Haqqislam MVPs! Who’s your best unit and why?

Discussion in 'Haqqislam' started by Gwynbleidd, Jan 18, 2022.

  1. Gwynbleidd

    Gwynbleidd Non asto coram malo

    Sep 18, 2021
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    I’ve kinda done this for PanO but my reasons here are a little different.

    Okay, so back in the days of early N2 I began playing Infinity and it was with Haqqislam. I eventually had every mini available but then sold them all when I stopped playing towards the end of N3.

    I have recently come into possession of a huge number of Haqqislam minis, the full scope of which allows me to seemingly play both hassassins and ramah. I have no real experience with haqqi even as vanilla in N4 and so I’m asking here;

    What’s your most valuable player? Which unit does the best for you and why? Does it outperform other similar pieces from other armies or does it just look cool?

    I look forward to hearing your answers!
    Urobros likes this.
  2. QueensGambit

    QueensGambit Chickenbot herder

    Jan 31, 2019
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  3. Uthoroc

    Uthoroc Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2019
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    My Hunzakut has just been amazing in my games so far, reliably placing a forward repeater or mine and messing with my opponents plans. And I love the model too.
  4. jmmelo

    jmmelo Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2018
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    You will notice that EVERY SINGLE ONE of these Daylami has a panzerfaust... I wonder why :thinking_face:

    02 Daylami.jpeg
  5. Gwynbleidd

    Gwynbleidd Non asto coram malo

    Sep 18, 2021
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    I’m guessing 8 points with a single use camo that can ruin somebody’s day if they get in LoS? They look really cool, great work!

    Damn pretty. Very nice work here. May have to pick it up just to have.

    Yay! Chicken bot remote! He won me so many games! Shame I broke mine so much…
    jmmelo and Uthoroc like this.
  6. exiti

    exiti Mad Scientist Gorilla

    Jan 30, 2019
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    Haqq has lots of versatile units, though some do shine brighter. On the QK front. The Al Hawwa is a great unit for objectives and just being a nuisance, when playing QK I usually bring two. Although, with the improvement to Regeneration in N4 the Djanbazan went from good to stellar. One of the first miniatures I purchased was the Djanbazan sniper (Affectionately, named Larry). Larry won me a game of domination, despite going unconscious ever other game turn.
    #6 exiti, Jan 19, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2022
  7. kesharq

    kesharq Lucky Dice-Roller

    Feb 9, 2018
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    In Vanilla, infiltrating Daylami Panzerfaust in first place, closely followed by the Al'Hawwa Hacker and the Hunzakut FO Rifle profile
    In QK it is the Al'Hawwa Hacker and the Al'Hawwa Sniper
    In HB it's the infiltrating Daylami Panzerfaust and the Fiday w/Mines
    Gwynbleidd likes this.
  8. Urobros

    Urobros Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I'm glad to know you are back :)

    About MVP... it is hard, to me at least, to bring only one here, I will do my best, but please, allow me to do a "top 5".

    Yara Haddad, she hasn't yet miniature, but it is an excellent profile as a solo piece for vainilla or as part of a fireteam in any sectorial where she can be found. A cheap MSVL2,plus BS13, plus bioinmunity, plus AP marksmanrifle, so she can do use of smoke for good, can do harm to some heavy targets, even can do some Objetive Cards (visor, veteran (because in this its season characters are veterans, as type of troupe, not the "rule". Bad wording sometimes) and IM ones).

    Leila Sharif, to me is one of that profiles which can do a lot of things for relatively low cost (20 points) push buttons (vol14,access to cibermask...) ,"medium-long range weapon", e/m mines (this can stop heavy targets for good) and thanks to the D-Charges even she could be capable of finished... She can too do a lot of objetivecards, all ones with hackers requisites except spootlight, "veteran ones", d-charges). And with BS12 can do some work shooting the enemy. She can too be part of fireteams in the haquisslam sectorials, like Yara.

    Zuleika Nazarova, the "hyperkum biker", she is one of the most dangerous units in haquisslam, it can reach burst3 in CC thanks to his breaker pistols+2 burst or to shoot 4 breaker ammo shoots, or place two continuous damage templates. Yes, she has to reach the enemy, but with smoke plus MOV20-15, in one full movement order + half movement she probably will be in pistols range...

    Fiday any flavour, character (aldjabel) or regular, except the "boarding shot gun". Every one has diferent uses, but all of them will do a good job.

    Daylamis... the limited camo plus panzerfaust plus L.shotgun plus infiltration... for 8 points, what more do you need? As ARO pieces are amazing, but too as "offensive ones".

    Azrail APHMG+continuous damage... with BS13 probably isn't the best shooter you can find in Infinity, but probably one of the most dangerous ones. Nobody wants to be hited by this guy. To me this is gold.

    The choice isn't easy. As I see haquisslam not many profiles are MVP, this guys work hard as a team even when we can have many "profiles" capables to do a lot of things. Even the "humble Ghulam" has excellent profiles which some players could say they could be MVP. This is why is so hard to choose one unique MVP for haquisslam :)
    Cadwallon, Brokenwolf and Gwynbleidd like this.
  9. Gwynbleidd

    Gwynbleidd Non asto coram malo

    Sep 18, 2021
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    Another Daylami vote in here. I do see why. 8 points for camo token usage with a panzerfaust is gold. As you’ve said here, there is a lot of choice which is a shock to me as this isn’t the haqqi I remember! They’ve had some really good upgrades. Yara haddad is an excellent profile, I’ll be converting one of her for now and I picked up a Leila sharif from eBay for cheap.

    Nice top five selection! I’ll have to pick up the nazarova sisters it seems. Thanks!
    Urobros likes this.
  10. Danger Rose

    Danger Rose The Wrecking Belles

    Nov 23, 2017
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    In my limited experience with Ramah Taskforce, the Mukhtar Hacker has been my MVP in several games. Surviving Cyber-Attacks she had no right to outlive; spotlighting juicy targets from the safety of total cover; and twice waltzing through the battlefield and winning the game for me by erasing the Rogue AI.
    Gwynbleidd likes this.
  11. KedzioR_vo

    KedzioR_vo Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    I have to agree with some earlier votes and say, that some choices are easy, like those guys:


    Yet, as @Urobros wisely said, Haqq works as an army. They help each other, filling the gaps of other profiles. There are games in which one soldier works better, when in next the other shines.
    Still I have to say, that as I haven't left Kasym away from any battle in N3, now in N4 I don't go to battle without Zuleyka, she's a total beast and also a great help for other soldier, Djanbazans for example. And Djan sniper is now very nice, but usually I tend to take other sniper - a few words about him in the end ;)
    I really like our infiltrators, like cheap Hunza FO or versatile Hawwa hacker (beautiful thing, to have hacker hidden under a camo). If I have points, I pick Farzan over Hunza, who shoots better and have Shock ammo and is regular.
    I had very good results while using Shakush (took him to two tournaments and won both), sadly there's no miniature yet.
    I really like Azra'il AP Vulkan HMG ;) Yet my poor rolls stopped me from making him shine as he should to.

    And now my go-to HMG shooter is Zhayedan - who wasn't mentioned here. When many enemies can have linked BS16 or higher it's very helpful to have at least one guy who has practically BS15. If there's no easier way (Fiday for example), sometimes you just have to roll those 4 dices hitting on 15 vs two on 16 for example. Shock helps to kill the enemies dead, while Regen helps Zhay to stay alive if there's no Doc around.

    I still love Saladin and it's a mutual feeling, as he almost never lets me down. Best LT in the game :)
    I don't leave home without my Shihab too.
    And Rahman did good when I took him to fight.

    I didn't use much Mukhtar, but they're still good. Just like Nahabs.
    I didn't have many success with Fidays in N3, but it can be because of some bad rolls and me not using them much.

    And in the end - not trully Haqqislam guy, but Knauf/Jethro works great for me and suits Haqq's style IMHO. I use the Druze sniper miniature and I'm usually very happy with how he works. Helps to grind through tougher targets, while also very reliable at killing softer objects with Mimetims etc. Great unit.

    PozdRawiam / Greetings
  12. Gwynbleidd

    Gwynbleidd Non asto coram malo

    Sep 18, 2021
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    Daylami again! I’ve been looking over the unit profiles and these are excellent for their points. There’s some excellent advice here and it makes me want to pick up the rest so I can run QK as well. (Also the Djanbazan minis are sweet). I see another vote for Zuleyka here so I guess I’ll definitely have to pick up the nazarova sisters box. Thanks for your post!
  13. Cadwallon

    Cadwallon Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Like @KedzioR_vo says, for me, playing RTF Zhayedan haris (HMG, doctor and fusil breaker) do a lot of work.

    Our infiltrators are very good, in my games, Tuaregs and Hawwa when played QK.

    Leila is a great toolbox for a cheap points.

    Faunous for flash pulse aro, and cheap points and if I have more spare points, upgrade it to Rafiq, who is specialist can soft aro and shoot things.

    Ghulam doctor with nasmat is an autoinclude and always heal same soldier in my list.

    Gwynbleidd and Uthoroc like this.
  14. Uthoroc

    Uthoroc Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2019
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    Here's to Saladin! He's been a steady rock for me as well.
    Gwynbleidd and KedzioR_vo like this.
  15. Urist

    Urist Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2021
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    I play Ramah, so my opinion is going to be based on that.
    My serious answer is either my Khawarij Mk12 NCO or HRL. They may not be the best units in Ramah, but both tend to be pretty consistent for me. Their main issue is that they are pretty fragile for their high price. The Mk12 Khawarij is better than an AP rifle up until ARM 6 and has MSV which helps do the Ghulam smoke trick. The HRL is just nice with the +1 damage and continuous damage in a Haris fireteam. The big issue is that Khawarij are expensive and you probably want something more specialized like a Mukhtar or Nahab (especially if you are going Vanilla and won't be able to fireteam the Khawarij).

    My REAL answer would probably be my Warcor. No one ever shoots her (I guess she's a 3 point irregular order, so it's the waste of an order?), and I get some really lucky flash pulse saves. Hollowman about to flank your expensive Khawarij? Flash. Paratrooper dropping behind your Core? Flash. She's just very consistent, and 3 point filler is nice when the rest of Ramah is so spendy.
    Gwynbleidd, Danger Rose and Uthoroc like this.
  16. Gwynbleidd

    Gwynbleidd Non asto coram malo

    Sep 18, 2021
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    Another one for Leila here! And a few I hadn’t really considered, the remotes will definitely have to go in, they won me no small number of games in years past.

    I still have the original! Need to pick up he new one too.

    The khawarij are what I’ve been looking at building my ramah around so I’m glad to hear they’ve got a vote! Yes to the warcor all the way. Mine flash pulsed a Knight of Justice into nothing. Was quite satisfying.

    I’m really enjoying hearing all your favourite profiles and why! Keep them coming!
  17. HeadChime

    HeadChime Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Knauf for me. I can't build a Haqq list without Knauf at the moment. Whilst Daylami, Fidays, Hunzakuts can do all the sneaky shenanigans, it's nice to have a very versatile and reliable gun. Knauf gives you this. He performs better than a Zhayedan in most situations, and only loses out to Azrail vs TAGs, which is ridiculous because the Azrail is a lot more expensive. If you want a gun that can go up against nearly any target and be either the best thing in the faction, or close to it, then you want Knauf.
    It's cool to spend 5 orders stabbing something in the back with a Fiday, but it's cooler spending 1 to just shoot it in the face.
  18. QueensGambit

    QueensGambit Chickenbot herder

    Jan 31, 2019
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    He also loses out to Azrail against targets with MSV, although for some reason I haven't been seeing a lot of MSV AROs on the board recently so maybe I should give Knauf another try.
  19. HeadChime

    HeadChime Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Yeah I usually see stacked mimetism on AROs and MSV on attack pieces. I guess it makes sense because mimetism is more generically useful, whereas MSV only comes into play against a smaller subset of targets. I guess?
  20. QueensGambit

    QueensGambit Chickenbot herder

    Jan 31, 2019
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    Yeah, I dunno either. On paper, MSV AROs look really good. Particularly because you can't bypass them with smoke. And there are plenty of good options - linked Haidao, Kamau, Bagh Mari, Karhu, Frontovik. Most of which also have mimetism, too.

    I think maybe we're just not at a strong ARO point in N4. Hmm. We need more data. I'm gonna start a thread.
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