Shit. Live or die by link rules does sum it up. Kaitok is really interesting. Cheap roadblocky guy like the Diggers. Been wanting cheaper HI for ages but ARM5 2W under 30 points still seems crazy. Dartok hacker is solid as. Was hoping for basic hacker with trinity and got it, plus dogged too. Kyosot seems like a total monster if it can wildcard, and not useful if it cannot. Crazy damage potential with no delivery system outside of link order efficiency. Slaver seems useful as a linkable CC piece if it can wildcard, and completely useless without that ability. Not a big fan of the Zerat. Was hoping for either a better combat specialist, or a better disruptive midfielder. I guess we got 0 SWC minelayer if that isn't a typo and thats not nothing but its definitely not exciting. That MULTI Marksman I don't think will cut it because BS 11 is pretty bad, but we'll see.
0 SWC minelayer is already a thing, they just changed her weapons from Combi+flamethrower to shotgun. The zerat actually got nerfed hard, as she lost grenades on the shotgun profile, and got her red fury swapped by a Burst 4 DAM14 combi. However, Mimetism-6 and infiltration do allow her to better leverage range modifiers and use her BS11 to better effect than it seems. Multi Marksman definetly has potential, but for 1 SWC I'm not sure if I'm ever using it. In fact, it looks to me zerats might be back to 'barely usable' territory, depending on the dartok link options. Because Tyroks do midfield defense WAY better than she does. And it looks like we're also getting better offensive options too. This might be a sad day for zerats
I'm not a huge fan of the idea of a mixed HVT / real trooper concept, as seen in the Tohaa Diplomatic Delegate. It makes it unnecessarily ambiguous as to what a particular model on the table is.
Dartok is good, but I don't like the fact that more and more armies get a similar, dedicated hacker trooper. Another trend that makes different sectorials feel the same. I actually like the new Zerats, but I'd like to see the rest of midfield options before judging. In general I see that some unused loadouts got the axe, which is good. This makes the plain SMG Kyosot an oddity, as it's overshadowed by MSV1/Chain Colt version. I also see a lot of Burst modifiers, which is something I argued for in one of the suggestions threads. Looks like I hit close to CB plans in that regard.
The Kyosot is really strange. Limp sword syndrome and a short-mid range gunfighter without any AD/FD and 4-4 MOV. Getting him into range to actually do something will be expensive, if he's not linkable somehow. He could make for a decent defensive road block in suppressive fire, I guess, but I'm not feeling it so far.
Yeah, I don't quite get why the MMR costs 1SWC. The only other MMR in the game that costs 1SWC is on the gecko which is B4. Besides this and the MMR on the Xeodrons all MMR are 0 SWC.
Minelayer is usually 0.5SWC, so I guess they're paying O.5 SWC for... something? There's no formula for SWC costs at the end of the day.
While this is true, 1 SWC is still a rather extreme cost for a B3 MMR and as Morats always used heavy guns as their leverage , which also cost SWC, I second the question of DaRedOne if I would ever be willing to take one.
I am assuming a MMR (+1DAM) at 1 SWC will be more popular than a MSR at 1,5 SWC. Note sure on the grenades or the SWC on Xeodrone as currently Zerats do not have Grenades and Xeodrone with multi marksman rifle is 0,5 SWC.
Assuming Yaogats still exist and are the same as they were before. Which, sadly, isn't really an outlandish assumption given existing troop options they've shown profiles for are near carbon copies of pre-update.
I mean, Anyat, Rasyat, and Raktorak are fine profiles in their current incarnation, I don't think they needed an update (beyond maybe a new loadout for more variation) unless their role in the sectorial is supposed to drastically change. Tyrok is new enough I didn't expect a change there either. I still have hope some of the other existing profiles will change for the better. Vanguards are a missed opportunity though. They could've used a rework so they weren't just the "worst" line troop in CA and had a more unique role in the greater faction.
I got hyped at the early (fake) leak that suggested they'd have SMGs. I was really hoping to see them all with SMG and BSG to reinforce that close quarters feel. EDIT - also feels like a missed opportunity to not just give all Morat boarding shotguns an upgrade to Vulcans
My thoughts exactly. I just knew that guy was gonna be blade swinging monster. The Tyroc, however, seems like an absolutely nasty lady...potentially.
I like the new Zerat profiles. One think I have struggled with is going second against an opponent with counter intelligence. Stripping one order for a command token seems neglegible, but being able to put a model halfway up the board in suppression fire seems great. Having mimeitism -6, cover -3, and suppressive for -3 for a total of -12 is amazing. Plus adding an armor piercing, damage 14 weapon to the mix will make dealing with her very difficult. If it takes multiple orders to remove her than it is a command token worth spending to slow the progress of your opponent.
I feel like 4 arms is the major MVP so far. Really good roadblock model and I love this design space, and good god some defense was needed for MAF I know the hacker is great, but he doesn't matter if you have died to an alpha strike before he does anything. Similarly, skullface will shine only if the link rules allow it. We haven't seen much in the way of existing models... but its not looking hopeful for some rules reworks. Fingers X'd that Yaogats and the like get a little love too.