How would you fix: USARF?

Discussion in 'Access Guide to the Human Sphere' started by csjarrat, Mar 15, 2022.

  1. csjarrat

    csjarrat Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    This is just for fun given that we know nothing about the upcoming fireteam changes which could reset the wider meta anyway. Whilst answering the question, pretend you don't know that link rules are going to change.
    For the purposes of this though exercise, no major revamp is possible (just the usual CB "tinker round the edges" type approach).
    You can add/subtract mercs
    You can add new profiles to existing units
    You can add or remove skills to existing units
    You can modify points of existing profiles
  2. dhellfox

    dhellfox The keeper of the Forgotten

    Sep 21, 2019
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    thought we already had a thread about this in Ariadna a while back?

    unfortunately usarf really needs a complete overhaul. (i know nothing about FRRM so cant comment)
    just keeping it contained within the Ariadna faction, their only gimmick they have they are a uniformed force of armor 3 mediums compared to the hoard of CHA with the biggest spread of armor values or cammo game with wide selection of options of TAK and "Ariadna's greatest hits collection" of KOS.

    • General tweak suggestion: adjust them as a slow moving juggernauts with decent armor but stronger (+1 damage) guns.

      alternatively to make their play style really unique (and double down on the whole armor gimmick,) even outside of ariadna remove shock immunity from all S2 models and give all (non-TAG) arm 3+ units AP immune.
      shock immnity is so overused and their infantry armor isn't strong enough to be OP (as they only lose 1 armor from AP) but will still can die outright if their armor is penned by shock. basicly its trading on situational skill for another. if its too imbalanced (or is combined with other proposed changes) change grunt and Marauders move value to 4-2"/ 10-5cm

      to further elaborate on the playstyle, (being defenders of ariadna's east flank from their under-fortified outposts) aside from frontier and foxtrots, they don't hide, they repel unwelcome guests till reinforcements arrive, bringing Anti-antipode gear and heavy firepower. (GET OFF MY LAWN! :P )

    • General loadout changes: add some Portable AC profiles (possibly grunt and minuteman).
    • Devildog: with the CHA dogwarior gaining NBW and +1 armor (tying its armor with mac'murder and usaf dogs) the devildog on paper is the worst choice of the set; gaining a sensor pet in exchange of losing grenades and a chain rifle or replace both for an overpriced shogun. If usaf not getting a TAG, probably its fix would be either an armor increase or give it better BS
    • Minuteman: don't know how to fix the their non-fatsuit HI minuteman, someone suggested giving them regeneration to go with the medkits on their models. they really need an extra "wound", in vanilla the only reason i would take them over the other heavies is to save points...

      alternative idea but more on the stupid end is give them (BS attack T2) but it doesn't solve the issue of making them a standout and the other ariadna heavies have t2 weapons
    • Blackjacks; dont real think they need tweaking, at most give them a +1 damage to represent the tag sized weapons. just a personal suggestion for a 3rd profile would be mk12 froward observer or access to synchronized or normal mul remotes
    • Remotes: not really exclusive to usarf (but would make their unique remotes options differ to TAK's) is add B+1 autocannon and an AP HMG option.
    • Marauders: at this point why not give them all msv1 to make them vanguard untis, although pushes usarf a bit more to a anti-cammo force within ariadna (still give them more of an identity among the other sectorials)
    ill add some more later after i give this more thought
    #2 dhellfox, Mar 15, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2022
    saint and csjarrat like this.
  3. wuji

    wuji Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    I love my mil family so here goes.

    Marauders, swap Medic and Dogged for FO and Mimetism-3. People can say that's like many others but they still got the fire element and Forward Deployment as a speciality and this is to support my Minuteman replacements.

    Turn Minutemen into HI Wulver Marines complete with a Wulver corpsman/paramedic (same unit, paramedics in the marines are from the Navy and have all the same training) and Aquatic Terrain for everyone obviously.

    Create a Drone Pilot with options for either FlashPulse/Exploding Drone or both, AP+EXP (test for 1-2 drones), Drones could be MOV 6/4, Dodge +3, Size 1, with SuperJump (flight). Basically a limited Guided Missile that can loiter waiting for an opportunity. FO profile as well.

    Devil Dogs, give them back their grenades for both profiles. Turn the chain rifle into a B2 Chain Colt, make the AP Heavy Pistol +6 in their non-CC profile. This effectively turns the pistol in the sculpt into a Taurus Judge Colt. Large and impractical but powerful like everything else we do in a America. Leave the Heavy shotgun as is.

    And I do agree with +1 damage on Blackjacks
    #3 wuji, Mar 16, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2022
    dhellfox and csjarrat like this.
  4. wuji

    wuji Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Just for fun I wanted to share some modern day 410 shells you can put in a Taurus Judge. The Devil Dog could easily handle this and pump out a small template or +6 AP from a future pistol. 84b122bc91add9d63855b87dd235ee41.jpg
    #4 wuji, Mar 17, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2022
  5. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Marauders need Courage and Immunity (Shock). Maybe redo the Minuteman profile so we see ones beside the NCO HMG be run, alongside the Blackjacks.

    But honestly better would be seeing the vanilla factions that have it all like Nomads and Haqq have some meaningful limitations introduced to them.
    dhellfox likes this.
  6. wuji

    wuji Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    What limitations do you have in mind?

    Despite that fact, I still dont think USARF are designed for N4.
  7. dhellfox

    dhellfox The keeper of the Forgotten

    Sep 21, 2019
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    my memory is shaky but the only change outside of price, is minutemen cc going up and a buff to grunt and marauder snipers

    of course a redo to unknown ranger

    do like the woulfer heavies and maruder FO idea

    edit: added a maruder suggestion to original post to list
    #7 dhellfox, Mar 17, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2022
    csjarrat and wuji like this.
  8. wuji

    wuji Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Thanks. Hopefully, whatever CB does it feels entirely American, and is effective at balancing USARF.
    csjarrat likes this.
  9. dhellfox

    dhellfox The keeper of the Forgotten

    Sep 21, 2019
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    on wolver subject, could take it a 1 step further and also add usa variation (different skills and load outs) of dogfaces that underwent MARP's volkolak treatments

    its a shame the devs wont read the suggestions let alone consider them as a jump point for their own ideas for changes. reported a bug in the army app years ago about some profiles in play mode in the right fourm and they are still there....
    #9 dhellfox, Mar 17, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2022
  10. dhellfox

    dhellfox The keeper of the Forgotten

    Sep 21, 2019
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    the fireteam update is out and... wow hardly any change to usaf outside of fireteams (blackjack haris and minutmen/marauder pure! core)but more than expecting:
    minutemen cc jumped to 20 from 19 and inflict an non MA -3 cc! (unconfirmed if this is new) although they seemed to have lost their AP LT option
  11. Kreslack

    Kreslack Unknown Ranger lead the way!

    Nov 24, 2017
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    The changes to the Minutemen are new. And still terrible. It's such a nothing half measure.

    I like that Minutemen and Marauders are interchangeable in links and maintain composition bonuses. But all that's really done is let you put the NCO Minuteman join a new link since he no longer gets bonuses in the grunt link.

    If they wanted to make the Minutemen more of a CC unit. They should have given them MA(1-2) on top of the CC -3. Or even CC (+1B)

    With how many MI that have NWI now. Its rediculous that both the Minuteman and Moblot haven't gotten it yet. 1 wound HI is a total joke.

    This was their chance to do a bit more with the unit and it feels like it was squandered.

    The Blackjack haris is really cool. I think I'm gonna experiment with that a bit. Two Blackjacks and a 112. Looks fantastic to me. The +1B on that T2 sniper reactively will make it much harder to shift.

    Unknown Ranger is still outstanding. He gets full link bonuses in both linkable groups. (Though lost that ability in Kosmo)

    The Devil Dog is in a pretty meh place. Especially with the cameronian getting an armor bump and NBW. Would love to see the devil dog get similar. +1 Arm bump and MA(1-2)
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