Chromedog's proxy O-12/Starmada army.

Discussion in 'Miniatures' started by chromedog, Oct 31, 2020.

  1. chromedog

    chromedog Less than significant minion

    Nov 24, 2017
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    So, lockdowns happened, and much as I wanted to start a new army, the funds did not allow it (I'm on a pension, so funds are not as plentiful as they would be if I had a job).
    So I looked over the pile of minis I had, and separated out some figures that I could at least use as proxies to see if the army would gel with me, before pulling the trigger on a new army box. I had way too many PanO models to ever use all of them anyway, and this also enabled me to use some figures that my NCA didn't have available.

    So, a bunch of old PanO, some Aleph, and a handful of other parts and bits, and I set about creating an army that would do me, whilst also satisfying the CB "proxy" rules.

    I wasn't able to get physical games of infinity in, and the sort of gamer I am, if I can't play an IRL game, I'd just rather not play a "virtual" miniatures game at all. So, in order to get some kind of gaming fix, I dug out a couple of old computer games to get my "cyberpunk" fix. The Deus Ex series. Starting with a replay of the original (slightly different, as the first time I played this it was my PS2 version, this time it was PC.) then onto one of the follow-up games (Deus Ex:Human Revolution). After finishing this, I managed to nab a copy of it's follow-up, Mankind divided on steam sale.

    The complete and utter ACAB Czech state police in that game gave me the inspiration and theme for this proxy army. CSP themed O-12. Because O-12 isn't anywhere near dark enough for my cyberpunk.

    The Light infantry Kappa units:
    The combi rifle Kappas are old N2 vintage (or possibly older. I got them at the start of N2) Fusiliers.
    The hacker is a bagh mari hacker, with an arm swap to give it the smg.

    Hacker and remotes (copperbots).
    Modified some aleph rebots (cut the 'wing' pods off). Total reaction HMG and missile bot/toolbox bot (The missile pods are magnetised).

    Crime services and medical.
    Original PanO Machinist and trauma doc. One old palbot, the other 2 are some old Reaper bots I had laying around (the yudbots will be played by newer palbots). My revived NCA will get the newer machinist and trauma doc (after it gets added back to the army builder) The lambda teams.

    Heavy support units (SWAT). Omega and Gamma units, and a Raptor boarding team.
    (base models PanO ORC troops, a Haqqislam Al fasid, YJ Zuyong and a bog standard aleph devabot.
    Raptor boarding team by itself. Boarding shotgun option.

    The Authorised bounty Hunters. Adam "I never asked for this" Jensen and Alejandra ("Alex") "what he said" Vega.

    Warcor. With cambot.

    Bluecoat, Lawkeeper and Gangbuster (Organised crime task force 29).
    (Nomad Grenzer body, Penthesilea with a new head and arms, PanO croc-man boarding shotgun).

    Zeta 8-0X Unit. The troops call him "Shitkicker" or sometimes "TAG goes brrrt".
    #1 chromedog, Oct 31, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2021
    Golem2God, Ben Kenobi, Oni and 6 others like this.
  2. coleslaw

    coleslaw Veteran

    Apr 26, 2017
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    Looks good and I like seeing new ideas [emoji3]
    I'm doing quite some proxying and small conversions myself for my O-12, so it's fun to see!
    Golem2God likes this.
  3. chromedog

    chromedog Less than significant minion

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Added another unit. Hector.

    Only, because the Hector blister was ALWAYS o/s whenever I wanted to order it, and Achilles (Hoplite arm) is wearing the same armour anyway, I used an Achilles model which I just picked up from a local store. Now, Achilles doesn't come with the little bot, but I had an ORC box for my PanO (because I wasn't going to use the tinbot on my NCA Orcs anyway).
    Removed sword from his right hand. Gave it a new hilt and mounted it over his shoulder. Gave him a pistol instead.
    New head (Achilles 'Fabio' head is in bits box to replace a 'tactical rock' sometime).
    Slightly modified the rifle.

    Lastly, "Lynx" unit is just a repainted Hexa MSR. (TO camo sniper).

    I've got a proxy "Andromeda" I'm working on, that isn't even an infinity model (I dislike the funky robodog thing on that model - almost as much as the R.U. Sirius bot). A 3d Print that is at least thematically appropriate and as this is NOT a 'tournament army', whether or not such a thing is "legal" is irrelevant.
    #3 chromedog, Jul 30, 2021
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2021
  4. chromedog

    chromedog Less than significant minion

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Some updates to this army. After seeing an andromeda in the flesh, I have changed my mind a little on it (had it partially confused with the RU Sirius bot thing).

    More kappa fireteam options:
    Added Kappa missile launcher and HMG.

    A Cyberghost hacker: (his cybermask is rezzing out).
    Lending support to the Lambda engineer, who is attempting to install the latest update patch to 80-X.

    Katherine Cho



    Hippolyta with the others and Adam "I never asked for this" Jensen, ABH.
    #4 chromedog, Dec 27, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2021
    Oni, Golem2God, jherazob and 3 others like this.
  5. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    That is one interesting kitbash of an army (and a plenty of conversions!). :+1:

    However, if I may say... your painting style is specific. It looks great from a distance - not so great in close-up shots. That's not a criticism of the painting style - miniatures are, after all, viewed at arm's lenght (or further away) basically the whole time they are in use, so this style does the job, and does it great where it counts.
    But doing close-up shots of models painted for being observed at a distance doesn't serve them (and you) right.

  6. chromedog

    chromedog Less than significant minion

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Yes, this is why I don't usually photograph my stuff. :D The camera will display anything I don't want shown.
    I have shit eyesight, and even with magnifiers, there's only so much I can do to correct for it, so my painting is set for "adequate at 3' " over "incredible at 6" ).
    Painting is something I do because I won't table an unpainted model - never have and never will. It's not "fun", it's just something that has to get done. I'd rather be building stuff - but you eventually reach the point where all of it has to get painted anyway, and with the handful of models I usually get per year, there's no mountain of lead to crush my spirit.
    #6 chromedog, Dec 27, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2021
    Golem2God and Errhile like this.
  7. chromedog

    chromedog Less than significant minion

    Nov 24, 2017
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    After putting all of the "O-12" stuff I have into army7, it came out to a tad under 1100pts and 17.5swc 4 combat groups and 40 figures ... ooops, may have got a little carried away there. Not bad for an "army" that I've only really spend maybe $100 on (most of it was repurposed from several other armies that I already had bought stuff for - but had not got around to using in those armies (or they had been replaced by newer sculpts).
    Golem2God and Errhile like this.
  8. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I think this repurposed O-12 force has alot of character. I like the look of some of these conversions & non-Infinity proxies as well. Color scheme is very nice in my opinion. Overall you did a great & unique job with this army. Especially with your current limited funds.

    Where did "Hector's" new head come from?

    What are you going to add next? Or what would you get if you had the hobby funds you needed?
    chromedog likes this.
  9. chromedog

    chromedog Less than significant minion

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Hector's head was something I found in my bits box. I think it's an old 40k guard head (About 10-12 years old, since I stopped playing 40k and/or buying stuff for it back then). Guard heavy weapons team maybe?
    'Fabio's' (Achilles) head is now in the bits box. Probably going to use it to replace a tactical rock somewhere along the line.

    There currently AREN'T any "non cb" model proxies in the army (It did have placeholders while I worked on other pieces) and it is pretty much all "ITS legal" due to majority of each model being CB parts (heads, odd weapons and arms and the odd hand being an exception and allowed under their "conversions" ).
    Fuzzbots and maybe some Betatroopers will be added at some point. Otherwise, models will be added when the sculpts (for whichever faction) suit the purpose. I doubt I'll add Varangians (at least in the sense of them being Ariadnan models with kilts. The ones that look somewhat like actual soldiers might get a pass. But they won't be Rus or scots, histerical accuracy be damned. :D
    Errhile and Golem2God like this.
  10. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I do my models in a similar fashion. ITS legal but I use different heads or parts from places that catch my eye.
    I like the male Varangian model at least. The female is weaker in design compared to the male.
    The Betatroopers box has gone up for preorder on Game Nerdz (an online store that I use from time to time) so you'll be able to grab that unit soon enough.
  11. chromedog

    chromedog Less than significant minion

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I just don't like kilts. So neither of those two varangian models will get used.
    As for *when* they will get added ... When I can afford to get them *and* the local dealers have them in stock (the two do not often coincide for me, but the chances of that happening do increase if I leave it a few months).

    As it is, there's some stuff around the house that needs doing that's a higher priority, so probably not in the next month or so.
    Errhile and Golem2God like this.
  12. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Understood. Hopefully that chance will come soon for you.
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