Oh and @Koni , refusing to address the pm appropriately where I left much of what I had to say in an attempt to not just have a slugfest here in the forum would exemplify the favoritism and lack of integrity to the job of moderating that I had mentioned. Maybe you guys would be busier but the forum would be a better place for zero tolerance for everyone. As far as I've seen though, you let a bunch of other people of the hook, that's not moderating that's either being lazy or playing favorites. Knock on wood...
While expected and predictable, I am never the less disappointed to see such a return, I would strongly advice against such behavior.
So you won't moderate somebody who has a history of trolling the forum and tells a user "fuck off", won't address the question about that, but you have the time to take passive aggressive jabs at the person who got told "fuck off"? Funny how that works.
mate, try and de-escalate a bit. give the new processes time to bed in. It's gonna take a while to change the culture so lets not ruin it prematurely.
Koni's reply last page said that 'they'd be handing out temporary bans for this thread and future infractions' (emphasis mine), not that they'd be revisiting past decisions. You're likely only to get hit with a ban yourself if you try to aggressively relitigate posts from before Koni's statement.
I guess the temporary bans lifted and the forums instantly go back to being a negative experience with the same usual suspects.
Koni made specific mention of a singular person and their middle to recent behavior with no mention to how any of this started. This resulted in pierzasty talking about punching people in the face with implication. It's simply because he was encouraged by Koni's words, the second he spoke in favoritist manner, he fucked up the fresh start for the forums. How many people gloss over all this is what's astounding. You simply cannot have any favoritism at all, it needs to be zero tolerance for everyone.
"Watch your mouth"? Or what? Who are you to dictate what other people say? You really aren't understanding this fresh start thing are you? Calm down, read over what you wrote and reevaluate. In the last two days you already have several profanity laden posts, calling out other posters and CB staff. How do you not see you are part of the problem here?
It could be worth noting the specific context of Pierzasty’s comment. Koni asked “And that thing is something that amazes me, why you act like in so bad manners while in real life you are so nice? It makes no sense.” Pierzasty’s response is no more than a common assessment of Internet culture writ large. A big audience combined with an infinitesimally small probability of real world consequences of any sort ofttimes leads to overwrought and overheated rhetoric. Simple as.
What? Pierzasty was just repeating a piece of 'Internet wisdom', in response to Koni's question, not directing it at anyone on the forum. Here's a quick google of someone with a similar statement six years ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/3j5k9p/why_are_people_so_quick_to_be_assholes_online/
I may be exacerbating things but I am most certainly not the source, so many here seem to miss that. Furthermore, you seem to be committing any responsibility of the mods for making things worse not better. Lastly, where are you on the totem pole of poor behavior here. It's great to speak civilly now but how'd you help get us here...
Koni wasnt asking a question he was describing an experience, dont try cover for other people. I already said it, cliques, favoritism and a lack of zero tolerance are the problem.
More examples of cliquey behavior. @Koni @psychoticstorm zero tolerance from everyone is the only way you get this to stop. You guys allowed cliques to grow here and they will act like little gangs making excuses for one another.
I know. That's what I'm trying to tell you. I'm not helping you be toxic, that's all on you. Take responsibility for your own actions.