Infinity Army 7 (N4) Updates & Bugs

Discussion in 'Infinity Army' started by Koni, Sep 25, 2020.

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  1. Azaries

    Azaries Member

    Oct 4, 2019
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    • Army: Any
    • Troop: Any
    • Browser used & Operative System: Chrome Version 98.0.4758.102 (Official Build) (64-bit), Windows 10 Build:19043.1526
    • Description of the bug: Unable to save a list to the server, doesn't report an error just does not save. Within the mobile app I do not see this issue and can still see previous saves.
    Zoe, Lesh' and JoKeR like this.
  2. Erbent

    Erbent Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    • Army: Any
    • Troop: Any
    • Browser used & Operative System: Firefox Version 97.0 (64-bit), Windows 10 Build: 19043.1526
    • Description of the bug: Same issue as above, neither desktop nor mobile app save lists to server, but I can load lists that are already saved and saving locally works fine
    Zoe, Big Nest, Lesh' and 4 others like this.
  3. Zoe

    Zoe You can run, but you can't hide.
    CB Staff Warcor

    Jan 23, 2017
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    Working on it.
    Lesh', Erbent and JoKeR like this.
  4. Azaries

    Azaries Member

    Oct 4, 2019
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    Thank you for looking into this issue, I'm happy to report that I can now save to the server.
  5. yoink101

    yoink101 Chandra SpecOps Complaint Department

    Jan 20, 2018
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    • Army: Any
    • Troop: Any
    • Browser used & Operative System: iOS army app
    • Description of the bug: Liang Kai still doesn’t have or generate an order of any kind.
  6. KGG

    KGG Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2019
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    • Army: ISS
    • Troop: Father Lucien Sforza / Kanren
    • Browser used & Operative System: Chrome / Windows 10
    • Description of the bug: Holomask/Holoprojector options don't list Kuang Shi or Major Lunah
    • Army: ISS
    • Troop: Lu Duan
    • Browser used & Operative System: Chrome / Windows 10
    • Description of the bug: Holomask/Holoprojector options don't list Motorized bounty hunter.
    • ---------------------
    • Army: ISS
    • Troop: Pangguling FTO
    • Browser used & Operative System: Chrome / Windows 10
    • Description of the bug: Pangguling FTO not listed as a wildcard or special fireteam and so can't join one.
    • Army: All
    • Troop: All
    • Browser used & Operative System: Chrome / Windows 10
    • Description of the bug: Flammenspeer Hit mode still shows as DAM14, while DAM15 on wiki ( ** This is really important as the Army list is referred to when playing and is currently wrong.
    #1286 KGG, Feb 24, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2022
  7. Ric

    Ric Member

    Oct 18, 2019
    Likes Received:
    • Army: NA2 Dahshat
    • Troop: Lu Duan
    • Browser used & Operative System: win 10, Chrome, or Firefox
    • Description of the bug: When producing the public list for sharing it picks up the Lu Duan can be holomask, but it doesnt allow any of the bike S4 profiles to be the mask, so missing Kum, ABH motorized and 112 motorized
  8. yoink101

    yoink101 Chandra SpecOps Complaint Department

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Oops. I forgot to note that this is when building lists for Code One.
  9. Koni

    Koni BanHammer
    CB Staff

    Jan 25, 2017
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    · Added the new Fireteam Charts to every vanilla & sectorial armies with all the available Fireteam compositions.

    · Removed the label “Fireteam: XXXX” in every troop of the game.

    · Removed all the “Fireteam special notes” from all the troops.



    Added the following new profiles to Military Orders & vanilla PanO:

    · Hospitaller Knight KYLE HAWKINS

    · Military Order CURATORS

    UMA SORENSEN: Added the Specialist Operative and Stealth skills. The non-FTO option now have (Forward Deployment +20cm) with E/M Mines, removed the Combi Breaker Rifle and the point cost is reduced from 35 to 30. Her FTO options have the SMG removed, instead of, the Combi Breaker Rifle gains (+1 Dam) and the point cost is reduced from 31 to 27 in both options.

    BOYG SOLDIERS: Added the equipment “ECM: Hacker (-3)”. Also the points cost is increased from 46 to 47 in both options.

    KARHU: Fixed the ISC from “Karhu Special Team” to “Karhu Special Group”.

    JOAN OF ARC V2: Fixed the name option from “Joan of Arc” to “Joan of Arc v2”.



    TIAN GOU: “1st Section” options are now “FTO” options.

    QIANG GAO: Added the “ECM: Hacker (-3)” equipment.

    SUN TZE V2: Fixed the name option from “Sun Tze” to “Sun Tze v2”.

    ADIL MEHMUT CRANE RANK: Fixed the name option from “Adil (Crane Rank Armor)” to “Adil Crane Rank”.



    Added the following new profiles to Kosmoflot & vanilla Ariadna:

    · Remontnikbot V-5 ELEKTRONIK

    · MEKHANIKS, Flight Engineers Corps

    · STRANNIK Outer Patrol

    · CHERNOBOG Armored Detachment

    · PATCHERS, Structural Response Team

    JACQUES BRUANT: The skill “Camouflage (1 Use)” is now exclusive for the “Infiltration” option. The other 2 options are now FTO and their point cost is reduced from 28 to 27 points.

    SCOTS GUARDS: Removed the names “1st Batallion” & “2nd Batallion”. The former “1st Batallion” options are now FTO options.

    KAZAK SPETSNAZS: The “Sniper Rifle” option is now “AP Sniper Rifle”.

    STRELOKS: Removed the “Super-jump” skill of the K-9 Antipode, and added the “Climbing Plus” skill.

    5TH MINUTEMEN: CC increased from 19 to 20. Added the skill “CC Attack (-3)”. Removed two options with AP HMG.

    KOSMOSOLDAT: Name & ISC changed from ‘Armata Proyekt-4 “Kosmosoldat”’ to ‘Armata-4 Proyekt “Kosmosoldat”’

    112, EMERGENCY SERVICE: Fixed name option from “112” to “112 FTO”.

    112, EMERGENCY SERVICE (Motorized): Fixed name option from “112 (Motorized)” to “112 MOTORIZED”.

    PAVEL ALEKSEI McMANNUS: His skill “Berserk” is now improved to “Berserk (+3)”. Added “D-Charges”.



    HUSAM YASBIR: The “Light Shotgun” is now “Light Shotgun (+1B)” in both options.

    HASSASIN NADHIR: Added 2 new options: 29 points cost “Minelayer” & 31 points cost “Forward Observer”.

    KHAWARIJS: Modified movement from 4-4 to 6-2. Removed the following options: BS & Panzerfaust (29 points), Forward Observer & Mk12 (0,5 SWC|34 points) & Lieutenant with Rifle (28 points). New option added: “Lieutenant Forward Observer” for 29 points cost.

    NAMURR: CC increased from 20 to 21. BS increased from 12 to 13. BTS increased from 3 to 6. Wounds increased from 1 to 2. Removed the skills “Bioimmunity” & “No Wound Incapacitation”. Added the skill “CC Attack (+1B)”. The former “Rifle” option is now a “Breaker Rifle” and the points cost is increased from 36 to 39 points cost. Added a new option with “Tactical Awareness” for 41 points cost.

    HAKIMS: BS increased from 11 to 12.

    TARIK MANSURI: Removed the “Lieutenant” 53 points cost option. The other “Lieutenant” option is now modified to “Tactical Awareness” option with the same weaponry and 51 points cost.



    Added the following new profiles to Corregidor & vanilla Nomads:

    · The DIABLOS of D-Block

    · LOBOS, Correctional Response Group


    VOSTOK: Removed all the “Albedo” options. The remaining “Vostok FTO” options is renamed to simply “Vostok”.

    DIE MORLOCK GRUPPE: Removed the Combi Rifle & Smoke granades 12 points cost option.

    JAZZ & BILLIE: Removed the SMG from the FTO option, and added a Combi Rifle. The points cost is increased from 19 to 22 points. Points cost of Billie is increased from 6 to 7. Now, the Jazz & Billie option costs 25 points instead of 24.

    PERSEO: Added a new 32 points cost FTO option. The former “Super-Jump” option is now renamed to FTO-2.

    IGUANA: AVA in Corregidor increased to 2.



    Added the following new profiles to Morat & vanilla CA:

    · DARTOK Cybercombat Team

    · KAITOK Shock Regiment

    · KYOSOT Killing Platoon

    · RINDAK Emergency Brigade

    · ZABUK, Morat Enslavers

    · BULTRAK, Mobile Armored Regiment

    MORAT VANGUARD: Removed the “Hacker” option.

    KURGAT: CC increased from 14 to 18. BTS increased from 3 to 6. Removed the 26 points cost MK12 option. Added 3 new options of 23, 24 and 27 points cost. Increased the points cost of the Boarding Shotgun option from 21 to 23.

    YAOGAT: Removed the MULTI Sniper Rifle (+1 Dam) option.

    RODOK: CC modified from 19 to 17. Added the skill “Terrain (Jungle)”. Removed the following options: Combi Rifle (26 points), HMG (1,5 SWC|30 points) & Lieutenant (26 points). Added 2 new options: Spitfire (1,5 SWC|28 points) & “Strategic Deployment” (23 points).

    RASYAT: Removed the 32 points cost Combi Rifle option.

    SURYAT: Removed the following options: Combi Rifle (32 points), HMG & Tinbot (1,5 SWC|41 points) & Lieutenant (41 points). Added a new option with “Tactical Awareness” (1,5 SWC|43 points). The “Multispectral Visor L1” option have now a “Tinbot: Firewall(-3)” and the points cost is increased from 35 to 36.

    SOGARAT: CC increased from 20 to 21. Modified the “AP CC Weapon” to “DA CC Weapon” in all the options.

    RAICHO: Modified the “CC Weapon” to “AP CC Weapon” in all the options.

    ZERAT: Removed the MULTI Sniper Rifle (1,5 SWC|27 points) & Red Fury (1 SWC|29 points) options. The “Minelayer” option now have Boarding Shotgun & Shock Mines instead of Combi Rifle, Light FT & Shock Mines, for 25 points. The “Combi Rifle” option gains (+1B) & “BS Attack (+1 Dam)”. Added a new option with MULTI Marksman Rifle & “BS Attack (+1 Dam)” with 1 SWC & 26 points cost.

    OZNAT: The options with no “Preta” are now named “Oznat FTO”. “Sensor” option cost is now 26 instead of 27. Preta’s cost is now 7 instead of 8.

    TYROK HUNTERS: Removed the “Berserk” skill. Removed the “Berserk (+3)” skill of the Skurgot. Modified the “Terrain (Jungle)” skill of the Skurgot to “Terrain (Total)”.

    NEXUS: Removed the “Lieutenant (Nanoscreen)” option. Added a “Engineer, NCO” option with 22 points cost.

    TENSHO: Removed the FTO from the options name. Now, the Boarding Shotgun option is available to vanilla CA.

    KO DALI: Added the “Dodge (+2”)” skill. Removed the Nanopulser and added a Pulzar in the FTO option.

    SHESKIIN BOARDING: Changed the name option from “Sheskiin” to “Sheskiin Boarding”.



    DAKINI: Changed the name option from “Tacbot Dakini” to “Dakini”.

    GARUDA: Changed the name option from “Tacbot Garuda” to “Garuda”.

    ANDROMEDA: “Infiltration (+6)” options are now "Infiltration (+3)", and their points cost are adjusted from 33 & 37 to 32 & 36.

    ACHILLES v2: Changed the name option from “Achilles” to “Achilles v2”.



    DRAAL: Removed the FTO from the option that had it.



    Added the following profile to Starmada, Corregidor, Kosmoflot, Military Orders & vanilla O-12:

    · RAVENEYE Officers

    ÉPSILON: Added the “Climbing Plus” skill. Options points cost are now 35, 34 & 30, instead of 34, 33 & 29.

    LAWKEEPERS: The Red Fury option with SideBot now have the skill “Specialist Operative”, and the points cost is increased from 31 to 32.

    CASANOVA: Removed the skill “CC Attack (-3)”. Added the skill “Minelayer”. Added a new option with “Shock Mines” with 33 points cost. “E/M Mines added to his other option. Nanopulser have now (+1B). Monfilament CC weapon have now (-3) mod. The points cost of the previously existing option is increased from 32 to 33.



    KAAURI SENTINELS: La opción “Sanitario” es ahora también “FTO”. The “Paramedic” option is FTO too now.

    KIEL-SAAN: Removed the “FTO” from the options.

    VARANGIAN GUARD: New option added with Trench-hammer for 13 points cost.

    RAOUL SPECTOR: FTO option points cost is now 34 instead of 36. Added a new option called FTO-2 with 35 points cost.

    FIDDLER: Removed the “Climbing Plus” skill. The option with no JackBots now is “FTO” with the “Super-Jump” skill. The JackBots options have now the skill “Climbing Plus”.

    AÏDA SWANSON: SMG (+1B) option now have the sill “Minelayer” and SWC cost is now 0.5. Added a new option with FTO & “Minelayer” with 20 points cost. Now Aïda is added to the Druze Bayram Security army being Wildcard; also is added to vanilla O-12.
    #1289 Koni, Mar 24, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2022
  10. moxtron

    moxtron Member

    Dec 18, 2018
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    in Army app and Army(browser) the namurr has CC attack +1B in contrary to the post where it says BS attack +1 B
  11. Koni

    Koni BanHammer
    CB Staff

    Jan 25, 2017
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    CC Attack +1B is correct. Fixed in the post.

  12. kesharq

    kesharq Lucky Dice-Roller

    Feb 9, 2018
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    Are the Fireteam Charts already in Army7 Android Browser? I can't find them in Charts (checked CJC, BJC, Nomads Vanilla, StarCo, DBS)
  13. Koni

    Koni BanHammer
    CB Staff

    Jan 25, 2017
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    As we noted in our social media update, iOS & Android apps can take a little bit longer to receive the updates because the app updates validations from Google & Apple are an extra process. We can only ask for patience of the mobile versions (but should be fast).
  14. kesharq

    kesharq Lucky Dice-Roller

    Feb 9, 2018
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    Troop profiles are already active - just Fireteam charts are missing :)
    Ansalander likes this.
  15. Philamilapeed

    Philamilapeed Totally not a Speculo

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Army: All
    Troops: All? Fireteam Charts
    Version: Android
    Units in the Fireteam charts are all missing their fireteam composition tags (example, Morat units don't have (Morat) after their names in the Fireteam chart).
  16. Koni

    Koni BanHammer
    CB Staff

    Jan 25, 2017
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    Mobile versions are missing the "(label)", and will be fixed as soon as possible. Sorry for the inconveniences.
  17. Epicvoid

    Epicvoid Member

    Sep 16, 2019
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    ANDROMEDA nerf from “Infiltration (+6)” to “Infiltration (+3)” is intentional?
  18. Gwynbleidd

    Gwynbleidd Non asto coram malo

    Sep 18, 2021
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    Much appreciated, I am eager to discover all the fireteams I can now create. I swear, honestly, that I am not plotting all kinds of evil with the new system…
  19. Koni

    Koni BanHammer
    CB Staff

    Jan 25, 2017
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    Yes. Fixed in the post. Thank you!
    Ansalander likes this.
  20. Drunkergnom

    Drunkergnom Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Is Pavel also lost Frenzy?
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