even with poor BS (no, really, even if they have Mim-6, you're rolling so many dice it doesn't matter in most of the cases. Only 2-wound infantry with Mim-6 or TAGs with Mim-6 will be a problem and even those are more of a 'needs more orders' problem than a 'call someone else' problem). Autocannon won't win the FTF as often, but when it does, whatever its looking at will most likely be removed from the table.
    However, note these guys can duo, and they are somewhat cheap at 69 points a pop. Why choose? Take them both, watch the magic happen. With 2 dice on the reactive, that Autocannon is scarily competent, because it only takes one bad roll for the oponnent to go Kaput, and the HRMC turns into a bullet printer that can realistic beat anything through sheer weight of dice. What's better is with our SWC discounts and cheapish link fillers, you can still fit 2 other special weapons elsewhere on the list! Hit 'em hard, hit 'em fast.

    Raicho Armored Brigade

    The original Bad Bitch of the bunch, the armored Huntress now is better picked if you want a solo TAG, as her cost makes bringing two a harder proposal. She gained Combat Instinct to become immune to Surprise Attack, and keeps her immunity to crits as well as added hacker and Guided Missile defenses.
    Her statline is pretty standard for a Main Battle TAG, boasting MOV6-4 BS14, ARM8 and BTS6 with 3 Structure points at a Silhouette value of 7, but her WIP is slightly lower at 12 and her CC is slightly higher at 17, she also gained an AP CCW but you'll almost never use it outside of missions that require punching stuff with the TAG.
    Notice the Raicho is always packing a MULTI-HMG, so while she doesn't put as much hurt up range as the Bultrak, she's no slouch at it. Getting pumped with four BS14, DAM16 AP or Shock shots is bound to hurt or kill a lot of stuff in this game.
    The NCO option is probably the best one to leverage that +2 orders from the Suryat. Heavy Shotty version got extra burst to her shotty to compensate for losing templates, but not having templates on a frontline TAG is kinda bad, even if combat instinct does makes it more useable in ARO. The fact the NCO option is also the cheapest also makes her a lot more interesting. Paying 78 points for 2 special weapons on a TAG is nice, but it locks you into staying afar, and the 81 points version with the Shotty is begging to be put in a list with Kornak so she can have more orders.
    Raichos have the distinct honor of being one of the few TAGs that can get comfortably close to the opponent. In the past the Mine Dispenser added something we were solely missing in terms of midfield muckery, but N5 gave us more options to lay mines, and most of them are cheaper than the Raicho for it. This is a good thing, as we don't need to rely on an expensive model to defend herself.
    The Mine Dispenser is a weapon that is worth discussing on its own, because of the options it gives us. For starters, it can fire both mines at once with a single order (efficient!), and BS14+Range makes them quite accurate. You can also try to speculative fire to catch those defensive fireteams hiding behind walls, and you can just put the mine down on your feet if you want, although remember they come in as mines, not camo tokens.
    "Oi, Red, you sure it's a good idea to push aggressively with a TAG, mate? These things don't want to get close." I hear you young monkeys ask. And I answer: Yes, my mate, yes it is. Two skills make the raicho comfortable up close: ECM:Hacker and Immunity:Crits. ECM means average WIP13-14 hackers trying to bully your TAG will have a harder time, and you can combo in Fairy Dust to feel safer if you want. Immunity:Crits means Bullshit warbands without EM or AP CCWs will have a much harder time wounding your big girl. And we also have our own warbands to get them out of that tarpit if someone closes in. The Raicho is an aggressive, all-out girl and she will reward you for being aggressive with her. Just don't try to engage models with Mimetism in cover.


    Most of our remotes are the same CA options, so there's nothing really special here. CA remotes tend to be a tiny bit better than Human Sphere though, so there's no reason not to use some of these. The CA remotes in particular feel more like an afterthought that you put into your lists than a conscious choice or priority, because they have little synergy with the rest of the army.

    Dropsuit Taryot

    Taryots are old, broken down MAF veterans looking to die a bloody death on the battlefield and they do it in style. These guys are Remotes, so they can get supportware buffs, but they're morat, so they're Immune to Isolation and with BTS6 they're somewhat resilient to Hacker shenannigans. Super-Jump with Jet Propulsion makes them go faster and reach higher to use their short range weapons. Finally, they have the hilariously fun but situationally effective Combat Jump (Explosion) skill.
    The Taryot got a huge points discount in N5, with both the now Heavy Shotty version and Paramedic Version with SMG clocking in at a measly 18 points. There's also an Adhesive Launcher+E/Marat version that gets +1 Burst and is even cheaper at 16 points.
    16 points for two E/M large templates that can be anywhere in the board IS pretty good, and I can see this guy being very useful in some missions. Paramedic version is still the safer option for ITS objectives, and even though the Heavy Shotty hits hard, loss of templates means it is not as good an option when it's being slung by a BS11 mook.
    These guys are PH12 and they're cheap, so using their explode skill is not a bad idea. Plus, if you're using Combat Jump, consider bringing an EVO drone to boost them to a more reliable PH15. Drone game isn't MAF's strong point, but the CA drones are all pretty good, so you're not handicapping yourself using them.

    Slave Drones

    Little nurse worms to help Doctor Worm be on two or more places at once. Useful and cheap, you can have one or two to extend the effective range of the big worm without exposing him to danger.
    They can also be attached to Kurgats for remove engineering, but considering how many ways you can slot a Kurgat into a fireteam, I have no idea why you'd want to do that.

    Ikadron Batdroids

    Cheap 9 points cheerleaders with Baggage and twin Light Flamethrowers for area denial. They also have MOV6-2 so they are somewhat fast, and those flame templates pile up fast. For 9 points, they can serve as cheap order generators even if they're only AVA 2. Baggage is a very useful skill when we've got so many disposable weapons in the army, so having someone to reload them can be a neat little addition.
    Notice these guys are not Morat, so they will become irregular if/when your LT goes down. That being said, with their Flash Pulses and flamethrowers they're not bad DZ defenders or corner guards. But if you want a template to move forward and deal The Damages, you're better off with all the other template options in the army.


    Combined Army had the brilliant idea of mounting an EVO Hacking device in a chassis that can actually do something rather than just sit around, and the result is a neat little support hacker. BS11 is standard, but that MOV6-4 makes him a somewhat fast model, and at 18 points he can compete with the Dartok for hacking spots.
    He is also the only source of Supportware in the army, which can be useful for our Combat Jumpers and can be a boon to our HI when we combine Fairy Dust with tinbots. Not bad uses, but he does warp the list a little in that when you choose him you end up taking more models that can benefit from Supportware to compensate. Thankfully, between our nice selection of Heavy Infantry, our cool Combat Jumpers and the tried and true Combined Army Drone options, there's a lot of stuff you can choose from without gimping your army.


    The Forward Observer Drone with Sat-Lock and Sensor. He used to be our only sensor option, but now we have Oznats and Rindaks to do that job, and they both arguably do it better, although the M-Drone is cheaper.
    For 18 points, the TacAware version is now directly competing with the Oznat, and that's an interesting thing. Two orders for just 18 points is a bargain, but this guy isn't doing a lot of great things. On the other hand, it's 2 orders to spend on sensor or Sat-lock without using up your monkeys, so there's good points to be made here. Your call, commander.
    Sat-lock is an interesting tool as it helps with our Grenade tossers when using Speculative Fire to throw Grenades over walls or smoke. However, with the limit of 15 orders and the addition of so many ways to apply force directly, this tactic becomes more of a gimmick than a really useful tool.
    All in all, not bad, but not moraty either.


    The good old Total Reaction Drone. Except ours gets mimetism and can choose to bring a Plasma Rifle or a +1 Burst Thunderbolt instead. Plasma has lower range, but also gets Impact Templates to deny Cover Bonuses to enemy Armor and causes 2 saves for every hit, so it might be a good idea to switch it up if you're looking for a dangerous defensive model. Thunderbolt has poor range, poor damage and only burst 3, but its cheap as peanuts so I can see it being slotted in a list as a final throwaway piece.
    He can also be used offensively with the HMG and Assisted Fire from an E-Drone, but at this point you're picking two Combined Army Drone models and it might be a good idea to start looking into Vanilla instead.


    Cheap, 7 point flash pulse bots with mimetism. You can only take one. Use it to plug a hole in your list if you need extra orders or if you want something cheap to engineer up for that one Classified Objective. Otherwise, eh? Why bother?


    That one bot with a smart missile launcher. Could be useful for Guided Missile strikes or a somewhat dangerous BS12 ARO with Enhanced Reaction. Guided missile combos got nerfed and MAF was never good at them to begin with. This is definetely Vanilla CA realm and not something to look into if you're playing Morat.


    We now have two options, although one is just a properly classified LI from N4. Both options are good and cheap, with one bringing ITS utility and the other bringing The Damages. Both are girls too, curious... (Nah, Morat are full on sexist pigs, pun intended, and only use women for combat-adjacent roles because they suck. Hey, we're playing the Bad Guys, you know that, right?). In any case, these two options are pretty good and will serve you well.

    Zerat Special Missions Regiment

    The Silent Killer is an odd one. She's got Infiltration and Stealth, which are common for Skirmishers in general, and her statline is also fairly generic with BS11 and WIP13. Her PH is slightly better than average at 12, but that's not a big deal. Mimetism-6 is cool, but she's got no native Marker State, so she's gonna need that.
    However, the Zerat does have a varied arsenal both in her Specialist Options and in her weaponry. For specialists, the Forward Observer is cheap and packs an Autoshotty with extra burst, for close encounters. The Regular Hacker is more expensive, but brings a Light Flamethrower for defense and D-Charges to help her score some classified objectives. Killer Hacker is probably the worst choice as she can't really duke it out with other hackers like say, the Dartok can, and she isn't that different from the Regular Hacker when fighting non-hackers. The killer hacker is also more expensive than the Forward Observer, which further pushes her utility away.
    Her special weapons do add in some curious options though. First, being a minelayer for 0 SWC is pretty nice and not exactly common, especially when she's got two options of mines for added uses. PARA mines are quite interesting as they allow you to score a lot of classified objectives on the paralyzed model. The versatility of having both PARA mines and Shock mines on the same profile also means she can threaten TAGs and HIs while most minelayers can't. And those blokes with Immunity:ARM can eat it too.
    The MULTI-Marskman rifle costs 1 SWC, but the added range, damage and AP ammo is pretty useful if you can catch someone out of cover, while also making her a particularly hard to ignore and hard to dislodge nuisance if you can place her in Suppressive Fire.
    No really. If you can infiltrate her into cover and spend a command token to put her in suppressive, she'll be putting a -12 penality on anyone not slinging a Visor coming at her, and hey, with Infiltration she actually has a better chance of avoiding said Visors. Notice you're not expecting her to kill anything, she's just an incredible order sink and one of our more effective, if hard to use, ARO options.
    Finally, that -1SR +1 Burst Combi Rifle is odd, but surprisingly good. At that point she's basically swinging a shorter ranged Spitfire and paying 0 SWC for it. Not bad, although at 28 points it is a bit expensive for a BS11 shooter, even taking Mimetism -6 in consideration.
    Zerats are quite versatile, but their fragile nature means you shouldn't choose them as an afterthought, but rather have a plan for them and make sure they have proper support in the form of Tyroks, Rindaks and Rodoks, if possible.

    Tyrok Hunters

    Booyah. She was already pretty good in N4, but N5 gave her some interesting buffs, the monster huntress brings in much needed midfield defense and offence, but with a morat twist. She's our first marker state with Decoy 1 but no Mimetism. She does have a Minelayer option, or can bring in her little skurgot pet. Being CC23 with Martial Arts lvl1 makes her only okaish in close combat, and mostly against stuff that lacks any kind of CC skill. She's got extra burst on the heavy pistol and extra damage on the trench hammer and mines, which all help her bully weaker models or threaten a TAG or non-CC HI.
    She's also packing a T2 rifle, which allows her to throw some really dangerous suppressive fire down the lanes. If you can manage to put her in a situation where the opponent can't come at her from more than 16 inches away she will become a ridiculously hard to shift roadblock for her points cost.
    The Skurgot adds in a bit of utility against other midfield units as it can afford to eat a mine without much issue, and if you manage to get it into CC the Huntress can swing up to three times thanks to the added burst of her Heavy Pistols.
    Although she's supposed to be a huntress, the changes to the tyrok have cemented her as an useful roadblock for our forcers. She's not going to do much, but if she eats three or four orders before she goes down she's already paid her tithe and more.


    Oh. Yes.
    Morat Warbands are one of the most common faces of the Army, and they run the gamut from Expensive Elites to cheap throwaway chaff, and most of them are really useful to boot. You'll be hard pressed to find a MAF list that doesn't have a place for something from this section.

    Daturazi Witch-Soldiers

    The OGs, the premier Elite Warband that all other Elite Warbands are measured against, the ultimate Murder Monkeys in close combat, the Roid-Raging, Smoke throwing, Berserking BAD-ASS models. These guys are the shit.
    Seriously, they're top contenders for best Smoke throwers in the game thanks to their PH14 paired with Mimetism -3, and with CC23, Martial Arts lvl4, Berserk and DA Close Combat weapons these guys fight better than several so called 'Masters' of other factions. And that's just the base profile!
    Smoke got nerfed hard in N5, so now more than ever the mimetism and PH14 is pulling its weight. A 70% chance of landing smoke in a normal roll is probably the best we can get.
    However, what we lost in Smoke, we gained in Martial Arts. Native burst 2 in CC is good, but these guys are CC23 and swinging DA close combat weapons with BERSERK!!! Coming out screaming and rolling 2 dice at a monstrous 26 will blend anything without an MA value of its own, and even the ones with MA will start sweating if you get 2 daturazi in CC. Will it blend? Your bet your ass it will blend!!!
    For 14 points you get a warband armed with twin Chanrifles and both regular and Smoke Grenades for up and close brutality, and for a few points more they can swap their Chainrifles for Shotguns or pay 0.5 SWC to swap their Smoke Grenades for a Smoke Grenade Launcher.
    Now, the best option for these guys is probably the 14 points base profile, but do keep in mind they can form both Core and Haris fireteams. Although they cannot join other models in their fireteam, they can cart around a wildcard, with Kornak or a Raktorak being the best options for that long range punch they lack.
    The duo option is particularly interesting if you don't like wrangling Impetuous models as that extra dice roll and order efficiency can quickly make up for the loss of the Impetuous move. Although keep in mind they no longer get cover when in a duo, so you might lose more than you gain.
    Although they're short ranged, the sheer aggressiveness and survivability of Daturazi will often see them fighting on the enemy side of the table, and balls-to-the-walls runs in the middle of the enemy deployment zone on turn 2 or 3 are not unheard of. Whether it's as Smoke escorts, DZ defense, or just plain Close Combat violence, Daturazi will usually deliver in whatever role you need your warbands to perform in your list.

    Kendrat, Krakot Renegade

    Rest in Power, sweet princess. May your biceps forever be remember as the best in the MAF. She died to give Krakots their buff. Pay respects in chat.

    Oznat, Morat Hunting Regiment

    Her base statline is pretty much a worse daturazi. More expensive for lower martial arts, lower CC, lower PH and no mimetism but still throwing smoke fairly well. The reason you pick this lady isn't for running solo, but to run the Hungries team.
    The Oznat got hit pretty hard by the fireteam nerf on N5, as she no longer gets templates on her weapons and the hungries no longer get extra hits for their templates. To make matters worse, a full 5-model link of hungries+Oznat will not get Sixth Sense no matter what as she can't get to full link bonuses. So a full hungry link now pretty much just works as an order battery. Albeit with the points discount its still an excellently efficient order battery, and duos are looking good.
    Running them in a haris makes their smoke slightly better than a solo daturazi, and they also generate more orders. So much that two harises of 2 hungries+Oznat will probably be a good option.
    There's also a more expensive Sensor profile that comes in with a pet Preta as bonus. Unfortunately she pays full price for the pet Preta, which is kinda lame, but the Sensor skill is in the Oznat herself, not the pet, so she can afford to suicide it to clear out mines or bait some AROs without losing her utility, and with Smoke and MOV6-4 she can get to the midfield to start sniffing out those pesky Camo tokens with impunity.
    At 25 points, the Sensor Oznat competes with the Rindak and now the M-Drone for the spot, but she's cheaper and faster and brings Smoke, while Rindaks are more resilient and start further up the table while the M-Drone brings two orders.

    The Hungries

    The Hungries is a Catch-all term for two different unities that share the same baseline profile of MOV6-6, CC20, PH14 and WIP12 with no armor or BTS value. They're also both Impetuous and have Climbing Plus, and can form a Fireteam with an Oznat. Notice that as this is a mixed team it will only ever get half the bonuses, so throwing in Kornak or a Raktorak for some added long range punch is not a bad idea.
    They can also Haris for a smaller footprint and getting that extra dice for smoke.


    Gakis have no weapon, but have the Berserk and Explode skills, that means instead of going unconscious they detonate in a DAM13 Shock blast template centered om themselves. Now, there are some very important points to discuss here:
    First, that explosion only triggers at the End of the order. This means a Gaki can run up to a model, whack it in CC once, then Explode for a second and arguably more dangerous hit. However, the explosion won't trigger if the model goes straight to Dead state, so taking 2 or more wounds in a single ARO means no explosion for you.
    Second, the explosion is a very bizarre form of attack. For starters, it will not affect a model that was successful in a dodge roll earlier, so an enemy may try to dodge your CC whack as a pre-emptive way of dodging the Explode template as well. Additionally, if the template catches one or more allied models, then it is canceled, but the Gaki is still removed.
    So, on the one hand, a lucky shot on a Gaki won't make your fireteam go up in flames, but on the other hand, you need to be careful when you're making a suicide run. This makes the Gaki particularly effective in dismantling other fireteams though, as it can force some really bad decisions.


    Pretas exchange Explode and Berserk for a Chainrifle and Dogged. They're also 3 points more expensive, but at a mere 7 points they're still dirty cheap. Unlike Gakis, they pose no threat to their own allies, and they can threathen a larger area with their Chainrifles. Plus, Dogged allows them to continue their rampage after the first wound, which is quite an useful thing to do as it forces your opponent to waste more resources dealing with the alien bug.
    There's not a lot to be said about these guys other than that. They're slightly more controllable and slightly less dangerous and that's pretty much it.

    Morats and Fireteams - How to build the perfect Hunting Party for you

    As mentioned a few times in this post, one of the biggest strengths of the MAF is our flexibility when it comes to building fireteams, and it shows in many, many different ways. For starters, we can field an extra Haris team, for a total of One Core, Two Haris and unlimited Duos. That's already nice, but only the beginning of the fun.

    The MORAT/Tarlok Fireteam

    The MORAT fireteam is our main workhorse. It is a very versatile fireteam with lots of different options in how to build it. Notice the following models have the MORAT tag:
    • Vanguard
    • Dartok
    • Kurgat
    • Yaogat
    • Suryat
    • Kaitok
    • Zabuk
    • All Wildcards
    This means a fireteam formed from any combination of the models above will count as the same unit for composition purposes. That's an immense amount of freedom, especially because of all the units listed above, only the Dartok, Zabuk and the Wildcards don't count as 'mandatory' units for the fireteam, which means you can most likely reform the team if something doesn't go your way or if anyone dies.
    That's flexibility AND resilience naturally baked in! Notice how you also get two options of Number 2 in the Raktorak and the Yaogat, so breaking the team is even harder.
    For the record, I put 'mandatory' in quotes because that doesn't mean you must have one of each of these guys in a team, but rather that you need any one of them. So a team with a Kurgat, Anyat and a Kaitok is as valid as a team with a Suryat, Dartok and Yaogat, for example. This is just a big deal on the off chance your team ends up composed of say, a Dartok, Anyat and Kornak, at which point you no longer have a mandatory unit so the team is invalid. This is quite hard to happen though.
    Addittionally, any of these models may also join the fireteam:
    • Rindak FTO
    • Kyosot
    • Faredak
    Notice these do not have the MORAT tag, so while you CAN place them on a fireteam, they will not count as the same unit, so for each one of them you will lose one benefit from the team. The changes to fireteams have made slotting these guys into a fireteam a legit detriment, especially since you need 5 models for Sixth Sense now. You'll be most likely handicapping yourself using these outside of a haris.

    Additionally, the following models also have the Tarlok Tag:
    • Vanguard
    • Dartok
    • Yaogat
    • Suryat
    • Kaitok
    This is a small variant of the MORAT fireteam. If your team is composed of any combination of these models, then they not only benefit from full Composition Bonuses, but also gain the Terrain:Jungle special skill. This may or may not be useful depending on the ITS missions.

    However, as you can see, the MORAT fireteam is extremely versatile, with several options for specialists, long range, short range, and even added stuff like Smoke and a some decent CC ability. All you have to do is look at the mission and see what you need, and you can probably build a MORAT fireteam to tackle that efficiently.

    Rodok Fireteams

    Rodoks can only fireteam amongst themselves, and only at Haris or Duo level. This makes it clear these guys are meant for a supporting role, and that's pretty cool, as they will always get full composition bonus for all being the same unit.
    Notice they have an option for Strategic Deployment and also some very effective short range weapons in the form of the Spitfire, SMGs and Shotguns. With the +3 bonus to discover and dodge rolls and their OK WIP of 13, these guys can reliably hunt camo tokens in the midfield, and being only a secondary team, you can probably afford to risk them doing so as well.
    Wildcards are probably not a good idea for Rodoks, as that would break their Composition bonus. Although one could argue about adding in Kornak for that CC punch or Anyat for smoke, they might be better off plugging those holes in other fireteams while your Rodoks shore up a flank on their own. These guys are much faster than the wildcards though, which is another reason to stay by themselves so they can use that speed on a flank in some quick flanking move.
    For some reason Krakots were moved into this slot and can now fireteam with Rodoks. Don't do that. Instead, have your krakots duo with each other for that extra dice bonus. This is a pretty good idea when combined with high burst weapons like the SMG or Red Fury.

    Daturazi Fireteams

    Daturazi can form Duo, Haris or Core teams, but the Core option is probably the worse idea. With their short ranged weapony and emphasis on up close violence, they're probably better served in a duo, as they already get the +1 extra dice for their smoke rolls, and that's the biggest advantage you get from daturazi on the early stages of the game.
    The changes to fireteams really shot the use of wildcards in the foot. You still get the extra dice when running 2 daturazi+wildcard, but since it's just one more dice, you'll probably want to have Kornak or the Raktorak's big gun running in your MORAT team to get full bonuses instead.
    Do keep in mind the 14 point profiles work perfectly well in their own, so don't feel like you have to put these guys on a team. Order efficiency is good, but so is having wider Smoke coverage. Food for thought.

    Hungries Fireteams

    Sigh. Can you make up your mind, CB?
    While this is still one of the premier order batteries of the game, bringing in cheap regular orders to fuel into the rest of the army, they no longer hit very hard on their own. Notice that this team is a rather bizarre one as you must have at least one Oznat to form it, and any Hungries you add in become Regular as long as they are in cohesion. Notice the Oznat doesn't have to be the team leader, she just needs to be in cohesion for it to work. Keep in mind they are STILL impetuous, so they don't get cover and if you use the Impetuous move you lose the fireteam.
    An important point about the Hungries fireteam is that it is always a mixed team. As this team is composed by Oznat and hungries, they can never claim full Composition bonuses for being the same unit. This means slotting in a wildcard, most likely a Raktorak with a Red Fury for that added punch, can become a bigger issue as you're losing both Sixth Sense and +1 BS now. While running 3 models is fine, running 5 kinda makes the point of their cheapness moot if you add a 22 point model in.
    In any case, these are probably better off as a cheap Core for order generation, as at Haris level they operate too similarly to Daturazi to be worth taking instead of the Witch-Soldiers. Although Hungries are faster and bring Fire ammo, so maybe there's a reason for it. A counter point is that at Haris level they're also cheaper than Daturazi, and can pull defense duty with that shotgun and Dogged chainrifles if you take Oznat+2 pretas. Having 2 harises of them for smoke is not a bad idea either, as they're so cheap you'll be running out of slots before you run out of points.

    Armored Fireteams

    This is duo town, which is actually quite nice. Any of the following models can Duo with each other:
    • Sogarats
    • Raichos
    • Bultraks
    Notice you only get +1 extra dice if you have two of the same model, so it's either Sogarat Duo or Bultrak Duo. Either of those is pretty good for both ARO and active turn shooting, with the Sogarats being cheaper and the Bultraks being so, so high power. Rollng 4 dice with an autocannon will make anything you point it at start sweating, and even in ARO they'll be hard pressed to shift your models around. These guys only get some shitty specialists with the TAGs, and those can't be used with the Duos, so here's Damage Town, and we run Damage Town.

    Fireteam Juggling 101

    Oh, yes. Here's where the magic happens!
    Notice how many options of teams we have, then notice how many options of models in those teams we have. If you get a bit of analysis paralysis here it's perfectly reasonable as holy crap, that's a lot of options!
    For starters, we're back to the old tactic of having two Core fireteams, one cheap (like Daturazi or Hungries) and one more expensive (Go nuts with that MORAT fireteam, mate!). And then you can advance the cheap team in the first turn, break them apart, reform the more expensive team and then move that one forward too while benefitting from the Impetuous move the next turn. Sweet.
    But now the things can get much, much more creative than just that
    Notice that we have a whalloping TEN options of models that can all link up together and still get full composition bonus. Then another Three options on top of that that can also link up but only get half the bonuses.
    This means you can go absolutely nuts with options. For example: you could have a Suryat HRL and a Kaitok HRL both in a full core to serve as a defensive castle with all those sweet bonuses on your reactive turn, then come the active turn you break them off as point men for two different teams, as merely 3 burst is usually enough to beat most FTF rolls. Or you could have a Kyosot sitting on the sidelines waiting to form up with them later for some advanced violence.
    For ARO duty, you should keep in mind you only need 2 models for the Extra Dice roll, so it's not a bad idea to have a simple duo like a Yaogat Sniper+Zabuk to fling out dangerous but inexpensive shots.

    Look at this:


    [​IMG]10 [​IMG]1
    KORNAK (Lieutenant [+1 Order], Strategos L1) Mk12, Light Flamethrower / Heavy Pistol, DA CC Weapon. (0 | 45)
    KAITOK Chain Rifle(+2B), Flammenspeer / Heavy Pistol(+1B), CC Weapon. (0 | 22)
    DARTOK (Hacker) Submachine Gun, Pitcher / Heavy Pistol, CC Weapon. (0.5 | 21)
    ANYAT K1 Combi Rifle, Chain-colt, Smoke Grenades, E/M Grenades / CC Weapon, Heavy Pistol. (0 | 24)
    YAOGAT MULTI Sniper Rifle(+1B) / Heavy Pistol, CC Weapon. (1.5 | 35)
    SURYAT (Multispectral Visor L1) Heavy Rocket Launcher ( | TinBot: Firewall [-3]) / MULTI Pistol(+1B), CC Weapon. (1.5 | 36)
    SURYAT (Tactical Awareness) Heavy Machine Gun ( | TinBot: Firewall [-3]) / MULTI Pistol, CC Weapon. (1.5 | 44)
    KURGAT Boarding Shotgun, D-Charges, Drop Bears / Heavy Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 23)
    RINDAK FTO (Paramedic) Submachine Gun, Flash Pulse(+1B) / Heavy Pistol, PARA CC Weapon. (0 | 27)
    KURGAT Boarding Shotgun, D-Charges, Drop Bears / Heavy Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 23)

    5 SWC | 300 Points

    Open in Infinity Army

    That's a list where everyone can link with everyone, meaning you could have three teams of 3 monkeys, or one team of 5 and one of three and one of two, and that's only one of the many ways you can build such a list.
    Exploring what tools you need for the mission and how you can fit them into your list is going to be a lot of fun for a Morat commander, and we will see these variations pop up more and more with time.
    #1 DaRedOne, Mar 24, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2025 at 3:40 PM
  2. Metal730

    Metal730 Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2019
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    Excellent post! Keep in mind the Rindak forces a -3 to the opponents dodge roll so that BSG template is VERY scary. He'll often be in the +6 rangeband so he's very good at making opposing models have bad AROs no matter what they choose. He also dodges on 16's in turn so he's pretty difficult to dislodge while making a mockery of entrenched camo!
  3. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Not quite; Dodge (-3) means that when Rindak uses Dodge it applies -3 penalty to opposing FtF rolls.
    DaRedOne and colbrook like this.
  4. Metal730

    Metal730 Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2019
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    That's not an angle I had thought of!
  5. WiT?

    WiT? Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2017
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    I'm pretty stoked with Morats. The OG change I wanted for them, going way back, was huge link flexibility. It doesn't matter if most of your army is pretty bland if you can put the right guy in the right place at the right time, and thats essentially what we got - plus some things that bring genuinely effective capabilities.

    The faction change is way too big and complex to fully grok at the moment. But when I look through it, a few things really stand out to me;
    • MORAT teams obviously. That level of link flexibility is currently a rarity in the game. While we are uniquely positioned to get a diverse coherent core, do not disregard the mixed options.
    • Kurgat in a team of Suryats seems totally fantastic. Engineers are obviously amazing here. Drop bears are great. Better stats than your average engineer makes him harder to snipe.
    • Kornak is still the number one alpha ape and mandatory LT. New shit or not you must respect Kornak to play this army.
    • Hungries core as cheap order generators, but also the Hungries haris for this on a smaller scale. The haris in particular is also useful as a combat unit, defending the deployment zone or moving forward to attack units in the midfield
    • Really good smoke and smoke/msv access via the Yaogat in a full core or even in a mixed haris.
    • Datz Haris. God I wanted this, and coherency means shit all because you use PH for smoke. So two datz and a raktorak or simply a datz/rak duo could be amazing.
    • The Kaitok is an immense deal for MAF. Our old defensive options sucked. This guy is a cheap, tough roadblock even before you consider putting him in a core or haris. And because we can take additional haris, a major opportunity cost of a roadblock linked unit is removed. I think this guy will change how MAF plays a lot by making us not just die to every alpha piece that looks our way.
    • Rodok Spitfire Haris. In my last MAF thread, the big takeaway I got was that Rodok HMG haris is big ape energy. We lost that, but gained a strategic deployment spitfire in its place. Will this be better? I don't know. But its worth looking into
    • Rindak. A 1.9W sensor specialist in either link team or midfield variety. I can legitimately see myself mixing a Morat team to get access to that. Also, between his wounds, dodge and weapon, he is solid as for rooting out and destroying annoying skirmishers or mines that can really bog down a team
    Am I missing something on the Bultrak?

    It really feels similar to the NCO Raicho for me. That TAG is totally fine, but why would we get a new TAG that feels so similar in capability?

    It has an HRMC, but lower BS. The end result is that it will either shoot a bit better or a bit worse, but it won't change the role meaningfully. CC+1B is nice, but CC 17 and vanilla CCW take limp-sword syndrome to the next level. Super jump barely functions and is barely a change from simply vaulting. There is an autocannon, but B3 BS13... I don't know the math of when this is good. Am I missing something here?
    infyrana and bladerunner_35 like this.
  6. Urist

    Urist Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2021
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    Bultrak seems rather bad. I can't tell what it wants to be. It's like the model designer wanted a mecha version of a Hungry or Daturazi, but the rules designer wanted a Gecko but with expensive weapons strapped on. I love Vulkan Shotguns, but giving one to the pilot is just points bloat. It's less than a smidge cheaper than the Raicho, but it really doesn't seem like an alternative.

    Rodok changes are both weird and interesting. It's like a new unit with so many profiles going kaput and getting weapons replaced. My biggest complaint about Rodoks was that they were too expensive to run alongside the mission-important units. Now with cheaper orders in Hungry fireteams and Morat/Tarlok teams maybe they are worth a second look? Not as your main attack option, but a flanking secondary squad.

    Yaogats, Dartoks, and Kurgats drew the best hand in my opinion. Being able to get in a good fireteam and get the full bonuses for being (morat) is fantastic. Yaogats also finally get to party with Anyat to drop smoke then blast your enemies. They can really design a core fireteam for any situation now.

    Daturazi Haris seems like a really cool idea. Raktorak Red Fury to shoot with the burst bonus, and Daturazi smoke to get to close the distance.
  7. Child9

    Child9 Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2018
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    It's crazy how much the Bultrak model screams "huge-mechanical-claw-murder-machine" while the rules says "you have a mediocre CC and the same weapon as an Alguacil".
  8. Tanan

    Tanan Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2019
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    Burst3 autocannon is very good if the platform is well armoured. You have to keep in mind that enemy can't guts away if it wins the f2f roll with BS attack. Only way to guts away is to survive at least one DMG16 AP EXP hit to the face. Bultrak on the other hand has ARM7 BTS6 so good luck with bringing it down with your ARO.
    Metal730, DaRedOne and Stiopa like this.
  9. Lesh'

    Lesh' Infinity LATVIA

    Mar 19, 2018
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    if your goal is to deal with ARO, I think shooting with more dice is the way to go. Dmg16 AP+EXP is good for sure, but if you can't win ftf, it's not that very useful imho
  10. Tanan

    Tanan Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2019
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    Should check the math against various ARO pieces, but I’m pretty sure that burst3 autocannon on a TAG platform has very good order efficiency against high BS/ARM units.
  11. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    In my experience burst isn't everything. Focusing exclusively on high burst, range, and often Mimetism can lead to a tunnel vision, which we're seeing regularly on the forums; people dismiss units out of hand, when they don't fit into this particular template (calling Rodoks not worth fielding because they've just lost HMG is one example).

    In practice Burst 3 is often enough to deal with AROs. I've been using linked HRL as an active turn weapon for years, with no regrets. But if one is after as high burst as possible, enter HRMC Bultrak ;)
    Brokenwolf and DaRedOne like this.
  12. DaRedOne

    DaRedOne Morat Warrior Philosopher

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I agree with your other points on your post so I cut it down to only the points I disagree with.

    I already mentioned in the OP my opinions on the whole 'Kornak is mandatory LT' thing and I will reinforce that I really think that's a very narrow viewpoint. We have a lot of NCO options, so that Strategos isn't as necessary as before, and at 45 points Kornak is insanely expensive for a model that's way easier to kill than a Suryat who also has a Lieutenant+1 option, or a Sogarat who doesn't, but also doesn't get punked as easily as Kornak does.

    He's good, but the whole mindset of 'He's the only option' is severely limiting your listbuilding, mate.

    As for the bulltrak. I haven't finished the OP yet so I won't go into detail here, but the bulltrak is a good complement to the raicho rather than a competitor. The raicho is much more agressive and can comfortably get closer thanks to his gear, especially the autoshotty option. Meanwhile, the Bulltrak is much more long ranged, but can also punch it out if needed thanks to B2 in CC. Also, climbing plus and smaller silhouette means it can attack from more oblique vectors and hunt for targets the raicho will have trouble reaching.

    Really, these two complement each other quite nicely in my opinion.
    valukr, Philamilapeed and Stiopa like this.
  13. WiT?

    WiT? Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2017
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    Probably true, but feels like too much of a bitch play to run anybody else.
    Lesh' likes this.
  14. Metal730

    Metal730 Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2019
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    Unfortunately the Bultrak has Super Jump and not Climbing Plus. If it was Climbing plus I'd be significantly more hype for this profile. S6 is great though!
    Lesh' likes this.
  15. DaRedOne

    DaRedOne Morat Warrior Philosopher

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Thank you for pointing it out. I added it to the OP and also added a more in-depth talk about fireteams
    infyrana likes this.
  16. Smooth Criminal

    Oct 6, 2020
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    Dartok is probably a mandatory inclusion for how good he is in a morat link and with our combine remotes.

    Kaitok seems like the best cheap attacker because of 6-2 move, you can even run haris of them teuton knights-style. He even can link with your big morat link later in the game or as a solid aro piece if you go second.
    Rodoks are interesting too with the new deployment rule, but in my experience they are prone to randomly dying on bad f2f rolls which Kaitok will survive. Could be a preferable choice in some missions or dense tables.
    Zerats got better gun in marskman and got cheaper but still have a problem of dying to a random template warband if you go second. Infiltration is a useful tool in some missions though.

    Still don't like Rasyat. He kills consoles like a boss in that one mission but that's all he does unless opponent allows him to safely drop in the back. With stuff like Durok and Fiday being common people are often deploying in protected formations and Rasyat can't fight through anything due to not having modifiers, he often dies to a linked grunt.

    Raktorak/Anyat seem to have lost a lot of value due to how easy it is to make links with morats now. I don't ever see myself taking raktorak except for nco. Anyat has her use in throwing smokes but you can do that with Oznat haris better.

    Speaking of Oznat haris it seems like another mandatory inclusion due to how good it is. Cheap orders, deploy zone protection and she can push forward with smokes or cover someone else's push.

    I personally don't like Kornak that much unless you put him in Daturazi link. He costs like a hmg Suryat and doesn't provide such ranged firepower and you can't push forward with him unless it's a daturazi link (which got worse because of mixed rules).

    Bulltrak seems better than Raicho in every way. Cheaper nco, better gun, super jump vs. a crit immune meme ability.

    My got to list would be:
    Group 1:
    A big link (6 morats) with at least a Dartok, Vanguard medic and a hmg or rocket Suryat
    A haris of Kaitoks/Rodoks/Daturazi
    A solo zerat to push buttons
    Group 2:
    Oznat, 2xPreta haris

    You have quite a lot of wiggle room with what you can take in big link and what your attackers are. If you take cheap daturazi as your attacker haris then you can have a tag.
    Lesh' likes this.
  17. jake richmond

    jake richmond Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Why is Immunity Critical a meme ability?
  18. DaRedOne

    DaRedOne Morat Warrior Philosopher

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I strongly disagree with any concept of 'mandatory' unit. I stopped playing Ariadna because I fell into the trap of considering 2 minelayer chasseurs mandatory units. So by the end of the day all my lists had 2 chasseurs, 2 irmandinhos and 2 hardcases.

    I wouldn't call the Dartok mandatory, but it IS very good to run around with suryats, no doubt.

    As for the raicho vs bultrak debate: The raicho gets -3 to hacking, brings D-charges for objectives, and can actually do something in reactive if someone gets close to it, not to mention that Shotgun template HURTS. In fact, the Raicho has templates where the bultrak doesnt, that alone makes it an equal to the bultrak in my opinion.

    Immunity to crits I don't get why you'd say is a meme ability. It is highly situational, but the few times it comes up it will be helpful.
    Brokenwolf, Metal730 and Stiopa like this.
  19. Keith

    Keith The Raven Lord

    Aug 31, 2018
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    I just wanted to back up your crit immunity statement with a game I just played. My buddy and I were playing firefight, my list was RTF. I brought Tarik specifically to be a hard to kill Lt. My buddy was playing HB. In the last round he was a able to dismantle some of the extra protection I had around Tarik and got Al Djabel in base contact. He crit on his first roll, but because I had crit immunity I only made 2 saves. I saved one and failed one. With his final order I won that FTF roll and Al went down and my Lt was safe. A big deal in that mission. Had I been forced to make that extra save he may have gone unconscious. And he would have also gotten one of his classified’s as he later revealed to me.
    So even though it is situational, it can literally win games for you in the right scenario. :)

    P.S. I’m super excited to get back into CA and Morats. I missed this faction so much!
    DaRedOne and Metal730 like this.
  20. Metal730

    Metal730 Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2019
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    Couldn't agree more, I've gotten so much work done with the Raicho and I'm actually kinda scratching my head on when I would take the Bultrak personally. Other than S6 I like the Raicho in most other situations.
    DaRedOne likes this.
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