How would you fix: MRRF?

Discussion in 'Access Guide to the Human Sphere' started by csjarrat, Mar 15, 2022.

  1. csjarrat

    csjarrat Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    This is just for fun given that we know nothing about the upcoming fireteam changes which could reset the wider meta anyway. Whilst answering the question, pretend you don't know that link rules are going to change.
    For the purposes of this though exercise, no major revamp is possible (just the usual CB "tinker round the edges" type approach).
    You can add/subtract mercs
    You can add new profiles to existing units
    You can add or remove skills to existing units
    You can modify points of existing profiles
    Errhile likes this.
  2. csjarrat

    csjarrat Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    For me, I think the biggest gaps are in big game hunting. There's an over reliance on knauf for problem solving so I'd like to see moblot hmgs get ap ammo to match their rifles. A linkable mimetic (non infiltrating) profile with NCO for moblots too.
    Briscards get a missile launcher profile (to be proxied with the hrl).
    Anaconda to gain feuerbach profile
    Loup garou sniper to gain ap ammo.
    Zuoaves to gain mimetism.
    To round out the hacking game (they're supposed to be better than average in ariadna) get rem racers at ava 1 (gives access to a hacker merc with dep reps, still crap compared to specialists but better than other sectorals).
    To improve CC and reduce dependency on wolffy to lead links;
    access to beast hunter at ava 1.
    Access to miranda ashcroft (wildcard).
    #2 csjarrat, Mar 15, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2022
  3. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Need to resolve three things:
    1. MRRF's decimation at the hands of CA for narrative consistency
    2. Expand MRRF's roster, it is too small currently. Specifically they need some more multiwound models to offset DTW spam
    3. Differentiate MRRF so it can be justified on its own merits instead of just being a shit version of Kosmoflot
    I think the easiest solution to all three is to lean into their merc ties, specifically Nomads. Rebuilding their numbers by adding mass produced REMs and force multiplying them by giving some limited access to Nomad power armour.

    • Add Brigada Haris
    • Add Geckos
    • Add AVA2 Evader. Not Wildcard, allow to duo with Geckos
    • Add Zondbots and all S3 Nomad REMs with high AVA. Allow all the REMs except the TR Reaktion Zond to join core links.

    Solution fits the narrative, and offers a distinct persona to MRRF and gives them access to options the other Ariadnan sectorials can't replicate without stepping on the toes of the parent faction they're borrowing units from. MRRF now has access to a good hacker with a very limited repeater network but can pose a solid defensive network, and another real combat engineer which is an absolute rarity for Ariadna and the option to project their support units through Zondbots.

    It also requires the least amount of work from CB and doesn't require new units or resculpts.
    #3 Triumph, Mar 15, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2022
    SpectralOwl, Abrilete and csjarrat like this.
  4. csjarrat

    csjarrat Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    That's an interesting take have to say I like the idea of having decent bought-in rems
  5. Tourniquet

    Tourniquet TJC Tech Support

    Feb 18, 2018
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    Add in brawlers too give them the only MSV2 in ariadna.
    Mahtamori, csjarrat and Abrilete like this.
  6. wuji

    wuji Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    I dont really play Ariadna but I agree with the above statements. Also, Ariadna has access to antipodes, dogwarriors and wulvers as their specialty that no one else has. I've never understood why Caledonia doesnt have Antipodes, USARF doesnt have Wulvers MRRF doesnt have Antipodes and up until recently didnt have a wulver either. Then TAK has good options of those plus Vets, Spetsnazs and Duo Dynamo's with AP Spitfires and Mine Dispensers. Marksmanship, ARM and AP are an equalizer for Ariadna these days. I dont see why we cant see more combinations of the above and why we cant see a Wulver or K9 controller with some sort of specialist.

    When I think about factions and all their options, I feel sectorials should just be more of a focus and different combinations of a factions options. And yes, sectorials are this already but many appear half hearted. I've said before there two ways to achieve balance between armies, either give everyone the same options or double down on their differences. Games generally benefit more from variety and flavor than everyone having the same things for balance. Does this mean more calculating, yes, but it also means an overall better game.
    csjarrat likes this.
  7. wuji

    wuji Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    I like the idea of MRRF having named character dogs. So I would want just Carmen and Batard to be in MRRF and the names are French already. Then give MRRF the most future tech. They have a good theme with that and character wolves. I wonder what their named SpecOp would be like.
  8. wuji

    wuji Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    @csjarrat will you do one for CHA aswell?
  9. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Definitely a good approach. However, I'd hold out on a Shas-scale rework with Sectorial-specific profiles, rather than a half-assed update like N4 arrived with, giving me a rather different set of Things I'd Like on a holdover patch. Let's not have another horrid NA2 chimera like Kosmo.

    I definitely like the idea of getting power armour and the standard REM set into MRRF, but it runs into very serious issues with Hacking due to the Sectorial's near-total lack of defenses in that area. Updating Moblots to true 2W troops, drawing on Nomad designs without sacrificing the highly-valued Ariadnan Unhackability would be my preferred fix for the multiwound issue (and imagine the future mini opportunities!), but I do feel that including Zondbots would actually be a lot of fun.
    Urobros and csjarrat like this.
  10. Urobros

    Urobros Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    all of you have proposed really good options. I will try to bring more ideas.

    Merovingia should honored his name, It could be interesting to give every non infiltrator profile neither parachutist, the +4 forward deployment* rule as a basic. If you are in MRRF, you have to be fast to "be deployed" into battlefield.


    Metros, change profiles with gl for ones with mines+minelayer, non infiltrator 10 points 0 SWC, infiltrator 12 points 0,5 SWC.

    Loup Garoups,

    Snipper AP instead snipper (I really agree with this). No cost change.
    Boarding Shotgun+Adhesive launcher become "adhesive launcher +1 burst" plus "specialist operative".No cost change.
    LG profile, LG normal + LG smoke + NCO. No points or SWC changes.

    Zouaves, I like then really now, but... give them "decoy (1)". Except for the sapper profiles. No cost changes.

    Knauf, special haris, with Moblots.

    112 (on foot) become wildcard (only one can be part of a fireteam at same time).

    Dozer, remember "being in MRRF grants FD+4 inch ".

    Bruant, add Lt Infiltrator all profiles gain + "spitifre AP +1 damage". No cost changes. Wildcard for Non iInfiltrator profiles.

    Alguacil, not affected by "MRRF" Forward D+4.

    Wardrivers, haris special with Briscards. not affected by "MRRF" Forward D+4. Normal hacker with pulse flash and only 0.5 SWC.

    Warcor, not affected by "MRRF" Forward D+4.

    112 (motorized) Dismounted profile too with Smoke GL. No others changes.


    Briscards... I like those guys right now, but they need a little to be completed, give clilmbing plus to them. This will made briscard a very mobile unit with firepower.

    New "basic" briscard with NCO + nº2. 3 points Up.


    Moblots, they need no wound incapacitation. Add "duo". Add +1 BS damage (any profile).

    Infiltrators: both drops 2 points, from 32 to 30.
    Boarding Shotgun+Panzerfaust go from 23 to 25 points, gain nº2 and Tactical Awarenes.

    Mirage Team

    From 66 to 65, only 1.5 SWC instead 2 (let this swc cost to others sectorials or armies where this "duo" could be).

    Margot, NWI + "+1BS damage any weapon". NCO.
    Duroc "no changes required".


    Anaconda, MOV 6-4 instead 6-2. Operator AP Spitfire instead "Spitfire".


    Traktor Muls only "FD+4". Same as almost the whole MRRF.


    Chasseurs AVA 5 instead of 4.

    Adhesive Launcher become Adhesive Launchger +1Burst + Specialist Operative (go to 20 points instead 19).

    Wolfgang or Paracomandos, they don't need any changes (Wolfgang could be benefice himself too of +4 FD).

    This will be my first aproximation to "the wish list for merovingia", trying to remain close as posible to the actual "french army".

    Best regards!
    Errhile likes this.
  11. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Honestly I just want Viral on everything Loups do, full BS Attack(Viral). They're a specialist anti-Dogface unit in fluff and Total Immunity makes any other attack type basically pointless, especially on low-Burst weapons like shotguns or sniper rifles. Given how effective those units are with Smoke Grenades I wouldn't even mind MSV1 or 2. Just a generalised middle finger to anyone relying on a bear or McMurrough to play the game for them.
    Brokenwolf, saint, csjarrat and 2 others like this.
  12. csjarrat

    csjarrat Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Yeah, msv viral sniper would be excellent.
    Giving a missile launcher to briscards would seperate the choice of the two links and give them really good roles to fulfill
  13. MATRAKA14

    MATRAKA14 Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Please no more mercs for mrrf, if I wanted to play nomads or mercs I would play any other nomad or NA2 faction, I'm tired of mercs as a cheap band-aid.

    Overall Mrrf should be all about board control, basically they need to feel like they were already there at the beginning of the match so plenty of troops in the middle of the table.
    In the other hand as a second theme, if the other ariadna sub-factions hit hard, MRRF could be all about non-lethal weapons, but to an extent that they feel truly dangerous not just a gimmick but a reliable way to bypass and deal with very strong troops with plenty of armor and visual mods.

    So no extra AP and way more E/M and PARA with reliable platforms to deliver it, we could even get unique variants of weapons with that special ammunition like a special profile with PARA shotgun. I just want to see factions be unique again.

    Loup garoups have lost stun grenades with no other compensation, so I would suggest riot stoppers since they are riot police. Some kind of grenade could work too, maybe smoke for one profile and E/M for the launcher or the other way around, PARA grenades? The sniper needs some adjustments too, I would like to see some strange ammunition added to it or something that could make it unique instead of just AP

    I would prefer to see briscards as mobile and flexible as possible, the missile launcher doesn't fit that well with that, I would suggest climbing plus, since they probably had it at some point of their original testing. A link capable of climbing plus could be way more unique and cool to play aggressively, and it fits very well with the lore.

    Find a gimmick for moblots, maybe they could have some sort of advanced deployment and hit hard up close with a decent mix of lethal and non-lethal weapons, even E/M mines like zuaves. Maybe and just maybe consider a mixed link with Margot without Duroc since she is an EX moblot and could fit well with them. Single infiltrator moblots with mimetism sound good on paper, maybe there is a way to make them work with some improvements.

    Zuaves need a profile adjustment to be in line with other fox hole troops, the shasvastii haiduks are point per point superior, and the non fox hole versions feel lack luster choices.

    Fire ammunition should burn visual mods to make chasseurs work properly again.

    Maybe Bruant could have an option with supperior infiltration?

    Traktor muls need to become a reliable choice for once in their entire existence, they have "artillery and support regiment" in the name for a reason. Additionally, why not PARA and E/M uragan/katyusha exclusive to MRRF?

    Remove the rear deployment of Margot and Duroc, I know this is a way to compensate for the power creep in the game and help ariadna to stay competitive with the 15 body cap but for me it just doesn't fit in the game, it creates bad quality gameplay, and it doesn't feel smart and slick as infinity should.

    Lastly, don't have fear to make profiles unique to MRRF not accessible for vanilla ariadna
    #13 MATRAKA14, Mar 23, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2022
    saint likes this.
  14. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Protector of the Search for Knowledge

    Mar 8, 2019
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    With the new Morat Kyosot, BS Attack (Viral) is looking a lot more possible.
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