Rules: 1) Post a picture of an unpainted/primed Corvus Belli miniature you pledge to paint. 2) Paint it within the month, post your proof (PICS or it DID NOT happen). 3) Rinse and repeat as much as you like. 4) You can re-pledge a miniature next month if you didn't finish it. 5) Enjoy and learn! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Perdón por el retraso, y por abrir tarde el hilo también... Reglas: 1) Postea una foto de la miniatura de Corvus Belli sin pintar o imprimada que te comprometas a pintar. 2) Píntala dentro del mes, postea unas fotos del resultado. 3) Pinta todo lo que quieras. 4) Puedes repetir una miniatura si no la has terminado. 5) Divierte y aprende!
I'm not happy with the previous result so I tried another way No happy result so little motivation to continue atm
Hang in there, those bikes are looking great! I’m hoping to get these non-CB 3D printed minis painted up to use as HVTs:
I like both bikes. The colour combination on the right bike reminds me of something. The turquoise on the left is a great colour as well it could use a contrasting accentcolour. Maybe a red or violet... But that's just me being me. Most important is that you are happy with your painting. My tip would be to pull through as in almost every Model I paint there is a phase where I am unsure if I am satisfied in most cases to just paint on and add more colour solves the problem for me. I know it's hard when you are demoralized... I wish you best of luck! I am currently working on two pheasant agents for my imperial service. And hope to get them finished this month. I hope to start the rage crane when I am done with those.
Definitely agree here. I get to a point where I'm very demoralised. Put so much time and effort in only for it to look meh... incomplete. I give up, put it on a base, magnetise it etc, put it in the cupboard... Next time I take it out I end up going 'oh, this is alright actually, yeah'
They're from a range called 'Arvalon 8'. I got mine printed from someone on Etsy for a pretty reasonable price.
The thing is I'm not happy with the model by itself. The handlebar and the foot holder easily get off the model as soon as I try to use anything like drybrush and I already loose a few (fortunately I still have the mold to make spare parts). So it's frustrating to work in this condition and I know that if I strip the model to start from scratch the part issue will reoccur which brings another frustration layer. I think the colour part is ok and I may even try to use another secondary colour on the second bike to add some variety.
The handlebars are really shit to get on. I remember that from my own aragoto. I glued my fingers to the bikes more often than I had handlebars and then they broke off... It was, possible to pin the handlebar with a very fine drill. But I have to add I have the newer aragotos and the parts may vary in size.
Don’t know if it helps you, but I replaced the foot holder on my Zondnautica conversion with a paper clip. I drilled a 0,7mm hole with my hand drill and glued the clip into place. It doesn’t work for the handlebar, sry.
Embed the wire in the putty while making the copy? May need some cutting of the mold. Also, use milliput white mixed with kneadatite green for sharp detail but a bit flexible.
Thanks! I don't have that many finished models, so quite happy to have joined the painting group this month to get these out! Next steps are to take another go at the faces, and bump up some highlights, lenses etc. and some of the bases.